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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 631 KB, 720x524, Screenshot_2020-02-16-17-38-32~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17278483 No.17278483 [Reply] [Original]

This is a pnk board now...

>> No.17278534

nobody cares about your shitcoin of the week, currynigger

>> No.17278577

What is that monstrosity of a poor attempt at making a photoshop meme... Agghh my eyes I think I got Eye cancer from the cringe.

>> No.17278582

Provide fud without mentioning india brainlet.

>> No.17278841

lmao nice meme



>> No.17279586

Based and jurorpilled

>> No.17279649

pretty weak meme for such a claim. step your meme game up if you want to be taken seriously.

>> No.17279759
File: 117 KB, 1024x752, 1552681026671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dank. BSVjeets seething. After all the governments of the world have tried and failed to bring the world of blockchain under their sway, kleros will finally bring perfect, decentralized justice to this wilderness and cast the scammers and shitcoiners into the dustbin of history. Kleros is the native justice system of the internet.

>> No.17279768

This meme is fucking cringe. Seriously delete this. It is literally one of the worst attempts at photoshop I have ever seen on this board.
There will not be sufficient volume of cases to make this economically viable for at least two years. During that time you will watch PNK slowly bleed out in price as people realize they are not going to get paid for being a neet juror. Because there is no liquidity each dump will push the price down further and further, and there will be no latent demand to counteract this.
If you bought in the first token sale you were too early.
If you bought in the second token sale you were too early.
There will be a third token sale which will dump massive amounts of supply onto the market. Smart money is waiting until then to decide whether or not to buy PNK.

>> No.17279776

this, and
fuck you pajeet

>> No.17279949

>sergey owns 60% of the supply of token,youre in too early, smart money is waiting until he starts dumping, on the mean time youll watch your tokens bleed in value

>> No.17279995
File: 335 KB, 500x586, 1581697336535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17280346

>on the mean time youll watch your tokens bleed in value
It's IN the meantime, not ON the meantime. Don't worry about these little mistakes though - I'm sure I wouldn't be very good at speaking whatever your native language is.
What are you even trying to say here? The situations are not analogous.
There was only one LINK ICO and if you missed it, you missed it. Kleros has had 2 out of their 3 token sales.
LINK is making new all-time highs because the problem it solves exists TODAY. The problem solved by kleros will not exist in a commercially viable fashion for a couple more years yet.
Which parts of this don't you understand?

>> No.17280406

You do realize the third token sale only happens if the current ownership of tokens wants it to happen?

>> No.17280438

Confirmed scam. Fuck off the board. Can we PLEASE get flags already!?

>> No.17280441

He doesn't

>> No.17280595

Not true. From the beginning the team have said there would be three token sales. If you claim that the third token sale will only take place if token holders desire one, prove it, because that goes against everything the team has said from day one.
Do none of you idiots actually research the things you buy?
It's not a scam but it also won't moon for 2+ years. And yes we need flags, even though the grammatical mistakes are usually enough to serve as identification.

>> No.17280677

Actually kleros is solving problems today.
And everybody said that chainlink was a solution looking for a problem at the time.
>It's IN the meantime, not ON the meantime
Okay grammar nazi

>> No.17280858

Negative. Read the white paper .

>> No.17280892

this, seriously what shit

>> No.17280898

>Actually kleros is solving problems today.
Like what? The ~200 cases on kleroscan, 90% of which were created by two or three addresses?
Let's look at kleroscan shall we?
https://court.kleros.io/cases/149 - using humans to answer a pricing oracle question
https://court.kleros.io/cases/145 - is this tweet "hate speech"?
https://court.kleros.io/cases/144 - ^^
https://court.kleros.io/cases/143 - ^^
You bought into an oracle system that is used to decide if tweets hurt people's feelings. Well done anon. Groundbreaking technology. A real game changer. The institutional money will be flooding in any day now.
Classic diversion attempt. You made the claim. Post the section of the white paper that backs it up. Telling someone to read the whole thing is weak and you know it.

>> No.17280980

This is the adoption period people are still investing and cases are growing over time. The more jurors there are, the more cases will arise.

>> No.17281058

Well you could make the case that chainlink is a fancy json parser.
Dispute resolutions is a major thing.
It could be used by businesses and freelancers.
The problem is that it is too expensive right now but when eth 2.0 comes around itll get a lot cheaoer and the number of cases will grow.

>> No.17281092


>> No.17281120

Why did you put "saved" in greentext?

>> No.17281183 [DELETED] 

It has literally been building steam for over a year
Sorry if you are just now realizing it and feel late
You aren't late

>> No.17281214

It has been building up steam for a year
Sorry if you feel late
You aren't late

>> No.17281219
File: 2 KB, 126x101, V1Jt8hK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The implications of kleros gaining traction would be massive

>> No.17281295

did you faggots miss the prophecy?

>> No.17281473
File: 24 KB, 500x600, Justice-G-Rohini-the-Chief-Justice-of-the-Delhi-High-Court.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judge pajjeta finds you Guilty on the crime of not doing the needful

>> No.17281496

Thank fuck I’m in pnk. Up 10% in eth in the last few hours. What’s the make it stack does anyone really know

>> No.17281504

Agreed, case closed

>> No.17281523

>he didn’t read the 300 page book
>he doesn’t realize those ~200 cases generated $600,000 for the jurors
Stay poor

>> No.17281534

500k pnk is the make it stack
Yeah i know weve been priced out

>> No.17281584

I really don’t want to believe that

>> No.17281650

100k is a suicide stack. Still looking at $100k-$200k this year, nothing to scoff at.

>> No.17281653

I realy wanna see kleros Succeed, it'd be just so massively hilarious

>> No.17281660

Were aiming at $2 with a 800 million mc.
But who knows it could reach higher than that.
If absolute dog poo like cardano can reach the top 15 maybe kleros can.

>> No.17281666

Killer meme anon you got the faggots raged kek

>> No.17282139

>won't moon for two years
It's already mooning retard

>> No.17282647

We need more of these putting these shitcoins on trial

>> No.17282854
File: 33 KB, 625x415, IMG_20200213_160028_680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aragon next, brother

>> No.17283065

>they don't know