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File: 154 KB, 694x416, Screenshot 2020-02-16 at 11.08.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17273989 No.17273989 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking long term:
>Bitcoin offers less chances of black swan events
>Bitcoin offers less chances of disappointments (delays, competition, etc)
>Bitcoin historically was the safest bet and has a brand name
>Ethereum could potentially become bigger in market cap if it scales
>Ethereum could be a source for passive income
>Ethereum could benefit from a smartcontract/dapp normie hype that hasn't happened

Would you, and why:
Go all on Bitcoin
Go half and half (or different allocation)
All in ETH

Inb4 all in Link. Linkies answers do not contribute to the discussion and shall be ignored.


>> No.17274104

You said it yourself - bitcoin offers less chances so the answer should be fairly easy. My take would be to slowly start diversifying into Bitcoin as the portfolio grows, meaning: 0 -$10k: 100% ETH, 10k - 50k: 80% ETH 20% BTC and so on (just rough numbers)

>> No.17274163

I'm far more optimistic on ETH. Bitcoin was an incredible innovation that started this whole field, and it still has a few genuine advantages such as simplicity and stability (tech-wise), but it just isn't future-proof and it's very limited in what it can do. I think the analog phone vs smartphone is a good analogy. In addition, PoW is a wasteful disaster in this age of global warming

>> No.17274412
File: 174 KB, 1522x936, ethereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum will have an actually sound issuance policy in place. Bitcoin assumes that tx fees will cover miner expenses once the block rewards go to zero, for which no economic proof exists that this will be viable.

>> No.17274439

This is now a shameless ethereum shill thread. Post whatever you want as long as it is in support of your eth bags and is backed up by claims, if you don't know what you're talking about even better

>> No.17274495

i would do 75% btc and 25% eth.

eth will never have a run like it had in the past, the ico stuff is over. the new hype is defi but it wont be as crazy as the last one.

too bad i went 50% / 50% with all my money and now missing out on those sweet btc gains

>> No.17274496

Personally I'm all in on ETH. It's higher risk but higher reward. The DeFi meme will be greater than the ICO meme. It's likely to gain in sats over the next few months so I could always flip my stack into BTC in future.

>> No.17274516

DeFi will rule everything and create a new era of connection

>> No.17274526

Thanks, that'll make things easier. I also heard that holding BTC will gradually transform you in a fundamental christian faggot, so be careful out there.

>> No.17274531


By the time bitcoin rewards goes to zero we all would have cashed out. I am still not convinced that POS and eth devs are offering enough security, nor that ETH2 will be “enough” for what it is meant to do.

I am considering a more conservative distribution, like 60% btc and 40% eth
People seems to be in full fomo atm forgetting past fuckups

>> No.17274542

oops, wanted to quote this faggot

>> No.17274566

>no economic proof exists that this will be viable
this is true niggas this is a grand experiment and we will not live to see it's end.

>> No.17274610

10/90 BTC/ETH
>>Bitcoin offers less chances of disappointments (delays, competition, etc)
This is another way of saying there is no development on Bitcoin. There is literally nothing exciting happening on Bitcoin. It all pales in comparison to what is happening on Ethereum.
What is there to say about Bitcoin other than "price go up"? When you look at how many things are being built on Ethereum, from indie devs up to enterprises like Microsoft and EY, it really is a no-brainer.
Just because we are telling you something you don't want to hear, it doesn't mean we don't know what we are talking about.
>The DeFi meme will be greater than the ICO meme
This. What was the result of ICOs? ETH dumped en masse by ICO founders. What will be the result of defi? Significant chunks of the entire ETH supply locked up in smart contracts. Combine this with staking and the next few years will make the ICO craze look like nothing.

>> No.17274631

>>Ethereum could potentially become bigger in market cap if it scales
BTC doesn't really have any competition. ETH potentailly has plenty.

>> No.17274636

the minimum fee is one sat. how much does one sat have to be to be profitable with a full block?

>> No.17274640

>This is another way of saying there is no development on Bitcoin. There is literally nothing exciting happening on Bitcoin. It all pales in comparison to what is happening on Ethereum.
Compared to Ethereum sure, but it isn't fair to say their isn't any development on Bitcoin.

>> No.17274655

Perhaps... any examples?

>> No.17274658
File: 26 KB, 794x619, 1514271025554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no ETH dip to accumulate more

>> No.17274679

Schnorr signatures, Taproot schemes and Tapscript language, Stratum v2 etc.

>> No.17274693
File: 94 KB, 1070x961, isthisascam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17274701

>it isn't fair to say their isn't any development on Bitcoin.
Once again I repeat. This is nothing more, nothing less than yet another ethereum bags shill thread. If you were looking for an actual discussion outside of passion inflamed opinions
move along.

>> No.17274709

3 of the 6 top coins in crypto are fucking btc forks, lol. idiots trying to ride on the coattails of success is nothing new

>> No.17274710

Not everyone READING this thread is a shill anon

>> No.17274727
File: 19 KB, 802x597, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By the time bitcoin rewards goes to zero we all would have cashed out.
Could already become critical in 10 to 20 years, but hard to say. The point is rather that bitcoin maxis always praise their "fixed" supply meme while it actually still has to be seen whether the blockchain can actually survive under the final conditions.

>> No.17274943

Thanks. Interesting but I meant on the application level. It seems people don't really do anything with BTC other than hold it. Once you get used to programmable money BTC seems really limited.
OP started a discussion about the relative merits of BTC vs ETH. That discussion will obviously include proponents of ETH explaining why it is superior to BTC. Maybe you just want a "discussion" where people tell you what you want to hear and don't challenge your existing opinions? You might find /r/btc is a better safe space.
Now this is what an actual shill looks like. We are discussing ETH vs BTC, not ETH vs BSV. Find another street to shit in.

>> No.17275000

"hurr durr let me 4x while you fat sweaty incels make your measley 30x gains"
you stupid fucking nigger

>> No.17275077

Kid, shut up when the adults are talking.

>> No.17275202

how big blocks are we talking about? just because bitcoin didn't increase the blocksize yet doesn't mean it will forever be 1mb at all it could be 10 or 100mb in the future so long its almost always full block space is valuable.

>> No.17275213

i never praised it tho i think cash can not be fixed in supply and this feature alone makes bitcoin not cash.

>> No.17275301
File: 87 KB, 1024x958, 1581771110597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: altcoin bagholders that STILL havent learned their lession.

>> No.17275315


If anything blocksizes should be smaller. It increases the value of the transactions.
Poor people can use side chain options, btc banking or ln

>> No.17275414

Bitcoin has a way larger daily inflation rate compared to Ethereum. Even after halving, this is just too much. I am going to hold all in ETH for now until it takes less USD per day to hold Bitcoin up than ETH. 50/50 after that.

>> No.17275496

>By the time bitcoin rewards goes to zero we all would have cashed out.
And I rest my case. Why would anyone invest in a coin if this is how people view its prospects? Because those investors are needed in order to get any profit when cashing out in the first place. Otherwise you are just relying on irrational hype cycles and people buying just because they want to dump on someone else in a week. And if so, you might as well just buy a shitcoin because the profit potential has nothing to do with fundamentals.

>I am still not convinced that POS and eth devs are offering enough security, nor that ETH2 will be “enough” for what it is meant to do.
What would make you convinced?

>> No.17275532

Enlighten us anon, this is post is for learning and discussion.

I am not convinced about the ETH devs being capable of delivering, and I am yet to see benchmarks of the new tech in its final form. But this is a very subjective opinion based on the past.

That being said, why hasn't anybody mention staking rewards?

>> No.17275555

the transaction cost of 40 60 cents worked out great traditionally do not inhibit financial adoption keeps spam in check but yeah bitcoin will never be the money of poorfags

>> No.17275566

btw lightning alone will require 100mb blocks at scale if they move it to a sidechain that's a different story

>> No.17276326


>> No.17276440

>I am not convinced about the ETH devs being capable of delivering
This opinion is outdated anon. There are nine teams are working on clients for the 2.0 spec and making concrete progress.

>> No.17276510

eth has more chance to give ROI

>> No.17276523

buy low, sell high
all that needs to be said, spergs here will still fuck it up tho