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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 225x225, cardano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17269212 No.17269212 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me on this.

>> No.17269225

please buy my bags

>> No.17269230

vaporware, no usecase, staking meme. You can buy a bunch to ride the pump and dump, or you can put it in one of the big three that matter (xmr, btc, eth).

>> No.17269298

Top 3 as soon as mainnet is released. These faggots know it too and are trying to fud you out.

>> No.17269472
File: 35 KB, 400x400, 1515909030376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as soon as mainnet is released

>> No.17269484

2030 is going to be a big year

>> No.17269510


Does 31 billion tokens bother you?

I respect the formal methods approach to blockchain, but I'm concerned about other projects having first mover advantage.


Certainly been delayed, but it appears finally be happening.

>> No.17269531

> 0 use case
> 0 delivered
> ceo used money to wander around, took selfies like a soi and then married a bird
> slowly slipping out from top10

>> No.17269627

It's either going to be #1 or fail completely. worth a small gamble

>> No.17269663

hopkinson being a complete useless soi kike doesn't look very #1ish

>> No.17269701



>> No.17269721

Not gonna make it with this anon. Low caps or nothing, imo. Buy some FRM + maybe tezos if you like holding boomer bags.

>> No.17269882

Easy 10$, like closer than a few years away, posible +1 trillion $ market cap 5+years away
I think 1$ Will be reached EOY

>> No.17269916


Delusional, the bunch of spergs that run this shitcoin don't have an ounce of business acumen between them and they're just circle jerking their 'academic' dicks together.

>> No.17269975

Had potential when it first started but it's trash.It'll fall out of the top 20.

>> No.17270789


One of the reason I ask about this is because I saw the news where they were at DAVO's, immediately coupled with the news of PricewaterHouse Cooper.

A main-net drop + a professional marketing campaign

>> No.17270943

I read they were outsourcing their marketing (good move, since they are the academic type like u say)

>> No.17270982

The FUD alone should be enough of a reason to buy it desu.

>> No.17271746

They stole the symbol from Agilent.