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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17264454 No.17264454 [Reply] [Original]

>not having a budget

can we have a budgeting thread please

>> No.17264730

>figure out how much you earned
>don't spend more than that

>> No.17264764

Budgets are for NPC poorfags

>> No.17264766

You can just do this in your head if your iq is above room temperature

>> No.17264787

Why wouldn't you spreadsheet this? This is the worst way to handle it. It isn't 1970 anon.

>> No.17265065

i cant afford excel

>> No.17265074

lol just don't buy shit you don't need and work on making more money. Anybody who needs to be autistic about this is destined to be poor

>> No.17265088

Google sheets is free

>> No.17265094

I just use mint

>> No.17265102

This. It's mind blowing that most people won't be able to visualize something as simple as this in their head.

>> No.17265130

Jesus, you people actually carry debt like that?
Zero debt master race checking in.

>> No.17265140

this. Imagine not making so much that you don't bother if you spend 1k on food or 300$

>> No.17265161

>148k in loans
>not for a house
Do normies really...?

>> No.17265168

>handwriting your budget
this is how I know I'm on an NPC board

>> No.17265247
File: 37 KB, 807x659, 1581554281689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finances mariage
and people still don't get why they are poor.

>> No.17265284 [DELETED] 
File: 381 KB, 998x1331, Image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this

Explain yourself OP

>> No.17265323
File: 393 KB, 998x1331, Image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this

Explain yourself OP

>> No.17265334

gotta be for school. but that monthly amount set aside for "loans" must be interest only on that loan.

op you need to get that CC down sooner than september and refinance that car payment through a bank like wtf 10% could have only come from a dealership that offers financing.

dealership offered us their lowest rate of 5.99% on a car, went the next week to the bank and got it lowered to 2.7%. probably had a credit score in the low 700's around that time.
if you can get the car or the student loans below 4% then dont worry about paying them off in a rush.

>> No.17265343

Look at all that bad debt, kek
Most teenagers have more savings than you.

>> No.17265368

Pathetic. Imagine being so poor you have to do this. Just make more money faggot.

>> No.17265385


>> No.17265422

>He doesn't still live with his parents
>He doesn't put all of his income in link

>> No.17265599


>> No.17265990

i took out a $3mm loan to buy link at $0.20

>> No.17266856

>ring payment

>> No.17266881


>> No.17267722


>> No.17267834

nigga I do all this shit in my head

>> No.17267841
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