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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17257759 No.17257759 [Reply] [Original]

> be me
> like a girl
> ask her out like a man
> get rejected and told to gtfo
> ok.png
> bitch ends up dating with one of my friends
> they break up
> I start to level up my life-style from my passive income business and crypto gains
> buy latest iPhone, start buying things, invite my friends to dinner, etc
> bitch starts acting flirty with me, ignore the fuck out of her
> makes her want me more
> she tolds me that she was wrong and that in reality she would love to be with me
> tell her she is a bitch, reject her and tell her to gtfo and never talk to me again

this is why you want to make it /biz/bros

>> No.17257771

You forgot to pump and dump her.

>> No.17257785


>> No.17257786


>> No.17257800

based st. valentine's day fren

>> No.17257819

His friend fucked her, that means he's basically touching his friend's dick if he fucks her. Pretty gay

>> No.17257840

>asking her out like a man
>'like a man'
>sneaking that little bit in there at the end of the sentence to signal that you are a masculine person who takes initiative when really all it does is make you look like an approval seeking gigantic faggot
>unironically seeking approval from biz

>> No.17257881
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this isnt a diary for your autistic daydreams. go do your chores before mommy kicks you out

>> No.17257889


> analizing every sentence because I am a faggot who only thing that does is be in /biz/
> cant belive this history is real, must do something about it.png
> analyze every sentence because I am a faggot who only thing that does is be in /biz/
> tell OP he is a approval seeking faggot
> hehe that will do.png

>> No.17257906

Absolute chad
But also >>17257771

>> No.17257929

you really need to stop. youre so mad your larp got called out, youre jumbling your words

>> No.17257933

And then everyone clapped

>> No.17257934

bro you didn't slam her? wtf. you didn't finish your revenge. Youre supposed to fuck her and finish before she does then tell herself to clean up and get out. It's the most euphoric thing a man can do

>> No.17257959

Nothing wrong with Eskimo bros. It’s strangers that you have to worry about.

>> No.17257970

>be OP
>write gay little retarded faggot novel about how "based" you are
>include a dabbing tux pepe thumbnail to really amp up your "based" factor
>read and examine feedback (seeking approval) collecting (you)s
>one reply stands out
>that reply is calling you out for being exactly who you are, an approval seeking faggot
>hastily write a response back denying such an allegation

>> No.17258078


>nooooo, you can't just post a story on 4chan!

>> No.17258083

bigger kek

>> No.17258085

>op is samefagging his own thread

>> No.17258097

imagine using pumping roasties as self worth

>> No.17258145
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>what the heckerino, it can't be that someone has another opinion than me, it must be a conspiracy!

>> No.17258147

>buying iPhone
>buying things
>consume more to attract people who didn't give shit about you

>> No.17258177

I'd rather not be flocked by women. This is typical female behavior to seek out resources and a fitting partner for her offspring. Kid you not it's like some of these women have their vaginas think for them.

Never let a girl know how much you make, where your money is, or what you do if it is prestigious. I don't care if you've been dating five years. Her not knowing is advantageous to you. Also don't sign contracts with women (marriage especially) unless it benefits you and courts cannot overturn contract to her favor. Live humbly and meek. It makes for realer relationships and a more sober lifestyle.

>> No.17258231

The “girl I asked out hooked up with my friend” is damn near human nature. I’ve been the friend and the guy who loses out. It’s life. Focus on you and be humble. Shit happens. That’s life. Also what dude above me said is legit.

>> No.17258245

thats typical female behavior to seek out guys with money... she still isnt really interested in you just in your resources. Most of the virgins here on /biz/ will say incel or have sex but the truth is females are just pass themselves around whores and will dump someone of 10yrs if someone with more money comes along and she thinks its an upgrade. Focus on making money and investments and ignore the basic bitches that arent worth the time of day

>> No.17258428

So your friend fucked her and you spent money to impress her and not go out with her. That's kind of pathetic, and the worst is that there is 99% chance you made that up. Get help.

>> No.17258438
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>> No.17258440

Women are parasites and evil. They are however a necessary evil because they're able to build children.

>> No.17258443

I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.17258458

>you forgot your fake rape accusation bro
No, fuck right off

>> No.17258484

At least hire a fucking escort man. Self pity won't get you anywhere

>> No.17258502

>the truth is females are just pass themselves around whores and will dump someone of 10yrs if someone with more money comes along and she thinks its an upgrade
Not only about money. Some will doom their successful marriage just to taste Chad's dick.

In this world the only way to win is being a top 1% Chad with also top 1% net worth. Even then there is the risk your wife will talk to top 0.1% uber Chad billionaire and cheat on you anyway.

>> No.17258527
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>be you

>> No.17258533

Imagine paying to fuck a prostitute without ever even kissing a girl.

>> No.17258548

better than dying a virgin. get your priorities right

>> No.17258592

I'd literally rather die a kissless virgin.

>> No.17258630

Based and frenpilled

>> No.17259118
File: 139 KB, 500x429, now-i-am-become-sleepy-the-goer-to-bed-2-41936384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even your ID is sleepy

>> No.17259455

>'omg you raped me'

>> No.17259464


>> No.17259472

Very well done, OP. But you should have fucked her and ghosted her.

>> No.17259479


>> No.17259500

nice one bro
hoes mad in this thread

>> No.17259525


>> No.17259559

I wish I wasn't a mutt so bad. White women are so fucking hot.

>> No.17259584

I always wonder how massive faggot such as yourself end up on this website. roasties always getting toastie.

>> No.17259634

Probably trolls. Right my fellow 4channers. People who have done things outside the norm and or have unusual opinions and world views that do not follow the norm are all just trolls xd. By the way I learned what a troll was from redbbit the other day. Its a really great and informative website.

>> No.17259644

I just want to get out of my shithole
pay for education
find a nice boy to keep me company(for the rest of my life)

>> No.17259647

woman detected

>> No.17259651

Needs to be said more often.

>> No.17259674


>> No.17259694

No, I'm a faggot lol.

>> No.17259706

Of course you are

>> No.17259715

sorry to dissapoint
there are no girls on internet
only fucked up trannies

>> No.17259719

You should never have openly rejected her. You should instead have acted extra cold and indifferent towards her for maximum long term psychological damage.

Also this >>17257771

>> No.17259728
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Fornication is degenerate

>> No.17259750

>I am a faggot who only thing that does is be in /biz/
so much this.

>> No.17259752


Stop selfpitying and get some nice whore with your link gaines. I am white and pretty good looking and i also cant get a girl. There is nothing wrong with getting a whore now and then. Leave the stacies and normie girls to chad, dont even bother.

>> No.17259761
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>Be me, 34
>19 year old QT messages me on MeetMe
>Ask her to come over to my condo that evening
>Tell her to pick up a pizza and 2 liter of Dr. Pepper on the way
>She shows up with the pizza and DP
>Eat pizza, drink DP and watch Antichrist
>Fuck her
>Yawn, tell her I have to work tomorrow then kick her out without paying her for the pizza and DP.

>> No.17259769


>> No.17259792
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OP blew it, didn't have sex

>> No.17259819
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>> No.17259841

I've had similar experiences. It really is a great feeling rejecting bitches because you can now get better etc. The weird thing is the more you reject her the more she wants you.

>> No.17259864

Sounds good.