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File: 71 KB, 1035x592, millenial sex recession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17248028 No.17248028 [Reply] [Original]

>"Data revealing that Australia is currently in the throes of a sex recession is the driving force behind the latest integrated campaign said the brand. Little did we here know it but “Australia is currently in the throes of a sex recession” with statistics showing that young adults are having 50 percent less sex than their parents’ generation. The campaign’s goal is to get the nation’s young adults back to getting down – safely of course."
>“Australia’s lowered libido can be linked to a range of factors including social media, dating apps, Netflix, pornography, alongside societal pressures and mental health challenges,” said Executive Creative Director of CHE Proximity in Sydney, Wesley Hawes. “While younger generations might be sending more nude pics, the reality is, young adults are having far less sex than any other age group."
Is this really an appropriate comparison to make though? I'm asking here because of the economics

>> No.17248041
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>> No.17248048


They are giving up on thots which is a good thing imo.

>> No.17248096

maybe if aussie chicks werent such stuck up ball busters they'd get their pussy fucked more.

>> No.17248136

Loled irl

>> No.17248169

They're too worried about bills and making a living. Survival is more important than fucking.

>> No.17248173

And why exactly do people need to have sex, especially in face of how technology and co makes it obsolete and primitive even what romantic love etc is concerned? Or why does regressive sexuality have to be forced onto people in a religious manner?

>> No.17248184

For all you millennial fucks, invest in zoomer thots. They’re thirsty AS FUCK, raised by all these hoes and don’t give a single shit about feminazis
They’re unironically based and jump on your older cock, as long as you’re 5 years older than her
Just leave these millennial hags alone, let them rot.

>> No.17248186

I 110% blame the rise of social media for this

>> No.17248191


>> No.17248236

Women just aren't worth it for the 99% of men who aren't chad. You can't have any kind of relationship with a women without giving her all the leverage she needs to ruin your life at a moment's notice in the #MeToo era.

>> No.17248240

How does technology make human contact obsolete? If anything this shows that technology is the problem and that we need radically upend where our society is going.

>> No.17248265


Mainly because women make more money than men. However the people that write those articles don't want to hear the truth.

>> No.17248303
File: 88 KB, 644x692, women are struggling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they keep shooting themselves in the foot?

>> No.17248358

Women of today are nothing but worthless whores, sluts and roasties. No wonder decent guys would rather pass than get infected with STD. It's just no longer possible to date a virgin.

>> No.17248360


>> No.17248387

Women like being told what to do. If you give them too much choice, then they get overwhelmed and entitled, and that's why so many of them are alone these days.

>> No.17248393

women don't go without sex. these articles are about incel males. and theres alot of us now. millions. and the system has discarded us.

>> No.17248426

>Australia’s lowered libido can be linked to a range of factors
none of which appears to be stated as the actual cause, namely the impossibility of having their own roof over their head and 4 private walls to get it on. Well done Jews, you finally caused extinction

>> No.17248503

>women don't go without sex. these articles are about incel males. and theres alot of us now. millions. and the system has discarded us.

>> No.17248543

Why would I have sex when masturbating to Anime feels 10x better?

>> No.17248555

>safely of course
So they want them to have sex, but not have children? For what purpose?

>> No.17248726

Based and incelpilled

>> No.17248741

you incels are really pathetic lmao

>> No.17248790

Artificial light is the root cause of this. Take the dark-pill. Any questions?

>> No.17248944

It's not really an Australian problem, it's a global problem. Birthrates are lower everywhere than before. There is simply less space, you used to be able until about the 50's in the United States go and claim land for a homestead for free. And central banks have deemed it necessary to keep housing prices high. So it seems growth will just never be the same, boomers rather than let assets and property fall to real value in 2008 had to pump their bags with QE ponzi fuckery, now people wonder why economies need negative interests rates just to have .1 percent growth because young people don't want to start a family renting out mom's basement.

>> No.17249134

Why should I have sex with I'm trans and find both girls and boys weird?

>> No.17249155

>any questions?
Yeah, can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..
Some evidence?

>> No.17249485

Humans have never been more exposed to short wave length light, namely blue wave length light, at night time, in all of history.

>> No.17249500
File: 303 KB, 642x705, priestjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop destroying your mind, body and soul. Those hormones are crippling your sex drive and poisoning your out look.
Seek help, it is never too late to repent.

>> No.17249691

ever since i started using blue light filters and taking melatonin i'm getting a lot less sex than before

>> No.17249740

millennials grew up without internet, and then grew up with it. It has ruined women.

>> No.17249765
File: 50 KB, 640x563, aslavbullformywifeplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry I fuck way more than 10,000 average beta nordcvcks on a monthly basis

Thank the medChads

>> No.17249767

NPCs can only think and act like their programming tells them to.... No original thought. Souless flesh balls of yeast, all of them. Ever sine 1920s the debt in the USA has skyrocketed since the fertility rate dropped when women were given the right to vote and started getting careers which means less child bearing

>> No.17249781

I'm Australian. Profit off this by putting money into crypto. Every dollar you put into crypto is a dollar that doesn't belong in fiat.

The world is aligning for a global crash and I can't wait to sit and watch from the Carribbean as Australia crashes to the ground.

It's almost as if it's a sign from the universe, all of the global events are aligning.

I'm genuinely tempting to do no fap till it happens and then blast one massive cum load on the day of the crash.

>> No.17249786

based and redpilled. The kikes have on clue what is coming their way. We are witnessing history anons...

>> No.17249813

Yeah if you give them money

>> No.17249827

>decides to reject materialistic pleasure and create a trad society


boomers need to fuck off and die already

>> No.17250140

>global problem
yeah, we don't disagree, on anything. Millennials now think Zillow is digital Disneyland, there for them to idly dream over what color they would paint their fantasy two-bedroom $1.5m shack. The house they'll never have. And this shit has to change.