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File: 48 KB, 1024x576, Craig-Wright-BBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17234763 No.17234763 [Reply] [Original]


>In this episode, Craig says he is ‘both exercising a right and fulfilling an obligation’, by not sharing over 10,000 documents with the court, in the case brought against him by the estate of Dave Kleiman.

Inb4 corecuck pajeet


>> No.17234867

Can't wait until this cunt is in jail

>> No.17234890

Lmao sass the court creg that’ll work out well bet the federal govt backs down

>they won’t

>> No.17234913

How much perjury is that now? Is craig's plan to bullshit the court so long they forget to throw him in prison?

>> No.17234965
File: 191 KB, 400x400, 1581628246862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a big step back, and literally go fuck your own face

>> No.17234967

Literally just complained that Craig has "swamped them" with tens of thousands of docs. They want ten thousand more? Fuck outta here

>> No.17234998

ten thousand utterly irrelevant docs that they didn't ask for, while withholding what they did. he's literally just stalling like he has been stalling for the past year.

>> No.17235012
File: 42 KB, 386x386, alex-jonespilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since going balls deep into BSV and researching CSW and what he's trying to do, I've realized all those who stand against him are just stubborn, ignorant, little children. Use your brains and realize that in order for there to be a globally accessible and decentralized blockchain, there needs to be a standard protocol to work off of and it needs to be able to handle millions or more transactions per second. BTC cannot and refuses to scale while BSV already has working apps running on top of it and is already processing a large amount of transactions. I don't give a shit if he is or isn't Satoshi, but it's clear he is very knowledgeable about Bitcoin and its underlying technology.

>> No.17235027

he isn't satoshi, but BSV is a better coin than BTC. that isn't saying much, because it's relatively easy to improve on existing work, and many newer coins are also similarly useful. I think BSV will do well for a while then collapse immediately once CSW's legal stalling falls apart and everyone realizes without at shadow of a doubt that he's a fraudster.

>> No.17235031

Based and redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.17235084

I tell you one person who really thinks CSW has the Satoshi million. Ira Kleiman. But anyway, I think you're putting too much faith in the effect of CSW being SN once more stuff and people build on BSV and as block sizes only grow and transaction numbers skyrocket. The coin works, and as you admit, better than BTC. It's a better bitcoin and that's what we needed. I really could give fuck all if this autistic Aussie is SN anymore, even if I think he was at bare minimum a part of a group of people who created "Satoshi"

>> No.17235161
File: 156 KB, 252x1024, craig-witnesses-slack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi witnesses, CSW is a hero, chill:

>> No.17235917
File: 83 KB, 600x800, 614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CSW clearly is Satoshi. Haven't you done your research?!

>> No.17236800

What is this potato quality?

>> No.17236977

He is literally begging for people to figure out what he has been low-key 'hinting' at for months. I'm 100% in BSV, but even the BSV 'community' is full of retards and don't understand what's really going to happen/coming. This shit isn't about him proving he is Satoshi for the most part. However, the things that will be revealed in the process to prove he is SN is what's important. People are gonig to lose their fucking minds. Be prepared for shit that you thought only existed in science fiction movies/novels.

>> No.17236996

>He is literally begging for people to figure out what he has been low-key 'hinting' at for months.

Which is what?

>> No.17237054

Working with the Australian government is just confirmation he's a fucking retard.
I work for the government at the pleb levels feeding slop to the utter retards of the higher levels. Literal brain dead retards. Good company he keeps.
Only speaking for the Australian government don't get butthurt anyone else.

>> No.17237065

I hope you’re a paid shill and not a braindead NPC

>> No.17237074

if you bought BSV three weeks ago you got in under 300
today its going to cost you 350 to buy in
I don't know if Craig is Satoshi, but I know Craig is money.
I'll remind you later this month when bsv goes over 400

>> No.17237099

Dave Kleiman is Sam Hyde

>> No.17237149

Everyone is a genius in a bullrun, get greedy but don't get cocky.

>> No.17237957

>Vague promises with absolutely no substance

You sound exactly like Craig you fucking turbo retard

>> No.17237968


>> No.17238218

BSV spam is obnoxious but it's funny that there is probably an anon out there who actually thinks faketoshi is satoshi and is actually smugposting for real.
Hi retard!

>> No.17238268

>Be prepared for shit that you thought only existed in science fiction movies/novels.
Got any hints?

>> No.17238306

Write crypto blackpill in youtube and watch it

>> No.17238507

What are the ramifications/benefits of AI existing on a blockchain? To a fear conditioned chump like me that seems like it would turn into GLaDOS from portal

>> No.17238583


>> No.17238708

Thanks for this! I love hour long educational vids (not sarcasm)

>> No.17238728

This whole charade is bs to stall the growth of crypto while they find a way to get as much big money in on it as possible.

>> No.17238745

you're welcome; I studied some high performance computing subjects while getting my computer engineering master's, and can confirm that everything he says is completely legitimate, he definitely knows what he's talking about, and knows it extremely well

>> No.17238792

Yeah and you could have bought LINK at $2.20 too. Once he is exposed as a scammer the BSV chart is going to look like the BCC chart.

>> No.17238805
File: 7 KB, 480x360, endofcreg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will finally be the end of Craig Wright and BitCoin

>> No.17238993 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 720x480, craigwright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CSW is actually a space lizard and all BSV hodlers will be taken back to his planet on his FTL starship as a reward for their belief.

>> No.17239018

>CSW is not Satoshi
Gee how shocking. Who would have guessed?

>> No.17239019
File: 109 KB, 720x480, craigwright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CSW is actually a space alien and all BSV hodlers will be taken back to his planet on his FTL starship as a reward for their belief.

>> No.17239047

Fixed it for you Anon

>> No.17239070
File: 176 KB, 450x399, pumpkinman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
