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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17231750 No.17231750 [Reply] [Original]

>Coronavirus deaths mooning like a shitcoin

Where do I long this with 100x leverage

>> No.17231921


>> No.17231947

Long 3M, gold, gold miners and short insurance companies and healthcare plans.

>> No.17231966
File: 194 KB, 960x1233, 1550652367304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever think people, specifically a certain kind of people, ever make certain situations out to be worse than they are? Say, for example, to make a profit?

Makes you think, huh?

>> No.17231977

20% deaths lmao. I know that will go down as recoveries take longer but still, when hospitals get too full for critical care that death rate is going to be huge.

The second we get a random new case in my country im going full prepper schizo and hiding inside.

>> No.17231998

> believing healthcare plans work outside us

>> No.17232071

>Bad lungs
The less of those criteria you meet the safer you are from it being fatal. Prepare for economic impact however, this could put the Great Depression to shame.

>> No.17232285

it's a hoax retard.

>> No.17232541



>> No.17232620

reported total number of infected is actually already into 60ks.

obviously reality is probably a lot more than what they report

>> No.17232645

MRNA lil nigga.

>> No.17232694
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I just let it roll on a stack of ncov. Burning tokens at infection rate works for me.

>> No.17232854

It's fake, kid. Relax. The Chinese are using 5G on their own people for damage control for what is to come. People think they are 'sick' just because they get a mild cough or fever. That's the 5G. So, you have all these people freaking out because they are deceived to believe they are sick. Yes, some people have 'collapsed' in the streets, but those are just poor souls who where randomly chosen to get a full dose of the 5G. No economy of any country is 'healthy' right per say, but in 100% truth, China's economy is one of the worst off right now. Behind the scenes, Trump is getting everyhting he wants. he has proof that Google and a few other big tech companies were secretly working with China to bring down America, but they kissed that dream goodbye. Technically, that's an act of war and China could NEVER even come close to defeating the US by military - China's only chance was to win by a protracted war over a decade time period. I don't know why the fuck people think Russia + China could even challenge the US, especially now with the space force, which was secretly being built for the past 30 years - think like the new Star Wars movie, thousands of ships secretly built somewhere also secret that can operate unmanned. China and Russia are a fucking joke.

China is now Trump's bitch. For punishment, they are collapsing. The CCP quarantined 400 million because they are gong to kill them. They need to reduce their population before economic hardships take place. Communist govs only survive when people have jobs, when people don't have jobs, it's all over for the communist government. These 400 million are from the poorest provinces in China. This is China's best best shot for damage control versus millions of pissed of Chinese who will come after the government.

>> No.17232879

>linear graph

>> No.17232898
File: 2.00 MB, 280x203, white blood cell in action.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

February 12th increase in deaths is due to a change in classification of cases:
>Feb. 12 data is provisional - 13,332 new cases are due to the new diagnosis classification adopted by Hubei starting on Feb. 12
>The charts include provisional data and values for Feb. 12 that are the result, for the most part, of a change in diagnosis classification, for which an additional 13,332 cases and 107 deaths were counted on Feb. 12..

>> No.17232932

We need to take these death profiteers to the Kleros court. Hang the bastards.

>> No.17232939
File: 22 KB, 912x571, newcases.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it seemed to be contaminated

>> No.17232961

>February 12th increase in deaths is due to a change in classification of cases:

oh ok nvm. chem/medfags realized they aren't getting enuff gubment gibs/grants worldwide for ""research""/studies etc. so they needed to come up w something

>> No.17233082

How does zero dollars sound to you Xander?

>> No.17233406


Easy, coronatoken.org

>> No.17233442

They changed how they record the diagnosis. Originally the numbers only counted lab tested results kek not doctor diagnosed one. Now they also counting doctor diagnosed result like from a check up and non lab test.

>> No.17234079

Absolutely and irrevocably just and ethical.

I'm never selling PNK.

>> No.17234115

Wondering if I should short alibaba stock , they’re going to run out of inventory soon