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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1723155 No.1723155 [Reply] [Original]

I have enough free elective slots (slots that can be literally whatever class I want to fufill its requirement with) to get a minor in pretty much whatever I want, so I want to pick something that will be either supplemental to my current education (finance major that will work up to finance masters with scholarships) like economics or give me a hobby/skill to continually educate myself/become proficient in my spare time like coding

I'm at a big university so it likely has most monors you can think of

>> No.1724807

Bump for interest

>> No.1724902

Something in IT/MIS/coding would be good. From my experience in Finance, it seems most people would hire a person with a coding background over someone with strictly financial knowledge. As long as you can do simple math, you can learn the rest.