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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 993x124, SKATTEKORT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17229388 No.17229388 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17229412


>> No.17229423

it should be a capital gain you idiot

>> No.17229424

Ahmed is not going to starve while he rapes your women anon. You have to be considerate

>> No.17229438

It's not a glitch; it's a feature. You are a slave. Now pay up goyim, or the men with guns will come knocking.

>> No.17229440

what r a kroner lol

>> No.17229483

send mig 1 eth og jeg hjælper dig


>> No.17229492

No, tax website explicitly says crypto gains are taxed as "other personal income", not capital gains.
But when I try entering it as capital gains it makes my fradrag plummet to 0 too.

>> No.17229501

thats the price you pay to live in a socialist democracy sven

>> No.17229516

Denmark OP?

>> No.17229523

mining/staking is income, buying/selling is capital gains. 2/10 troll

>> No.17229542

There are starving nigger rapists in Oslo who need that money.

>> No.17229578

the whole of scandinavia is a communist shithole. you got yourself to blame for this with your liberal faggotry

>> No.17229587


Taxation is theft. You can choose not to pay and get jailed or shot instead.

>> No.17229607

wait let me get this straight, your country has a system where if you go above some income, the 0% tax portion is completely gone and taxed normally? wow.
Are you from Denmark too or are you just projecting your country's tax system.

>> No.17229611

no crypto in Denmark is classified as "income", like regular salaries.

>> No.17229615

it's weird because one source said to enter it in field "250" which is what I did. This one says to enter it in field "20" but there's no field 20.

>> No.17229622


They also have negative interest mortgages

>> No.17229629

HAHAHA jävlar vad du blev knullad.

>> No.17229644

Hode and move before you cash out.

>> No.17229647

Let me rob you, if you do not want to be robbed, I will imprison or kill you.

>> No.17229649

that's because they have a wealth tax.
So you buy a house worth $1M, you have to pay 1% of it annually, or something like that.
This also applies to funds in a bank, which is why bank is willing to lend it at any rate higher than the wealth tax
a really fucked up system

>> No.17229654

Is this denmark? Can any norwegian here tell me what % they usually take in Norway? Ty bros

>> No.17229664

Vår egna skattregler är bara marginalt bättre.

>> No.17229669

pretty sure its norway, danes are retarded

>> No.17229679

Lol they pulled they similar nonsense, but not on crypto, on me and im in the usa.
>be me
>wagecuck as a temp
>had some sort of retirement fund for simply being a temp
>stop being a temp
>retirement forcibly closed out and i got a check sent to me
>after taxes i get to keep probably less than 75% on what was less than $400 usd.

Is this how they trap people into not cash out their retirement funds until their mandated age? What the heck is the point if I ever reach age of 65 odds are they'll push it to like 75. Why even stick money in.
>it's free money anon
>employer matches
So? Im probably dead or nearly dead by then. And the government and whichever other organizations there are likely keep the money instead of rightfully giving it to a beneficiary cause how else can they keep such a system propped up.

>> No.17229685

Shitskins ain't gonna feed themselves

>> No.17229688

Mfw, jag bor inte i sverige kek, vem fan vill betala skatt för somalier och araber som hatar swe?

>> No.17229695

I think here in Norway id have to pay somewhere about 23 to 25% off a significant amount that i withdraw to the bank.
And then if the value exceeds 1 480 000 NOK i would have to pay 0.8% wealth tax on the amount above 1 480 000 nok.

>> No.17229722

Meant to write somewhere about 23 to 37% in the first sentence there. Im not quite certain yet what it is.

>> No.17229728

most swedes..

>> No.17229732

Get fucked.
t. 24% "only" norwaychad.

>> No.17229741

there is no government anymore anon

>> No.17229742
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First you invest with money that you already paid taxes on
Then the government taxes you again when you make profits and doesn’t cover your risk.
Can’t wait for fiat to go away and for countries (cunt-trees) to stop controlling the money supply.
>hint: the current state of the financial policies of western cunt-trees is a Ponzi scheme running on the backs of debt slaves.

>> No.17229745

tru dat, cucked fucking losers
this is why the only option is to move to a country that treats you right and enjoys having rich people in it.
Switzerland is dope.

>> No.17229746

>that's because they have a wealth tax.
>So you buy a house worth $1M, you have to pay 1% of it annually, or something like that.
We don't have a wealth tax
There is a property tax though, you have to pay about 2-3% of the value of your property (not including buildings though) yearly. It was implemented to control property prices. It has nothing to do with the negative mortgages though.
When you take a mortgage, you have to pay some fees in addition to the interest. The fees are higher than the slightly negative interest rate offered by Jyske Bank.

>> No.17229749

i cant believe any of you niggers are actually considering paying taxes on crypto you are all never going to make it bye

>> No.17229780

>First you invest with money that you already paid taxes on

>Then the government taxes you again when you make profits and doesn’t cover your risk.

>Then when you buy anything with that money, you pay tax again.

It's beautiful how jewish the scam is.

>> No.17229782

>It was implemented to control property prices
Nah more like rent to make sure you wageslave your whole life. They need you as a cog. Cant release the yoke or they lose their power over you.

>> No.17229784


>> No.17229853
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1553798849511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-why are you fellow euro fags paying taxes?
n-nobody would realize if I would cash out in small stashes, r-right?

>> No.17229951

it's just taxed as personal income, you are not paying 89% or whatever, you are paying the 41% of your gains.

>> No.17230012
File: 23 KB, 1001x193, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all don't cash out, but if you have to then connect with someone on local bitcoin and sell for cash irl. Otherwise move to singapore or some place with 0% tax then move back to denmark after 6 months.

>> No.17230035

wont work, they will still tax you, at least that's how it is in sweden.

Do what I did, I gave up my swedistan citizenship for something else, nobody can tax me for shit.

Look up "nomad capitalist"

>> No.17230071

Jesus, and I thought American crypto taxes were bad, at least here for now it's still just listed as capital gains tax and you get a lower penalty if you hold longer than a year.

>> No.17230072
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>> No.17230082
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>> No.17230099

can u tell us something we dont know, you danish fuck? thanks

>> No.17230118

Did you transfer it into fiat?

You went full retard here. Cash it out using a BTC ATM in small chunks over time.

It's like none of you fuckers read what's posted here.

>> No.17230122

Basically, I don't have to pay taxes directly off the crypto gains. They increase my marginal tax rate to 41% and remove my fradrag (deduction?) as an indirect tax payment for my crypto gains. The calculator I used assumed that I'd have to pay 40-ish % taxes off the 50k in addition to losing my fradrag, but it's only the latter that's true.
Pic related shows that if I were to earn 50k from crypto, I'd "only" have to pay 19,294 kroner more in taxes than what I do now. That's 38.6%.

>> No.17230123

>for something else
what citizenship do you have now?

>> No.17230131

he might as well pay the fucking taxes lmao, cashing out small amounts over time, the fees will add up like no tomorrow. ur a tard like OP

>> No.17230144
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pic related
I truly am retarded

>> No.17230154

>the fees will add up like no tomorrow.
Better to pay fees to an industrious capitalist than to pay taxes to the government.

>> No.17230168

So you don't pay any taxes on crypto?

>> No.17230176

I can't imagine those fees would be as expensive as danish taxes

>> No.17230180
File: 50 KB, 592x586, 1557289030481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sales tax and income tax together are complete horseshit. Either one or the other, government.

>> No.17230211

imagine paying taxes lol

>> No.17230231

Malta, live in Switzerland.

You give away money either way, it's a bad idea.

No of course not, but you pay 9% aprox to cash out btc from an atm.

>Current worldwide average bitcoin ATM fee is 8.4%

You might as well take those 8-9% pay someone to fix the situation for you so that you never have to pay taxes again or very little (less than 5%) and enjoy life.

>> No.17230289
File: 35 KB, 423x338, 440B7553-1C1E-48DB-9CAE-36998D069CE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is false as it's a capital gain. Still robbery though.
I personally would prefer jail than to give capital gain tax. I legit want to murder people that want to double tax me (first time with income tax and second time with the motherfucking investments and risks that I and I alone take).

Shitmerica can suck a dick. VERY unconstitutional country (it's actually against the constitution to tax someone in a way that affects their livelihood. These crooks only believe in the constitution when it is "convenient". Free country my fucking ass. It's a mini Big Brother totalitarian system).

>> No.17230313

Also, I dont know op's country. Maybe they are even more corrupt. Either way it's robbery and politicians that believe in a capital gain tax need to get hanged and burned in front of their families. I'd have such a shit eating grin.

>> No.17230316

I've cashed out just under 200K over the last year in Australia. I've probably paid like 6K in fees.

In Aus, having over 180k per year puts you at a 48% tax rate. So pay basically 100K or pay 6K. The decision is obvious.

Anon, I don't think you're retarded, I just don't think you know how things work.

>> No.17230324

I do. An amount that scales slightly with my income. E.g. 38.6% in the case of earning 50,000.
It's just that they use some 300 iq jewish maths to calculate it. While searching around I found out they do the same with business owners because it's somehow easier for them to administrate. Really confusing though.
Apparently it's because there's a law that's over a century old, which says that profits made off buying items (e.g. paintings) with the intent to resell it at a higher price, and then doing so, must be classified as personal income. And that applies to crypto for some dumb reason.

>> No.17230372

Then you got some cheap ass machines, good for you. You would at least be paying 18k for 200k

Like I said, for that 18k you could pay some people to set you up in a tax haven, setup businesses, do all of it for you and pay 0% or close to 0% for the rest of your life, on all gains.

and you would not be breaking the law.

I know how shit works. Who tf cares about going into detail on a fucking forum.

>> No.17230375

did you buy ur citizenship?

>> No.17230387

>I've cashed out just under 200K over the last year in Australia.
And then you keep all that in cash?

>> No.17230420

Yeah, if you invest in the country you get citizenship, its "expensive" but not really. I would have paid a lot more in taxes in Sweden.

Although I do not recommend malta anymore, they are becoming crypto jews, look up nomad capitalist, I might go for a Georgian passport, idk.

>> No.17230446

Isn't it enough to just have Swiss residency?

>> No.17230475

> I might go for a Georgian passport, idk.
wouldn't picking a country outside of EU complicate travel and residence?

>> No.17230483

Depends on what you want to do fren. Just talk to someone that specializes in this stuff and you'll get all the info you need.

>> No.17230507


>> No.17230527

Georgian passport is #38 in the world, so it's not bad by any means. There are better, which is why I said idk, singapore would be good too, it really just depends on what you want to do, what businesses you plan on doing etc. Which is why you should always talk to someone that knows this stuff before you set anything up.

>> No.17230534
File: 491 KB, 1433x2290, based japanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I've calmed down a bit and realised I don't actually have to pay 89%, I actually like the concept that income from investments like crypto are taxed the same way as income from wagecucking instead of at some arbitrary tax rate. They should do the same thing with other types of investments instead of having this needlessly complicated system.
Also, pay your taxes faggots. Your precious linkies wouldn't exist without tax-payer funded research, infrastructure, education, etc. Pic related

>> No.17230542

imagine reporting crypto gains

>> No.17230591

>Also, pay your taxes faggots. Your precious linkies wouldn't exist without tax-payer funded research, infrastructure, education, etc. Pic related
Haha fuck dig mand

>> No.17230615

Euro's BTFO

>> No.17230684

Aldrig I livet

>> No.17230733

>Your precious linkies wouldn't exist without tax-payer funded research, infrastructure, education, etc. Pic related

Thats not even 1% true. Crypto projects arent even funded by government and the shitcoins that will spawn from government wouldnt even be worthy of 1 dollar

>> No.17230816
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>Also, pay your taxes faggots. Your precious linkies wouldn't exist without tax-payer funded research, infrastructure, education, etc. Pic related

>> No.17230818

Ok so to make things clear:
>I make 50k off crypto, this is just sitting in some bank account
>skattestyrelsen has two options:
>1. they can try to make me manually transfer money to them from my bank account
>2. they can use jewish math to make my wagecuck tax rate automatically increase by the exact same amount as I owe them from the crypto gains instead of taxing from the crypto gains directly
They went with option 2.

>> No.17230843

PET kommer efter dig bro

>> No.17230860
File: 44 KB, 900x540, 1581612456046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta pay to keep immigrants and crime flooding into your country. Just buy BSV bro. Fuck fiat.

>> No.17230880

Welcome to "free" healthcare my dude, now you know where the funding comes from.

>> No.17230943

Nogen danskere, der ved om der er noget måde at omgå 40%+ skat. (Lovligt selvfølgeligt...) Har det pænt stramt over at skulle cashe 20 mil ud og ende med lidt over 10 mil kun...

>> No.17230958

I'm not saying governments fund crypto directly, retards. Our modern technology, economies and industries wouldn't be where they are today without government. And without modern technology, we wouldn't have linkies and pepes.
Of course we can discuss what the tax rate should be and what governments should and shouldn't do, but it's a fact that modern technology simply wouldn't be where it is today without governments.
Stop sucking billionaire dick

>> No.17231024

Haha fuck dig mand

>> No.17231035


>> No.17231043

>Our modern technology, economies and industries wouldn't be where they are today without government. And without modern technology, we wouldn't have linkies and pepes.
complete bullshit. Government funding doesn't lead to innovation either, clown. Maybe the military. Thats it, dumbfuck. Not even aids in anything else indirectly

>> No.17231046

du har allerede betalt skat af de penge du købte crypto med. Hvorfor betale igen?

>> No.17231055

Imagine being Swedish. Your country is African and you are a slave. Your tax dollars pay for your government to import brown rapists. A pathetic existence

>> No.17231061

>Stop sucking billionaire dick
I hate most rich people. I just hate giving out my money when it doesnt benefit me in ANY sort of way.

>> No.17231108

>Our modern technology, economies and industries wouldn't be where they are today without government.
ha ha ha, that is some next level retardation.. jesus christ, ramblings of a lunatic.

i actually thought that everyone on /biz/ was some low level /pol/-tard/Ayn Rand fag.. guess the retardation runs much deeper than that.

>> No.17231111

Cash out by selling darknet things for cash

>> No.17231147

Denmark is a very reddit country and he's using reddit tier arguments. Maybe that's where he belongs if he wants to keep espousing the wonders of the government stealing from you.

>> No.17231179
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>PET kigger på 4chan efter neet skattesnydere


>> No.17231244

bro just go to a tax person. pay a little more. jessu

>> No.17231384


Vart ska man dra?
Portugal i ett halvår för skatten?
Hur lever man sen?

>> No.17231406

Impregnating white women against their will while their husbands watch is hard work, requires lots of carbs.

This is what you get for socialism.

>> No.17231450

This is dumb as shit as theres 1000 ways one could get around this. The fact that the release of staking affects the price of a token.. You could just invest in a derivative that effectively stakes your tokens for you and pays back in returns what you would have gained, and theres nothing they could do about it.

>> No.17231468

and if you do well enough for yourself, you get to pay tax on what you leave for your children/family.

>> No.17231490


>> No.17231517
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Burger here. Not so smug now are you, eurotards?

>> No.17231535

For 10 mil havde jeg helt sikkert flyttet til et andet land (Portugal) med noget mere velvillig crypto regulation.

>> No.17231540

Would it help if I talked to some person that works with taxes or will they be retards when it comes to crypto?

>> No.17231543
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But anon arent you glad you live in a socialist paradise with FREE EVERYTHING where daddy government just gives you FREE THINGS and magically takes care of EVERYONE haha wouldn't it suck if you lived in a 3rd world backwards nation like America where people could just buy guns with cash and move to states like Texas with low taxes where the government is restricted and there isn't FREE UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE and a FREE SOCIAL SAFETY NET just imagine how absolutely horryfing that would be if you could just keep your money and have to decide how to spend it instead of having the all knowing and benevolent State do all the desicion-making for you. Aren't you glad you get to donate all of your gains so unelected bureaucrats do the hard thinking for you and decided where the money goes? God I am so jealous of you you are what the future of the human race looks like and its BEAUTIFUL

>> No.17231581

Rethuglicucks. Wasted tax money is retarded, but so is allowing the uber rich to go unchecked and create a neo feudalism system that prevents people from moving up. Health care for all (its a thing in ALL first world countries BUT the u.s.) is actually one of the GOOD things, retard

>> No.17231664

Another thing you dont get is that wealth gets CONCENTRATED to the top percentile. Even if it isn't a zero sum economy, it doesnt matter. Most of the new wealth just goes to the rich anyways.

What kind of cuck actually thinks a feudalism capitalism system (no regulations) is a good thing, bootlicker?

>> No.17231666
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>so is allowing the uber rich to go unchecked and create a neo feudalism system that prevents people from moving up.
Agreed which is why socialists need to be purged.
>believes in the government-run healthcare for all

You have never had a loved one or yourself be put on month-long waiting lists for emergency procedures while your tax money goes to trannies' hormone pills and your own country's ruling class flies to the US for first rate immediate treatment, have you?

>> No.17231689

>Agreed which is why socialists need to be purged.
what I described was literally america, retard.

> You have never had a loved one or yourself be put on month-long waiting lists for emergency procedures
Better than not being able to afford it at all :)

>> No.17231715

I also wonder how the waiting lists are for emergency procedures. I really doubt people just magically get into more near fatal accidents just do o universal healthcare being a thing.

Also, dumbass, youre illiterate. Again, we are the ONLY 1st world country without it. I.e. other capitalist countries have it.
Btfod as FUCK

>> No.17231893
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>multiple replies
>weak argument

Oh look a limp-wristed underage new fag who has zero understading of how socialized medicine works in Europe but is an expert because he read a reddit post about it. Please enlighten us more about how great socialized medicine is! Can you give me a link where I can match your bernie donations? How about your reddit username so I can look up your posts and upvote them?

>> No.17231912

Dear swecuck, just temporarily move to a country with no crypto tax to cash out.

>> No.17231920

Ville jeg også gøre, hvis det ikke var, at skat skriver at: “ Hvis du flytter fra Danmark og din skattepligt til Danmark ophører, anser vi din beholdning af kryptovaluta for at være solgt til handelsværdien på fraflytningsdagen.

Det vil sige, at hvis værdien på fraflytningsdagen overstiger værdien på købstidspunktet, skal du oplyse forskellen som en fortjeneste på din årsopgørelse”. Så tænker ikke rigtigt, at den vil gå.

>> No.17232004

So.. you just posted word salad instead of addressing how we are literally the only first world country without it...

Lmfao. Republicans, everyone.

>> No.17232037

I just looked it up
>All individuals and families applying to the Malta Individual Investor Program must make a significant non-refundable contribution to the National Development and Social Fund set up by the Government of Malta


So did I get this right, "investors" pay 650 grand for a passport and get no ROI whatsoever? Are they retarded? Are you retarded? What's the reason to do this if you can get better citizenships for less?

>> No.17232066

I've been bitching about this exact same thing as a leaf. We have RRSP's which sound smart but are completely dumb. You get taxed and you put taxed money into that pension fund only to get taxed again when you retire or pull it out early. I'm managing my own retirement funds now, kinda wish I could stop paying my CPP premiums since they're gonna be pretty useless when I retire.

>> No.17232072

Det lyder til, at du har opgivet din beholdning til skat?


Så er der kun to udveje. Enten, så begynder du at sælge OTC for kontanter i bidder - jeg ved ikke ikke hvor længe dette kommer til at tage - 20 mil? Nok et stykke tid.

Ellers, så køber du straight up bare ting for BTC. Du bliver måske overrasket over, hvor meget man egentligt kan købe allerede.

En tredje, meme-esque udvej er at geninvestere alle Matador pengene, og lave et overskud du kan leve med at betale skat af.

>> No.17232090

What do you google to find someone who deals with this type of thing? Anyone you recommend?

>> No.17232117
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Dude.. Put everything into monero. Use dark net markets, get your money through the mail.

>> No.17232177
File: 53 KB, 800x723, 1503335774154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not a republican, I simply know more about this than you do. Based on your posts I can deduct you are not only new here but also severely overestimate your intelectual ability and have had girlfriends leave you for better men in the past. If this was a real-life debate your peers would instantly recognize your body language and hollow arguments and laugh at you. Lets break down just one of your multiple horrendous posts, newfag
>I also wonder how the waiting lists are for emergency procedures. I really doubt people just magically get into more near fatal accidents just do o universal healthcare being a thing.
what the fuck does this even mean? Have you EVER lived in Europe for a long time and used its socialized medical systems? No, you haven't. Do you have any first hand knowledge of what it is to have incredibly long waiting lists for emergency medical procedures? No, you do not. This much is clear from your horrendous post and in a real life debate it would be enough to blow you the fuck out because you are talking out of your ass and pretending you know something you don't, just because you like to regurgitate talking points.
>Also, dumbass, youre illiterate.
I suggest the Oxford English dictionary before you try big words.
>we are the ONLY 1st world country without it. I.e. other capitalist countries have it.
This is such a broad and lazy argument any decent high school teacher should chastize you for it, and it would get you laughed at in any decent university. You might as well post a picture stolen from occupy democrats with a strawman argument that only mentally retarded individuals would fall for because thats how comical it is. If you want to compare the state of medicine in the U.S (where the world's elites fly to for their medical procedures) to medical care in European countries with vastly different population/economic numbers then you failed at making even any semblance of an argument.

>tldr - suck a dick commie faggot.

>> No.17232685

Har heldigvis ikke opgivet noget endnu. Så tænker også, at der stadigvæk er visse muligheder. Kontakter selvfølgelig også nogle forskellige revisorer og får nogle ideer, men tænkte jeg lige ville stikke en fod i vandet og høre her. Tak for hjælpen.

>> No.17232703


>> No.17232988

Not one hint of actual data.

Again, the u.s. is literally the ONLY 1st world country without universal healthcare. I dont know why the FUCK you cherry pick examples like Europe, you dumbass. Its not just europe.

Long story short, it works everywhere else but it magically wont in the u.s. because "I sais so!". Very convincing. Pathetic word salad

>> No.17232996

Intet problem!

Hvis du ikke har indberettet noget, mener jeg at du kan flytte til udlandet - være der i 2 år, og derefter undgå at betale skat i Danmark.

>> No.17233014

Do they sell fertilizer in your country?

>> No.17233034

>This is such a broad and lazy argument any decent high school teacher should chastize you for it, and it would get you laughed at in any decent university. You might as well post a picture stolen from occupy democrats with a strawman argument that only mentally retarded individuals would fall for because thats how comical it is.
Holy SHIT.
ALL of that was word salad. Ironically an english teacher would you give you an F for being so long winded and saying nothing at all.
It basically boils down to "here's a giant post of me saying a teacher wouldn't like your simplistic argument" but you made it into a huge ass paragraph. Is it hard for you to get straight to the point or do you use giant words of texts to make it seem like youre in control of this argument?

It's also hilarious how YOUR argument comes down to "uhh I dont care if the u.s. is the only country without it. Thats a good thing just cuz!!" retard.

I bet you also like to know that the u.s. is the only country that advertises drugs, huh? Dumbass. Health care shouldnt be for profit. It actually causes a shit ton of financial strain, but fuck that, huh?

>> No.17233168

Wish theyd just give me all the social security money directly. Id rather manage it myself.

PLUS if I die prior to 65 or whatver age it is, my family can KEEPT the money rather the government going
>"well he died and you are not allowed to give it to anyone else so we (government) keep it"
Like seriously! I doubt it'll even be around in 30 years and if it is itll likely have the age increased and reduced amounts of money theyll give

>> No.17233329

This is true.

>> No.17233388

mutts law

>> No.17233440
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>> No.17233466


But, but, but who's going to pay for all the spic and nigger babies?!?!? I mean roads and education. Tee hee

>> No.17233483

not cashing out until laws change

>> No.17233771

it's like a subway sandwich

>> No.17233799

Tax on crypto certificates and crypto stocks held in a swedish ISK is 0,375% for 2020. Flyt ud af Danmark til et land uden skat på kapitalindkomst inden du realiserer en gevinst. Der er absolut ingen grund til at finansiere flere sigøjnerkonger og bådflygtninge i DK.

>> No.17234016

Holy fucking shit you're right