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17228517 No.17228517 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17228600

future is LUBE

>> No.17228616


>> No.17228714


>> No.17228947

It will take 1-2 more years. Meanwhile accumulate ideally between 20-40c. But take off can be anytime. You had 3 years to accumulate in that range. If it dips dont be retards and buy as much as you can.

>> No.17228952

hon'ble sir i need more videos and i aspect that u will satisfies me i will wait ur next video...

>> No.17229026

if it dips to 20c i will literally beg my entire family for as much money as possible and go all in

>> No.17229083

link is the better buy right now

>> No.17229151

No it isn't

>> No.17229215

for what do you need it? can't find anything gamebreaking /yawn

>> No.17229240

Everything. The blockchain needs iExec s lube to work at it's highest potential.

>> No.17229471

sounds reasonable, ALL IN

>> No.17229686

I will literally sell my whole family and buy rlc.

>> No.17229724

good choice! your anus will get the best lubing money can buy, iexecs trannies are waiting for you

>> No.17229832


>> No.17230023

I just told my mom we could be billionaires if we got $100k and all inned RLC, lets see how it goes
its digital lube oil cunt

>> No.17230051
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Also did anyone see how excited the announcer guy was when he was announcing iExec?
Holy shit dude I am going to make it

>> No.17230088
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Will I make it with 35k?

>> No.17230119

Of course. 35k is a lot when RLC is worth 400$

>> No.17230146


>> No.17230162

wtf it didnt take my text
*400$ next year*

>> No.17230213
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not this year

>> No.17230219
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Now answer me this fags
I own both rlc and chainlink but
Will rlc suprass chainlink or not

It seems to me after their partnership chainlink is the alpha in that relationship, am I wrong?

>> No.17230271

Probably not but if it goes to like 30$ you're still a millionaire, but who the fuck wants only 1M
Potentially? But I wouldn't want to even think about that because I think in the future most of the "good" cryptos will be worth 100s of billions anyways so we will all make it.
The partnership clearly shows that LINK needs iExec for computing power(computing the data is hard or impossible for LINK) and iExec needs LINK for oracles to grab the data(even though iExec has oracles too they used LINK because its the best oracle right now). It's basically a 50/50 relationship.

LINK has much more to lose partnering with iExec than iExec does so it's a big win for them.

>> No.17230371

can we pump now? please?

>> No.17230384

As much as I want it to moon too Im happy I can keep buying some. In fact Im gonna throw another 500 into it right now since no one is buying.

>> No.17230397

>I own RLC

>> No.17230431

Fun fact, most white people cannot spell.
Also thank the based whales for suppressing.

>> No.17230464

Alright i see what you mean
Now Staying on topic with you I do believe as well that cryptos will be worth gazillions one day now i only fear the jew and the triggered recession which would fuck up btc link rlc and everything else for that matter
Now hopefully that recession won’t happen soon (although it should), otherwise it would be wise to get out before that happens and after the impact buy back in

>> No.17230489

I think BTC is recession proof but I could be wrong of course.
If it proves to be recession proof then all coins will moon

>> No.17230492

Fun fact, there is no such word as surprass so OP must have overrided the spellcheck on his device to force his idiocy on the world. That is the kind of aggressive stupidity I would associate with buying RLC.

>> No.17230515
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>implying that’s a spelling mistake rather than a typo

>> No.17230535

Kek whatever it is. Suppress is a weird word.

>> No.17230557

People will need money since getting laid off work sucks and they need to eat and pay rent. I’d say you pulled that thought out of your ass but I hope you can succesfully counterargument me for the sake of both our money and our frens money who are lurking this shitty board.
Otherwise maybe selling with the next pump may be a good idea

>> No.17230573

Jesus christ i mistyped rlc surpassing chainlink not suppressing

>> No.17230600

Most wagies arent investing into anything as it is anyways it's mostly people with actual money and real jobs that arent really affected by much.
BTC has kinda already shown resistance to the stock market crash anyways
Makes sense. Your typing is very white as far as I can tell

>> No.17230608
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hahaha, another 7 versions guys, just hold

>> No.17230629

Kek I think hes wrong. When the scheduler becomes decentralized in the very near future is when it will take off

>> No.17230645

You didn't mistype anything it would get autocorrected to an actual. At some point in the past you INSISTED to your keyboard that THAT was the word you wanted.
Admit it
Admit your hubris and repent and sell that awful fucking shitcoin and return to 100% all-in LINK like you are going to do in the end anyway

>> No.17230646

LINK only integrates with RLC in certain instances. Even the current Defi stack doesn't use RLC but uses LINK.

RLC is good. but not needed in all enterprise builds. LINK however will be needed in every stack. Anyone that needs to connect data to the blockchain...which means everyone that wants to use the smartcontracts.

>> No.17230660


Eth - Smartcontracts
LINK - Data (connectivity through APIs)
UBT - Integration (connectivity through ERPs and SAPs)

all you really need.

>> No.17230676

Not everyone is a phonefag or cares about red lines faggot
What you say makes no sense because RLC also has oracles, and also deals with datasets. iExec is literally meant for enterprise use initially, so...wtf are you talking about lol

>> No.17230699

>or cares about red lines
Your unwillingness to pay attention to detail is why you end up holding bags of fucking garbage

>> No.17230712

>pretending like we didnt hear this at v2, v3, v4

>> No.17230722

im suprise lube tranny anon is not yet here kek

>> No.17230723

My friend, I have a pretty good grasp on English as it's my first language and I am whiter than snow, but I also understand mistakes happen. He showed he was able to type like an Englishman soon after.
Not many pajeets hold RLC, but some do, just like any other crypto.

>> No.17230732

Can’t stop accumulating RLC. It’s like an addiction

>> No.17230743

The scheduler was never scheduled to be done in these versions.
Just buy a small 1k bag. It won't kill you.

>> No.17230754

obviously you have no clue what your talking about. RLC has oracles but they are using them newfag. They are using Chainlink.

Get a clue and work on your DD

>> No.17230760
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Also how can you look at this and not think someone important or intelligent is accumulating RLC?
There was a huge buy order on RLC that got 35% filled too.
Someone or something is accumulating.

>> No.17230773

You just said you don't care about "red lines" ie. correct spelling. This indicates a lack of intellectual acuity - - the hallmark of an RLC bagholder

>> No.17230776


*They are NOT using them

Nobody trusts RLCs doracles. Your behind. You keep making enough bad decisions and you'll stay poor.

>> No.17230781

I'm saying if LINKs oracles cannot or dont need to be used that RLC has "fallback oracles".
That's why I own both LINK and RLC.

>> No.17230793


RLC bent the knee. why don't you know this.

>> No.17230817

Both coins are using eachother, please read my previous comment about it.

>> No.17230823


ummm, no thats not how decentralization works dude. get a clue.

Theres a reason why they ARE NOT USING RLC doracles. and most likely they will NEVER use them. why? cause its not up to RLC dummy. Its about the smartcontract users wanting the best security. they decide. The network decides. The enterprises decides. do you even know what your talking about.

>> No.17230893

>Theres a reason why they ARE NOT USING RLC doracles
I'll tell you why.
1) RLC's oracles do not have enough nodes set up.
2) The chainlink partnership enables both teams to focus on progression where it counts. Oracles are completed for RLC, but there isn't a reason to use them(kinda like why no one uses LINKs either).
3) Zero demand = Zero use

The main reason is definitely #2 though. Having your team focus where it counts is smart. RLC's oracles don't have anything wrong with them, in fact they are similar to LINK's with staking and rewards.
>do you even know what your talking about.
Do you even know what you're talking about?

>> No.17230895


But yes, I agree, both work together. And both are critical in certain stacks.

My point was that RLC is not always needed. If you like RLC good for you. decent invetment. Im here to make money and im going with the standard.


>> No.17230919

RLC is always going to be needed for off-chain computation and data processing/monetization.

Best combo right now.

>> No.17230924

wow, your really way behind.

LINK is the #2 gas user on ETH network just behind tether. meaning its near the number one useed network right now. Hello.. you have not studied your investments enough.

and Right now LINK is powering all of Defi. and just started powering DeInsurance.

Read, learn, make the right choice or stay poor.

>> No.17230955

>LINK is the #2 gas user on ETH network just behind tether.
Yet no one is actually using it for anything. Show me a single thing that its being used for other than an ETH price grabber. Also, one current downfall of LINK(why I hedge with RLC) is that the oracles are expensive with gas. RLC is not.

>> No.17230968

>Read, learn, make the right choice or stay poor.
Dude you are arguing with me about LINK when 40% of my portfolio is LINK. Stop being a faggot. Don't buy RLC and stay poor.

>> No.17230969

>Makes sense. Your typing is very white as far as I can tell
Thanks, I always wanted to type like J.R.R Tolkien
I admit that you're a loveable faggot.
Now turn around and bend over

>> No.17230998

>Thanks, I always wanted to type like J.R.R Tolkien
Kek, based. Love me some Tolkien

>> No.17231003


>> No.17231026


1. Threshold signatures. It makes gas 15000x cheaper. Way cheaper than anything doracles could do. Your behind

2. Defi is about price dude. whats your beef with defi?

3. They are setting up Deins and will be aggregating weather data.

dude, the network is being built right before your eyes and your missing out the greatest opportunity right now.

Im done with you. Again. feel good about your RLC and stop being so insecure about it.

>> No.17231047


And by the way. The only reason we are having this debate is because you needed to be corrected when you thought that RLC having its own doracles meant something.

Good day.

>> No.17231056

>Threshold signatures.
I know about them, but they aren't here yet now are they? That's why "muh gas is so high" "hurr durr #1 usage". It's fake dude.

>2. Defi is about price dude. whats your beef with defi?
See, you have no other use right now for the oracle. I'm not saying there never will be but I am right on this.

>3. They are setting up Deins and will be aggregating weather data.
>will be
You don't get it.

>> No.17231074

Yes, it means in case the LINK use cases fall short that RLC has something to fall back on. Don't kid yourself.

>> No.17231076


also, if you are not understanding why the simplist things need to be decentralized like "price" for smartcontracts then you have no idea why your really in the space and what decentralization means and its needs.

>> No.17231085

oh oh sure. thats right doracles are here to save you. So many are llined up to use them.

Your failing here and you don't even know it.

>> No.17231095

You are wrong about RLC. That is all. Goodbye pleb.

>> No.17231101


ok, like i said. be happy with your RLC investment. but stop spreading misinformation.

>> No.17231106

I never said that. Having a plan B is always a good thing. Hedging oracles is smart as fuck pajeet. Byebye.

>> No.17231119

This is great, I'm genuinely eating popcorn and reading your posts, I guess it's just us 3 in this thread

>> No.17231131

You are the one spreading misinformation faggot.

>> No.17231158

Yeah he doesn't realize the importance of the LINKRLC partnership as well as the benefit for RLC having their own oracles to fall back on.

It's one of the best hedges in crypto right now.
1b+ crypto oracle hedging with 50m multiuse tech coin with oracles

>> No.17231169
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I will lurk with you

>> No.17231208

Yeah bro don't mind him just scoop up some more barrels and we'll make it
Hey fren, hope you have a fine time this evening

>> No.17231241

Yeah, believe me or not I am not that bad off. I made a lot of money thanks to LINK but I have come to realize the importance of RLC through tons of research.

>> No.17231274

Congratulations you have IQ over 90

>> No.17231305

It's actually over 120, but thanks.

>> No.17231326

LUBE the knee

>> No.17231341


>> No.17231354

remove your buy wall you fucking traitor

>> No.17231358

How many barrels did you get fren?
I've got 38k

>> No.17231372
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Well well I myself have 138. Was forced to take IQ test before mandatory conscription. That number feels like meme dont feel like some big head or something.

>> No.17231407

It's not mine.
I've been accumulating for a while now I never put a wall like that. I think it's a big player though.
A lot... lol. More than that. 38k is a very "nice" bag to have though.
I plan on being almost a billionaire.
If you didn't know, the rate at which billionaires are made is going to exponentially increase during the next decade.

>> No.17231421

IQ is fluid, so some days I'll be over or below. It doesn't mean shit if you dont do anything with it though

>> No.17231460

I hope to one day be like you with a huge bag of rlc (hopefully over 150k)
I want to borrow money and put it into rlc
I just don't know how much and how long i have...

>> No.17231494

>I want to borrow money and put it into rlc
I did this with LINK. That's why I am where I am now. Very thankful.
Honestly you might not have very long.
Big players are starting to move in.
You will make it with 30k though.

>> No.17231589

>I did this with LINK. That's why I am where I am now. Very thankful.
Well thanks for the words of encouragement

>> No.17231676

When the time comes, good luck.
Selling is a very tricky thing.
Do you sell at 10$ for a nice profit?
Or do you wait to see what happens?
That is the dilemma, again, good luck.

>> No.17231824

Yeah I figured that's the issue, I'll figure it out
Same as with LINK, hold or sell

>> No.17231840

Yep. With LINK I had to de-risk. Still enjoying gains though

>> No.17231894

I'm so fucking curious about the your stack numbers for link and rlc
Share if you want, no pressure... I'm not envious if you pull a huge number out, just want to imagine what it's like

I'm gonna take a loan for 6 months and split it between link and rlc.. hope 6 months is enough

>> No.17231971

meant to quote >>17231840

>> No.17232019

I can't say :)
Just know I'm already a millionaire so it doesn't matter kek.

>> No.17232040

Okay np bro