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File: 116 KB, 299x281, pepe_straya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17218098 No.17218098 [Reply] [Original]

when the fuck are we getting an AUD stablecoin anons? If ETH keeps rising i'm gonna be jewed since I use it like a stablecoin. AUD keeps dropping against USD because of whore politicians who can't even manage a conference let alone the fucking economy. are there any stablecoins pegged to countries that are in recession?

>> No.17218138

Ausfag also, but
Invest elsewhere

>> No.17218158

nah cunt i buy ETH to trade for other crypto.

>> No.17218171

What do you mean, aus anon?

The fact our economy keeps dying mean with all the pumps it's like double Christmas.

>> No.17218180

why not just put it all in eth and bank it there?

>> No.17218222

I do have some ETH but it's slow as fuck. Just bought FTM which is gonna moon

>> No.17218239

based fanties

>> No.17218685
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>holding the doomed AUD shitcoin
>not all in LINK

>> No.17218727

I have 20 linkies and 7583 fanties my dude

>> No.17218746
File: 909 KB, 1080x1540, Aw piss!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest in XRP you fucking poofters!

>> No.17218766

Is creig satoshi?

>> No.17218774

the australian dollar is just a bonus multiplier at this point

>> No.17218776

he's obviously shorting duh, is complaining about ETH because it's rising

>> No.17218777

That was my first choice to put my $100 in but everyone i asked said chainlink so now i have 24 link which i don't want to sell just incase people where right while i watch ripple moon without me.

>> No.17218782
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>mfw strayan, and our dollar keeps getting shitter and shitter but all my value is in BTC so it doesn't matter

>> No.17218785
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>> No.17218787

checked, but mate you are going to need a lot more than 24 LINK

>> No.17218832

I know that but i make barely enough to live as is i just turned 18 have 2 part time jobs for about 28 hours/pw (hard to find jobs in city as year 10 drop out from buttfuck nowhere whos skills are cattle station related) im eating fish i catch and mi goreng to put as much as i can into this.

>> No.17218876

easy on the mi goreng, that stuff has low satiety-to-cost value. Go with plain ol white rice or potatoes, much healthy and cheaper to boot. Good luck mate.

>> No.17218919

probs gunna start robbing asians for their dardy shit desu i knew they were small but nothing prepared me for seeing one in real life ,they men are barely nipple height.

>> No.17218955

keep up the hard work mate, and even when it feels impossible and everything might feels against you keep on keeping on. you will look back at yourself in the future and be wrapped that you worked so hard.

>> No.17218956

Do urself a favor Aus fag
From another Aussie
Invest in ERD ELROND
1mill stack to make it

>> No.17218994

prove you are an aussie not a finish this sequence:
1 3 0 0 6 5 5

>> No.17219042

5 0 6

>> No.17219048

0 6 U FUXK

>> No.17219053

i can't read

>> No.17219070

Alright fellahs i have$35 right now to invest how should i erd or ftm or half each?

>> No.17219071
File: 1.58 MB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-1894372826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On my way to a one mill stack do it research the proof is all there Twitter and such

>> No.17219085

Erd also I'm drunk on the train missed the triple five o six

>> No.17219213

Anyone in property lads?
Crash soon? Good places to buy?

>> No.17219300

>being rich enough to invest in property

>> No.17219335

yea im an aufag and we ar fucked to cash out

>> No.17219457

now this is fuckin' based!

>> No.17219471

506 is correct bro. 1 3 double 0 6 triple 5 0 6
Ironically, you didn't read the question correctly

>> No.17219520


I Made about 12k aud in bsv so far, if i wanted to cash out like 5 grand where the hell do i go? and obviously leave as little trail as possible

>> No.17219553

Well good thing he now has the number to get help

>> No.17219564

Rural towns, populations of 20-30k
good size land (6-800) and new 3 bed houses (last 10 yrs) for 250-300k.
As long as you can earn a decent wage or work remotely you'll do well enough to have a second home in a few years.

>> No.17219570

Cash out on BTCmarkets or Coinspot. Or just keep it in USD because AUD is fucked.

>> No.17219597

>can't do ANZ
BTCmarkets is probably the best otherwise.

>> No.17219646
File: 29 KB, 749x409, images (43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we already have our own coin you drongo fag cunt, and it's been neckin all summer

>> No.17219663

>Or just keep it in USD

can i cash out into aud cash though? i dont want to just transfer 5k into my complete access account if the bank records it coming from coinspot wont that be suspisious and eventually be picked up by the ato who gonna know where this money come from

>> No.17219743
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living room of satoshi.

>> No.17219760
File: 14 KB, 300x196, scam - safex (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else is using centrelink payments to buy scam coins?

>> No.17219791

What a loser, safex is a scam

>> No.17219796


>> No.17220104

I didn't buy a btc in 2013 during the whalebear buyout because at that time crypto was 10% taxed from coinjar.
Man I am stupid.
Anyway I trade in euros (dual national chad here) and kept 80% of my cash holdings in EUR.
The AUD is the most embarrassing thing to hold in the world

>> No.17220191

feels good
crypto stays same price
aud gets weaker
suddenly have more net worth

>> No.17220246
File: 113 KB, 288x300, 1574965346448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God it feels good to put all my neet bucks into crypto, it almost takes the pain away from seeing my cunt of an employment officer once a month

>> No.17220267

>im eating fish i catch and mi goreng to put as much as i can into this.

Deadset legend, you got the right mindset.

Fellow QLDer??

>> No.17220322

There's sAUD on synthetix

>> No.17220761


Based dole cunts
Cant pull that off anymore gotta wagie

>> No.17220825

Many Australians bought the SAFEX scam same happened with auscoin seems like Ozzies are retarded oi oi oi

>> No.17220826

who /ASX/ here?

>> No.17220863

what gave it away

>> No.17220865


wew lad. and dbet

>> No.17221133

Nope, crypto and silver, then build a business, then real estate

>> No.17221262

/ASX/ is so fucking shit , either get into nasdaq or crypto

>> No.17221325

how many dingos would it be worth?

>> No.17221343


>> No.17221462

i reckon it's manipulated as fuck too

>> No.17221704 [DELETED] 
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if your a REAL ausfag finish 13:30:xx