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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17215010 No.17215010 [Reply] [Original]

are black men buying Chainlink?

>> No.17215032


>> No.17215033

No, Link is the white man's coin. Read the whitepaper, it says clear as day that
can own chainlink, only white men of good character.

>> No.17215042

exclusively, alot of test and cock pumping in, not much brain

>> No.17215141

I did. So yes

>> No.17215415

> Is Israel having right to exist?

>> No.17215455

>are black men buying Chainlink?
Smart ones are.

>> No.17215490

I posted a pic of my hand with a timestamp about half a year ago and got a bunch of poltards to sell their stack after I proved that I was a black link holder

LMFAO I literally screwed them out of fortunes

>> No.17215919

I shilled it to a co worker of mines.

>> No.17215931

They're called niggers dude lol

>> No.17216122


>> No.17216158

Based. good work lad

>> No.17216185

dude i dont fuking know im a human not a black thing

>> No.17216203


>> No.17216229

>black thing
If you wanna be edgy then say nigger. Don’t talk like you’re in the school yard afraid a teacher’ll overhear

>> No.17216262

checked and based

>> No.17216441

a few rappers like Sauce Walka had instagram stories about Chainlink (and XRP) so I'd say yes, Blacks have been catching on

>> No.17216463

based FUDnigger

>> No.17216702
File: 268 KB, 1600x1002, 1568413373161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of link “investors” didnt even read the whitepaper. It fucking flopped at sibios, Nazarov was presenting to a crowd of a dozen visibly vegified mongrels and 1 obese women, they all sat right next to toilets. Entire presentation was a laughing stock on the stream, word was Nazarov shit himself on stage near the end, looks like that in the VOD. ICO whales bought up cheap links at insanely low prices, they probably hold as much as Nazarov does. Entire dev team and Nazarov plus whales hired a bunch of legitimate nazis off of /pol/ to make link infographs and memes like they did with the whole jewish question propaganda. Using the work of these convincing /pol/ propagandists, Nazarov hired a handful of paid discord shillgroups and gave them exact hand written textual propaganda. These shills them used the most elaborate memes and infographs coupled with the wordplay of a philosophy major and commenced the largest high effort shilling campaign ever seen on 4chan. Some anon who was apart of one of the paid shillgroups posted proof and then the entire board went down for a couple minutes and the post was scrubbed completely even on warosu. It’s undisputedly true that the mods and jannies are in Nazarovs back pocket hence why the entire fucking board can be nothing be link shill threads and not a single thread will get purged. Couple months back sergey was presenting at some no name convention, with about 10 people, hilariously enough he sat by himself at a table for 30 minutes, not a single person asked him a question.

>> No.17216720

nice tits

>> No.17216754
File: 361 KB, 1181x1299, 14ECAF14-CAE6-496E-A449-98030F60B736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No we moved to pnk with the link whales

>> No.17217423


>> No.17217491

Based. That's what they get for having weak tranny hands.

>> No.17218197

I doubt anyone sold their stack because you posted your hand. You're a lying retard

>> No.17218526

You must be new here. Lead up to last bull they definitely were