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17210109 No.17210109 [Reply] [Original]

Ima 30 year old"man", my problem with this thing called "life" is that im always fucking tired from it, i have passions and creative hobbies but i cant go deeper into them and become a master. I come home from work and i have no energy, my soul is crying, everyday is the same, work basically crush all my dreams, my creativity, my flow. How do people free themselves? How to get into the mode where you are obsessive and manic about your passions that you just come from work and just do it? I dont care about much else, none of that girls and pussys and relationships interests me, i feel at peace and truly myself when im alone, i just want to work on things that matter to me, but this insane wagecuckery just saps my soul and creativity:( i brely scrapping by, livin paycheck to paycheck, and i must work full time just for this? Just so i can sleep in my bed and have a hot food? Who invented that 8hours of work is expected? Why not 6 or 4? Guys i need ur advice on how to become super energetic, productivity machine

>> No.17210173

I have no fucking idea man. Find a way to cut costs and start investing in crypto, and fast. Good luck anon

>> No.17210278

Already invested, but not much since im eastern europoor and minus bills,food and rent this leaves me with about 100eur for "investments", getting sadder by the day..

>> No.17210491
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>> No.17210667
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>> No.17210764

There's nothing like wagecucking to inspire and motivate you to get the fuck out of doing it. Might take a few years but if you can decide on a path and get working on it, you can get your freedom.
what the path is, you gotta figure out. Learn software development or something.
I bought a load of chainlink so I'm sorted.

>> No.17210788

oh man check out my ID:
9/11 White house.

>> No.17210819

go do this course.

>> No.17210820

Only way is you find a way to make money or you save up for solar and go inawoods, then make some kind of business while inawoods

>> No.17210845

carnivore diet
good luck

>> No.17210971

Based. I cant believe how good I feel on this diet

>> No.17211009
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most of us are in this grund anon. if we get "lucky" we might get some left over pussy pregnant and can pay child support (you say you don't but you can't fool your peers, just because you can't have doesnt' mean you want have it). they will make sure that we will have just enough not to go crazy all at once if we just keep on wageslaving

>> No.17211026

sorry for typos, I already start drinking a bit on wednesdays already

>> No.17211033

Thats what im thinking, but time passes me by so quickly, i want it so bad but i just cant do it, its like i come from work and im paralysed, just make some food and zone out on the sofa. Im so fucking angry at myself everyday, even on the days i really do some work on my projects, i feel as it is not enough and i just do it mindlessly sometimes. At the moment trying to quit smoking cigarettes so that maybe will give me dat little extra boost in power or else im gonna snap rly hard one day

>> No.17211059

Start small. I was in your situation anon. But I am so glad I just started using some of my feee time to craft new skills. I started reading everything i could about online marketing and SEO. Then slowly I got more "drive" since I started to see more possibilities. Then I quit my dead end job and went back to school for one year while at the same time starting my own consulting business. Afther that I got a job that I actually like and pays ok. Now im stacking cryptos like crazy. Ready for the bull run.

You see anon. Start small. But keep going, and youll see results before you know it

>> No.17211108

This is a more common sentiment than you'd imagine Anon. Nietzsche did say that lazy hedonism would be the downfall of man. I'm in the same boat as you but pushing myself to do more everyday. All you can do is strive to be better and take small actionable steps. Those small steps will add up and before you know it you'll feel that fire inside again.

>> No.17211118


Save as much as possible, cut down your expenses and invest the rest

Good luck anon

>> No.17211177

I really dont give a fuck about women, never did. Thats maybe one thing i feel good about since i dont have to worry about entertaining some roastie and not have to waste my precious time, my only wish in life is to work on what i like, i dont even care about money desu, ive had some saved stack of money in the past and all it did, it just made me more retarted, there isnt even a thing i would want to buy except maybe freedom from wagecuckery but for that u need loads of money, i wish there was some sort of jobs with like 4 hours a day that would cover rent and food and internet, but thats unrealistic

>> No.17211191

>Guys i need ur advice on how to become super energetic, productivity machine
For me it was despairing until the brink of suicide. You either die or choose to finally live.

>> No.17211260

Well i think about rope almost everyday, not that im going to do it, i lack confidence and balls even for that thingy lol

>> No.17211427

the capitalist system is a time transfer mecahnism. it transfers time from the employees to the owners. you only exist as a cog to create value for the owners and you are paid as little as possible. meanwhile the owners are sailing around the world on yachts and living life to its fullest. your time as been transfered to them.

>> No.17211513

I know that, but how do we take power in our hands? I dont want money, just give me back my time

>> No.17211556

The only other thing I would suggest is the Costanza method. If your life is utterly miserable do the exact opposite of what you do. If you don't care about women, go get a date. If you don't care about money try to get promoted or get a higher paying job. If you sit on a couch when you get home go running instead. If you take hot showers use ice cold water. If you want to die because your life sucks then live someone elses, because it can't be worse than thinking about the rope everyday.