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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1720492 No.1720492 [Reply] [Original]

Hi there /biz/ never been to this board before but hoping y'all can help me with something.

I get paid under the table at my job and I reeeeeally want a ps4 pro. I was wondering can I literally walk into the store and throw down the $400 whatever for a ps4 pro in all cash? Or is there some sort of limit to cash purchases at a place like gamestop/walmart/best buy/ wherever.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.1720497


no, there's no limit on cash purchases.

>> No.1720501


This is only usually a thing at smaller stores, and usually only a thing when you're dealing with either unusual quantities of coins or large bills.

You're going to be fine, nervous doge.

>> No.1720503

Thanks m8!

>> No.1720506

dude I have paid over $5k in cash for a jet ski before there are no cash limits, at least not in freedomland

>> No.1720511

Alright ty!! Gonna get my FFXV on afterall! :D

>> No.1720547

How stupid are you? People pay for houses in cash.

>> No.1720877

You might be an actual retard. I think instead of $400 on a PS4 you should instead take a class on basic home ec at your local community college.

>> No.1720898


I hope this is an underage B& because if you're over 18 you should kill yourself.

>> No.1720927

No you can't do that bro, it's illegal. Give me the $400 and I'll buy the ps4 for you

>> No.1720934
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Some places may object to taking on huge amounts of cash at one transaction for security reasons. But for a big box store it's going to be a buttload of money to matter.

Then there is the whole $10K cash limit thing that the IRS wants people to report each other on. Do too many large cash transactions often enough and they can pop you. Welcome to the Brave New World.

Remember: Capone was locked up for tax evasion.