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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17204198 No.17204198 [Reply] [Original]

This is not a LARP, please don't treat it like one because I genuinely need help and if you guys help me I'll pump whatever shitcoin you want. Just please hear me out. Even if you think it is a LARP just indulge me because I am not kidding when I say this is a completely serious situation.
My sister is dating the son of an actual genuine billionaire, they met in college somehow and my family are kind of barely clinging on to middle class, the type of middle class where all our money goes to sending us to the best possible schools but we barely make mortgage payments. Anyways over the Christmas holidays they invited my and my younger brother on a ski trip to their private resort. Now I known how suspicious rich people are so I've always done my best to play it very cool with the family and not seem like I want any favours. Despite this the dad seems to like fucking with me, possibly because he doesn't like me or my sis or possibly because he does and thinks its amusing, these rich people are very good at hiding their emotions. Anyways he occasionally gives me little 'tasks' and pays me usually 10k for doing them, stuff that he wants done in person and normally has an assistant for, like he had me fly to Paris to pick up an antique and then fly back to New York. That kind of stuff. Anyways during this trip he asked for help with finding him a 'car' and said he'd give me a 'small commission', I got excited naturally and agree. Only for the car to turn out to be an Aston Martin that only 10 people in the world own and it costs 15 million dollars. Now I am assuming that this was like a fun jest, he's fucking with me obviously. What I want to know is, is this mission 100% impossible? Is there absolutely ANY way for me to maybe find the owners and send them an offer or some shit? What would you do in my position? Should I ignore it completely or just give him some canned response? Advice is welcome. Pic related is just the first google result for 'billionaire'.

>> No.17204277
File: 18 KB, 321x321, xcToHqoH_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start hunting for that Aston Martin, don't bother sending a offer, you will have to take it by force.

This is a test, you need to go to the ghetto and hire some real niggers and take the Martin by force.

Trust me op, you need some real niggers that will back a crazy cracker and you need to take the martin by force

>> No.17204299

Ask /o/ idiot

>> No.17204311

Tell him no and flash your link stack instead

>> No.17204329

>Is there absolutely ANY way for me to maybe find the owners and send them an offer or some shit?
Well do you have a choice? Won't hurt to try.

also this

>> No.17204335

tl;dr shill this billionaire LINK already you fucking faggot

>> No.17204443

One way of doing it could be to get in touch with those classic car auctions and see if they might be getting one in soon, that’s where you’re going to be most likely to pick one up.
Also bit of a long shot but try getting in touch with you tubers who feature those kind of cars, they know the lay of the land in that world and word spreads between them about who owns these rare cars.
If you wanna contact me some how with the details of the car I can do some digging also, I can be quite good at finding stuff/solving problems once I get a lead!

>> No.17204490

The only way to win is to fuck his wife and force him to buy LINK you pathetic faggot.

>> No.17204546
File: 538 KB, 2411x2917, epstein1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carry on with jobs like this and you end up being the next Epstein.

>> No.17204559

you are currently getting cucked into oblivion, he treats you like a serf, a dog that barks on command for peanuts, only way to escape this cycle of cuckoldry is by fucking your sister.

>> No.17204828

>doesn't fuck sis
>wnmi ever

>> No.17205717
File: 111 KB, 686x526, 1580081507907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I'll do that now.
Yeah I'll reach out to RM Sothebys thanks for the tip

>> No.17206031

>This is not a LARP, please don't treat it like one because I genuinely need help and if you guys help me I'll pump whatever shitcoin you want. Just please hear me out. Even if you think it is a LARP just indulge me because I am not kidding when I say this is a completely serious situation.
you've convinced me, when would a LARP ever say that?

>> No.17206051

you definitely should do it. get on the horn and start making those phone calls. call old car museums. call aston martin dealerships. research it online to see if you can find any owners. you'll probably get a lot of people who don't know what you're talking about but maybe one of them will have a number of a guy to give you. it's not like there is any risk except for your time... you already have the money to buy it you just need to find where it is. and then the dad will think you're cool.

>> No.17206070

also if you can pull shit off like this eventually you could get a role in his business if he thinks you're capable... the type of person who can handle weird problems like this in creative ways but who he also has a family tie to and can trust. don't fuck this up.

>> No.17206090

Is it that hard for you to suspend your disbelief for 10 seconds and pretend my situation is real? I have nothing to gain from LARPing and it's not like your time on /biz/ would be better spent in any other shitty threads.
Good point. Besides it could be that the real test is whether I even bother to try.

>> No.17206110

Do it. He wants to see if you're a go getter.

>> No.17206176

Checked. I agree OP you need to make an impression on the new father-in-law. Show him you're full of spunk.