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1720007 No.1720007 [Reply] [Original]

Humblegoals thread.

All I want is an independent life in some nice city, nice single or two room apartment, able to spend all day online, gaming, creating, learning, writing, etc. And maybe a dog so I have a reason to go out every now and then. Quasi-neeting but I do want to be self employed somehow.

Anyone here achieved this? How? How would you recommend for me to achieve this?

>> No.1720043

I want to have enough to buy healthy food and take a vacation once a year. Also to be able to buy some special items each month, like a few video games. I also want to be able to support me and my girlfriend if she ever did not work.

>> No.1720045

this is basically my goal aswell anon
>OWN nice 1-2bd/1bth appartment
>fully own reliable but nice car (thinking lexus)
>enough income that so that i dont have to worry about feeding myself/paying bills

so far im maybe 10% of the way towards this goal (have about 20k invested aggressive right now)

basically all it comes down to is saving like a mother fucker (think 50%, ez for me cause i live at home) and making smart choices in terms of what you spend your time on.


>> No.1720066

Yeah, I just want to own a flat (apartment) somewhere chill, my goal in life to be cozy. I fucking despise my job at the moment, but I'm earning £28k which isn't terrible here in England. £18.5k in stocks, couple grand in savings. I'm able to save most of my income but I've just passed my driving license test so will start paying for a car, and will probably move out of my parents which means I won't be able to save as much as I am doing currently

>> No.1720091

You think 200K is enough to sustain you for life?

>> No.1720092


I want to retire to a 400-1000 square foot cabin in a place where I can live relatively peacefully, with a washing machine and dryer on site.

Going to the laundromat is for slaves.

>> No.1720094

I am living in London and even that I have an above the average salary (50k) I have already assumed that I will never be able to afford an apartment.

It is sad but I have to be realistic. The only house (or houses) that I will ever own will be because I inherit them, and they are not in London.

>> No.1720096


What do you do? How did you ge tthere? How old are you?

>> No.1720098

If you've got your house paid off you need fuck all to live.

What does a guy spend money on? Food, maybe some beer.

>> No.1720101

Feel the same way about Vancouver. Thanks Chinese.

>> No.1720105

no not at all, thats why i said "plus an income so i can not worry about feeding myself paying the bills"

200k will get me a car/decent 2bedroom close to the downtown of my city

>> No.1720109

I am 25 and I am web dev

>> No.1720114

Property taxes and repairs will happen and have to be paid for. And a safe withdrawal rate of 4% is only 8K a year.

That's fair. Very realistic. My goal is to get ~600K so I can just live off the dividends for life.

>> No.1720115
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>whining about his inheritance

m8 shut the fuck

posh cunts - not even once

>> No.1720120

Why don't you learn to build a house?

>> No.1720123

I live with my father in a nice large compound in the mountains, 30 minutes away from san jose. I spend all day online/gaming/shitposting/chasing free money, and occasionally buying/selling a stock like Nivida.

It's very depressing because i live with my father, even though i have 450k, it feels like im a 13 year old... Im not allowed to buy a house and move to place I want to live in rural washingotn or oregon, because he think's it's stupid to not live rent free with him...

I hate it, because I live with him (even though he is nice for letting me live with him, and paying for my beer, food, car etc.)

>> No.1720136
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My own house, i'm sick of commieblocks. Doesn't have to be a big one. In fact i could live in one of those refurbished shipping containers.
Enough passive income so i don't have to slave my life away. God knows i'm walking on a tight rope here already, with all the cancer and blood issues running in the family.
And simply to be left alone.

>> No.1720138

fucking depressing, it makes me never leave the house, becuase there is no reason to go anywhere or do anything....

Im on unemployment, and no jobs will pay me what i used to make... Education is really bullshit in the bay area... the junior colleges are jokes, and the universities are even bigger jokes but tough as nails to get into (overcrowding via chinese/vietnamese/illegals)... i was in uni but stopped going when i got old job, they wouldnt let me into accounting courses, because it was too full.

I didnt want a useless economics degree...

I got dui, got fired, from great job, now i can't even get a job as a septic tank labourer unless it is in a city 200-300 miles away

>> No.1720145

yeah, thats like my "minimum" goal for now, i know i will probably be able to afford bigger and better but for now (20y/o atm) thats my goal

>> No.1720149

Go cry somewhere else, faggot.

>> No.1720171
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>there is no reason to go anywhere or do anything

>> No.1720172

What's your blog so i can subscribe?

>> No.1720175

>chasing free money


>> No.1720176

To build a house you first need land, and it is quite hard to find land to build anything in London, all the developers are going after what it is left.

>> No.1720336


> Anyone here achieved this?

> How?
started a business

> How would you recommend for me to achieve this?
work for someone else. Something simple, yet profitable, that does not require a degree. Learn how they do it. Then quit and start your own.

>> No.1720466


>What does a guy spend money on? Food, maybe some beer.

And a woman and children. Until then you're a boy, not a man.

>> No.1720491

Lazy ass cunt who can't find a man to provide for her, detected. Get a job.

>> No.1720516

that's quiet nice.
i almost have that, not a 100% done tho.

>> No.1720524

Nah fuck that I'll keep traveling and meeting interesting people. Got a dog bro for home.

>> No.1720533

seconding this.

I'm retired. I get out of bed at 3 in the afternoon and play video games most of the day. Go eat dinner at a restaurant. Play more games. Shitpost on /biz/.

I bought a business.

I worked for someone else to learn before buying my business.

>> No.1720537

I'd like to own a decent sized house, enough for me and my parents. If they get to a point where they cant take care of themselves, I'll take them in. I don't want any of my siblings or in laws to do it

>> No.1720545

Oh man I didn't read the rest of your post, OP. I don't know how I'm going to achieve it, I'm sure I'll be fine though

>> No.1720546

Sensible people don't get married and have children

Literal cuck behavior

>> No.1720565

are you 15?

>> No.1720572

>nuclear family is cuck
>dissolving nuclear family due to social programs has led to all poverty
how does a modern conservative maintain confidence in his identity politics?

>> No.1720593

Are you saying social programs has destroyed the nuclear family?

I'd argue that most families going the two-earner's route in order to survive has done that but that's my speculation.

>> No.1720597

>he thinks it's the 1930s

WEW, enjoy being cucked

Poverty makes me rich by the way, so who gives a fuck lol

>> No.1720666


Well you'd have to move to the countryside, of course, stupid.

Why would you want to overpay for land in London?

>> No.1720667

>able to spend all day online, gaming, creating, learning, writing

>able to spend all day gaming

This isn't sustainable whatsoever my teenage friend

>> No.1720669

>1 income is better than 2
>children don't pay for themselves in tax incentives
>your credit doesn't improve with a spare worker to cosign
>sex is lame

that's the sort of thinking that got you into this mess.

>> No.1720673


Do you really believe anyone can just go and build a house at will before owning land?

>> No.1720681

>children don't pay for themselves in tax incentives

Tax incentives will NEVER be greater than the cost of raising a child. Not even close.

>> No.1720713
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>Anyone here achieved this? How?
It's easier to have an alt lifestyle than most people think.

I sell vegetables in Poland. I earn 2,500 PLN per month, so something like €7,000 per year. I'll be 30 soon. Hear me out.

I live a very comfortable life, for what I want and need. I mostly spend time reading, finishing around 170 books per year. I can read at work (rarely busy) and at home. I have a lot of free time.

I'm clean, healthy, have heat and food. I get around by bicycle. I buy used clothes, but it's not like they have holes or smell, really. I guess life would be much harder if I didn't have my own flat. While I was getting a PhD I got one from my parents, but I never took any help outside of that.

I miss some things like the washing machine or oven, but every month I save a little bit of extra money. Even though I read mostly on kindle I can also buy used books from the libraries, see pic related. Sometimes they give them away for free too.

I'm having a hard time understand how people need to spend so much more than I do. I guess it's mostly because they can't cook. Socializing may be expensive too, but I dislike people. Everything else may just be people believing in commercials and paying for useless crap. The need to possess an expensive car or the newest console seems empty and funny to me, but each to their own.

>Quasi-neeting but I do want to be self employed somehow.
Working outside of your home is not so bad. If you don't want that because of the people, then just keep the distance from them but be polite. They will leave you alone. If it's because you feel like you deserve a better job than you can get, I encourage you to rethink simpler options.

>> No.1720746

but you dont get any sense of meaningful accomplishment and pride from earning money

sure, lets say you "make it", and you now have racks on racks. sure, it feels good to be able to see the product of your hard work and success. but what happens after that? exponentiate your money until you die? then what?

who do you try and instill the values of hard work and frugality as well as morals in besides your children to ensure their success and comfort? and how can you not want to come home to a loving wife at the end of a day? what about if your car shits out on the way to work (at which you get fired) and you feel like shit? whos going to be your cheerleader and tell you it's gonna be alright?

if you arent using financial success as a method to establish a family and keep the people you care about in comfort youre probably doing it for the wrong reasons

>> No.1720754
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>but you dont get any sense of meaningful accomplishment and pride from earning money

>> No.1720756

This may come as a shock to you as but people value different things. I'm not gaudy, I don't spend my money outside of traveling and some hobbies, max out my 401k, IRA, and contribute to my niece and nephew's college accounts.

I feel accomplishment in my job. I like solving problems, and making good money is just a side effect. The money doesn't necessarily make me happy but the doors and opportunities it opens does.

Life's what you make it. Fuck you and anyone like you thinks you have it figured out. I subscribe to being good to others and oneself. That makes me happy.

>> No.1720776

Surely you can imagine that it's possible to be a content person without having a child. And this thread is a discussion of humble living, which by itself focuses on different values than being rich and possessing things. If you believe the only possible ways to happiness is financial success and procreation, then I invite you to discuss what happiness is on /lit/ or /his/

>> No.1720777

I want to buy a 4-unit building with tenants and enough income to pay property taxes and management company. Soon my passive income empire will be born.

>> No.1720790

>this thread is a discussion of humble living
I got confused since OP's goals cost far more money than most people will ever make in their lives.

those are actually wealthy goals, if we care to be frank. Of the sort anon will likely never achieve.

>> No.1720796

>Tax incentives will NEVER be greater than the cost of raising a child. Not even close
I see you don't have kids or pay taxes. And/or do not live in the US.

congratulations, you are the normal 4chan user!

>> No.1720807
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I'd like to own a modest condo in the city. I live in a larger Midwestern town, so I'm thinking I can do it. Somewhere between $150,000 to $300,000 max. You can get some nice places around here for around that price.

Second priority would be to obtain a nice ride. Being a college student, I like many drive a shitbox that's an embarrassment to be seen in. Because of all the snow we get during the winter months, the A4 is the car I'm currently admiring. You can get a nearly fully-loaded one for around $40,000. That's a bit more than what the average American pays for a new car, but I think I can do it.

>> No.1720809

So what are the tangible benefits of "being a man" and having a child?

>> No.1720814

higher income, decreased taxes, cheaper and easier credit, lowered insurance costs, greater employability, more assets.

that's just on average. It's certainly possible to have a kid and skip all the benefits.

>> No.1720827

Aside from the taxes your list is crap.

If I knock up 5 random women tomorrow I will get none of those things aside from the tax breaks. What I will get is a new expensive bill I must pay somehow lest I be throw in jail so I suppose my income may go up in absolute terms, but in real terms it's going down along with my quality of life as I am now slaving away to pay child support instead of drinking beer and arguing with people on /biz/.

>> No.1720835

Same goal, except the dog (don't want pets). In fact your pic would be fucking ideal (to OWN, not rent).

All I want is to actually own my own time. As it is now I'm freaking out about money and if this kickstarter doesn't take off (or at least launch because our video is taking so god damn long) in the next month or two, I'm fucked and I'll have to go get some slave job making pennies while I make someone else rich. I hate the thought.

This. My entire yearly expenses outside of housing total well under $10,000. I don't want or need a ton of stuff to be happy, I just need to be financially secure and free.

>> No.1720843


Dude I know a lot of fuckbois with a woman and kids.

>> No.1720847

>If I knock up 5 random women tomorrow
Oh, so you mean NOT "being a man."

that's a different list entirely.

>> No.1720855

If you are implying getting married is a sound financial decision in our time I have some alt coins to sell you.

>> No.1720858

>My goal is to get ~600K so I can just live off the dividends for life.
Oh hey, this is mine too! I figure at 4% swr, the 24 grand a year would cover a modest mortgage and I'd finally be free.

>Poverty makes me rich by the way
Alright, I'll bite. How does it make you rich?

>have enough invested that your dividends and capital gains more than cover your living expenses
>isn't sustainable whatsoever
And how do you figure that?

... What the fuck are you trying to shill here?

The *maximum* deduction for children is a few thousand dollars a year, like 2 or 3 grand. Children do not cost anywhere near 2 or 3 grand. Tax deductions could never even approach the cost of raising a child.

>one or two bed apartment and passive income to cover living expenses
>"OP's goals cost far more money than most people will ever make in their lives"
I invite you to read this: http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2012/01/13/the-shockingly-simple-math-behind-early-retirement/

Reduce living expenses, increase savings rate, and it's absolutely realistic to build up hundreds of thousands or even several million dollars in net worth by your mid 30s, even with a very modest income.

How much do you think OP's goals would cost? How much do you think he could reasonably earn in the next, say, 10 years?


>> No.1720861

counterintuitive, isn't it?

like the idea that running with weights in your hands will make you faster.

>> No.1720865

I would say it's more like running a marathon with a bomb strapped to one leg that may go off at any moment.

You might be faster, but I'm guessing you are not having a good time, and if it goes off you have to try and hop your way to the finish line.

>> No.1720875

>The *maximum* deduction for children is a few thousand dollars a year, like 2 or 3 grand.
the deduction is $4k per child
you can also get $4k per child back as eic whether you paid taxes or not. Other credits and deductions of similar size may exist.

so you've got at least $8k in tax benefits, half of which can be turned into a cash refund. If you're paying more than $8k per year per child you're doing something weird. Most adults don't cost that.

I'm just telling you losers how it is. I realize you'll never reproduce.

>> No.1720879

do you want to have a good time or do you want to make money?

>> No.1720881

i can guarntee you gaming willblock you from doing every thing else you listed.

>> No.1720885

Why the fuck are you trying to shill for people having children so much?

I'm going to have kids some day, but it is fucking *retarded* to tell people to have kids before they're financially secure and have experienced most of the things they want to (like travel, drugs if you're into that, living abroad, etc) which are precluded by having children.

>> No.1720891

>/frugal/ woman
>Affordable home
Just bought
>150k+ household income
Working on it. A few more raises and we will be there.

I'm doing it /biz/. I'm really making it.

>> No.1720894

>it is fucking *retarded* to tell people to have kids before they're financially secure and have experienced most of the things they want
because statistically your advice is the retarded choice.

it sounds backwards, but the people that get rich as adults usually start earning as soon as possible, get married, have kids as young as they can, buy houses, and advance financially

all while you're 'finding yourself' in Europe or pondering existence in your mom's basement or experimenting with bisexuality at starbucks.

strangely enough the faster you get started living the faster you'll get good at it.

>> No.1720904

I would love to see any kind of source for that, whatsoever. You're literally just sharing your opinions as if they were facts.


Are you trying to make yourself feel better after having kids and realizing how bad you fucked up?

Are you insecure about feeling immature so you're pretending to be a "real" man on the internet?

Or are you just trolling?

>> No.1720906

So in your mind children and wives are free?

Also I already made the choice between having free time or more money. I'm good with where I am at, no need or reason to kill myself for a few more shekels.

>> No.1720914

Your stats are from a different age (literally 50 years ago) where every person of any reasonable amount of responsibility got married and had kids.

They do not apply to today.

>> No.1720917


rich people in general are married with kids. If you need more sources for this obvious fact you can find them in a fraction of a second on the search engine of your choice.

>> No.1720921

>the deduction is $4k per child
doesn't this just mean you get taxed on $4k less of your income? like you save $500 or something like that?

>> No.1720924

>They do not apply to today
time will tell.

you guys are so afraid of getting divorced you ignore the huge financial gains of getting married. which is fine, but don't lie to yourself and pretend they don't exist.

>> No.1720931

>doesn't this just mean you get taxed on $4k less of your income?
>like you save $500 or something like that?
no, you save $4k.

or in my case, I have three kids. I save $12k on taxes and get another $12k back as a bonus for having kids.

thank you taxpayers

>> No.1720943

>huge financial gains of getting married

If I saw any huge financial gain I would get married. So what are these huge gains?

>> No.1720946

The oft-misunderstood: "correlation does not imply causation". Yes, rich people tend to be married more often than poor people. However, this does not mean that getting married makes you rich. To illustrate why that is, take a look at how silly the inverse sounds: "getting rich makes you married". The two tend to go together (being married and being rich), but one does not cause the other.

If we're going to be totally correct: that study did not control to find a causative link, only correlative links. It could indeed be that get married makes you rich, but the evidence you just presented does not prove that.

>so afraid of getting divorced you ignore the huge financial gains of getting married
>perhaps a few thousand dollars a year in tax benefits vs majorly increased costs in having a second mouth to feed along with however many children
>not to mention the kinda big deal of LOSING 50% OF YOUR NET WORTH in case things go slightly wrong, such as her deciding "I'm bored"
>huge financial gains

Again, you've only told us about literally a couple grand a year. That isn't huge financial gains, and I'd love to see if you can come up with any other "huge financial gains" for marriage.

>> No.1720948

the same ones I listed for having a kid.
In the US at least our entire societal structure favors married heterosexual couples. Especially ones that reproduce.

>> No.1720951

150k income isn't making it, you're still a slave to your job despite being able to afford payments on a new BMW.

>> No.1720953

>That isn't huge financial gains
it is compounded over a few decades.

>rich people tend to be married more often than poor people

and poor people tend to be single more often than rich people.

you do the math. Perhaps one has nothing to do with the other. But all analysis aside,

your lack of enthusiasm for marriage is probably a strong predictor of your future poverty.

>> No.1720956

So you are telling me to get married so I can breed as many children as possible to get the 4k tax deduction?

I am going to have to house them in an unheated barn and feed them cat food for this enterprise to turn a profit.

>> No.1720962

I'm not telling you anything except you have no idea what it costs to raise a kid, and you're losing money by not finding out.

I don't judge you for that, and I'm not going to encourage you to reproduce. If you even can.

I'm merely making you aware.

>> No.1720966

All I want is a good home and a wife, and a children, and some food to feed them every night

>> No.1720967

>it is compounded over a few decades.
Yes, but at the very real and very huge risk of losing half of everything in a divorce. That's a *massive* amount of risk for an extremely modest reward. And again, you aren't accounting for the extra costs associated with children and a wife. Mr. Money Mustache has a wife and a son, they are *extremely* frugal, and their cost per person is right around $8,000 a year (~$24, 25k for their family of three).

>and poor people tend to be single more often than rich people.

>you do the math. Perhaps one has nothing to do with the other. But all analysis aside, your lack of enthusiasm for marriage is probably a strong predictor of your future poverty.
I did do the math. And you literally just said "if we ignore the facts and basic, basic principles of statistics, you're probably going to be poor because you're cautious about marriage".

Am I being trolled? Is this what being trolled feels like?

>> No.1720974

>you have no idea what it costs to raise a kid


223k per head to 17, so add in post secondary to that. Which is why everyone here is telling you, you are not making money off having kids unless you are a welfare queen.

>> No.1720980

>you aren't accounting for the extra costs associated with children and a wife.
I am counting on them.
they are the entire point of the thing.

you get rich by being forced to pay more and thus earn more. Full stop. The handicap is what wins you the race.

>And you literally just said "if we ignore the facts and basic, basic principles of statistics, you're probably going to be poor because you're cautious about marriage".
I don't feel like arguing philosophy of science you apparently don't understand and ultimately doesn't matter.

it does not matter by what mechanism poor people tend to be single and single people tend to be poor.

because whatever the cause you're not likely to avoid it.

>> No.1720982

what part of being forced to make more money are you not understanding?

>> No.1720984

What part of making more, while spending even more than that does not make you richer?

>> No.1720986

and we come full circle to
How many rich people got that way by being single?

>> No.1720988

My main goal and all I want is a small house in a quiet area, with enough money invested for it to be halfway self sufficient.

I just want to be able to work part time when I want, and then spend the rest of my time camping, lifting, playing video games, raising chickens, and going out with a gf.

Basically a semi modern farm life.

Currently have about 300k saved at 30,but that's no where near enough, so my goal seems almost impossible at this point.

I'm so sick of working all day long and I'm sick of loud and disrespectful roommates.

>> No.1720992

probably our breaking point is that you see kids as a lifetime expense because you expect your parents to pay your way all your life.

I see them as an 18 year expense and then I'm left with tens of thousands of dollars a year in extra cash while they go get a job.

>> No.1720996

Not that anon, but in some states/countries you are kind of allowed through some legal loopholes and incentives to first build a house and then claim the land as yours. Check Patagonia in Argentina, or check some parts of Japan as an example.
The problem with it is that you won't have any services at all (water/electricity) for a long period of time until the land is modernized because of a high demand on services.

>> No.1721015

>you'll get richer by imposing more difficult circumstances on yourself
I just... I mean, I guuuueeeess that could work for someone with a very specific personality? Most people are not like that though, anon.

If it worked like that for most people, then alcoholics and druggies would become extremely insusceptible to addiction simply by virtue of being addicted. That doesn't make much sense, does it?

>> No.1721019

As I explained earlier, getting married has been nearly universal in written human history until very recently. Your statistics based upon marriage from even the last generation are inapplicable as the deal marriage is has changed greatly since then.

Your claim that children are a net benefit based on tax refunds is demonstrably false. Your claim that being force to work more will inevitably lead to higher wealth is arguable, but there is no argument that you will trade a great deal of the enjoyment of your life to gain that, and you could have done it without children and been far richer if you had wanted to.

>because you expect your parents to pay your way all your life

Resorting to insults since your arguments don't hold water?

>> No.1721033


Your working class is showing

>> No.1721041

My one humble goal is staying out of prison!

Fuck me and it's expensive to keep out of there!

My back up plan is to kill other prisoners until I am killed myself or I get put in the nice (isolation) part of prison.

Question: What happens to my stock investments when I am (injustly) in prison?

>> No.1721051

>Question: What happens to my stock investments when I am (injustly) in prison?

Probably seized to pay fines/court costs.

It's not really hard to stay out of prison, are you black or something?

>> No.1721065

You're fucking retarded.

All things being equal DINKs would have more disposable income than any amount of tax revenue saved in a married couple with a kid(s). Kids are expensive. Unless you have someone watching them for free you either have to pay someone to watch them for awhile or someone has to give up their job to watch them. There is scenario where a DINK couple is beaten by a married couple with kids all thing being equal.

Get real man. I don't know what world you live in.

>> No.1721072

is not a scenario*

>> No.1721191

But anon... what are you doing that's getting you thrown in prison?

>> No.1721199

I just want to live in a small single bedroom house in a small to moderate town, with two cars. A beater shitbox to do A to B, and a nice inexpensive sports car to drive on the weekends.

;_;. Right now I'm poor as fuck paying $300 in rent every month and only making about $1k, while having to pay most of it to keeping myself functioning.

>> No.1721209

I just need bitcoins value to double and I'll never have to work again

>Bitcoin has doubled in value in past year
>Bitcoin has quadrupled in value since 2014

Forgive me for being optimistic about bitcoins future

>> No.1721216

I really like the whole set-up.

I'd love a minimal lifestyle while being left alone.

>> No.1721220

The nuclear family is a recent phenomenon, y'know.

>> No.1721237

Yeah i guess they would expropriate my stocks no matter what.

Living life! It's easy to go to prison. The average American commits like 3 felonies a week, The matter is getting caught.

>> No.1721304

All I'm saying is rich people in general get married, go to college, buy houses, and have kids.

then /biz/ says:
>I'll save money by not doing any of those expensive things!
>I'll get rich with all I save!

real life doesn't work that way. Wealth almost invariably comes to those that EARN the most, not the ones that SAVE the most.

/biz/ sits in a corner and sobs about how that doesn't make any sense. Come see me in 20 years and maybe we'll have something to agree on.

>> No.1721314

The guy who started, owns, and runs FTV Girls (and some online game that he will not name) has a Bugatti Veyron and is maybe in his mid 30s. He also owns an incredibly nice house in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Phoenix, has one other super car, and is not married and does not have children.

But... how could that be? He's not married... but he's rich? Tell me anon, how do you explain that?

>> No.1721315

>Wealth almost invariably comes to those that EARN the most, not the ones that SAVE the most

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Seriously just admit you have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.1721318

yes, and zuckerburg never finished college.

there are exceptions, they prove the rule.
>The two aren't mutually exclusive.
I didn't say they are.

I said if you can only do one, EARNING is far more important than SAVING.

Saving money by not doing things that help you earn more is completely backwards. You're not going to get rich by staying single or not showering or reusing your coffee filters.

>> No.1721320

aight I'm not replying anymore, kill=self anon

>> No.1721327

How many people do you consider rich?
and you can think of one that doesn't fit the norm?

you're a fucking retard.
what about the tens of millions that you never heard of and never will? No clue what they're like huh? They completely escape your attention.

and that's why you don't understand what makes people wealthy. You're literally blind to 99.99999% of wealthy individuals.

>> No.1721329

>I didn't say they are.
>I said if you can only do one, EARNING is far more important than SAVING.
>Saving money by not doing things that help you earn more is completely backwards. You're not going to get rich by staying single or not showering or reusing your coffee filters.

How are a wife and kids going to make someone magically earn more? Are you retarded?

Who says you only have to do one? In what fucking world would you not have the option to both earn more and save? Are you having a stroke? You sound like a consumerist piece of shit.

Just stop man you are embarrassing yourself.

>> No.1721331

>Are you having a stroke?
Pffft, lol

>> No.1721354

>How are a wife and kids going to make someone magically earn more? Are you retarded?
A wife pays half your bills or covers daycare expenses. Kids force you to earn more and earning more makes people wealthy.

Even if I'm wrong about the exact mechanism, you can't argue that most wealthy people got married and had kids.

in your pretend reality that shouldn't happen, but here we are.

>> No.1721375

>A wife pays half your bills or covers daycare expenses.

DINKs don't have to cover any of those expenses.

>Kids force you to earn more and earning more makes people wealthy.

A good parent should earn more to be able to provide for their kids bit it doesn't force parents to do anything.

>Even if I'm wrong about the exact mechanism, you can't argue that most wealthy people got married and had kids.

I'm not arguing that, but again you are confusing correlation with causation. Rich people are valued higher which attracts spouses, they can afford to have children etc etc. Having kids doesn't suddenly make someone rich.

>in your pretend reality that shouldn't happen, but here we are.

I'm just arguing basic math.

The average cost of raising ONE kid is around $250,000.

Even if you got back $5000 in taxes every year for 18 years ($90,000) you aren't coming close to breaking even.

Here's the fucked up part, I'm not even arguing against having a kid, if that what people want go for it. But you sit here and act like you're somehow making money off your kid. You sound like a great parent.

Your parents failed you anon.

>> No.1721386

>DINKs don't have to cover any of those expenses
which is perhaps why they tend not to get rich.
>Rich people are valued higher which attracts spouses, they can afford to have children etc etc.
most people that got rich did it long after their kids moved out.
>Even if you got back $5000 in taxes
the figure depends on your tax bracket, but it's usually much higher than that. There are a ton of deductions and credits for raising kids.
>act like you're somehow making money off your kid
my kids aren't the topic.
/biz/ is intensely interested in how people get wealthy. Whether it's causative or not, most wealthy people go to college, get married, buy houses, have kids.

so your math while seemingly reasonable is clearly missing something.

>> No.1721388

Hey biz just stopping by this popular thread to ask an employer question. I'm about to publish a job posting to a college job board. In the "application instructions" field I simply said to send cover letter and resume to my email address. Is this kosher or do I need to somehow include a general application form with the job posting?

>> No.1721394

You're clearly missing a brain. I'm done. I can't reason you out of a position you didn't reason yourself into.

Have fun with your delusions.

>> No.1721398

fair enough, I'm a fucking retard.

Given your thoughts on the expense of raising kids and/or getting married,
How do YOU explain the fact that the vast majority of wealthy people did both?

you've tried saying they got married and had kids AFTER getting wealthy, but that's simply false. Try again?

I suspect you are done because cognitive dissonance when facts don't agree with your expectations, and that's fine.

>> No.1721407


There are more poor families than there are wealthy families. By your logic they all should be rolling in it.

Let me explain this simply for you.

Income - Expenses = Budget/Deficit

Kids don't earn money and are therefore an expense (you aren't earning more in tax credits despite what you may believe) thus all things being equal you will have less money raising children.

You're making the claim that having children somehow leads to wealth. You prove it. I want cited evidence not the shit coming out of your mouth.

>> No.1721421

>You're making the claim that having children somehow leads to wealth
no, I'm claiming most wealthy people got married and had kids. That doesn't imply that getting married and having kids makes you wealthy,

it just refutes /biz/'s ever-popular claim that getting married or having kids is detrimental to becoming wealthy.

incidentally it also denies /biz/'s other favored claims that buying a house or going to college prevents people from becoming wealthy.

and my hypothesis is that /biz/ thinks saving leads to wealth. Which is almost never true.

>I want cited evidence not the shit coming out of your mouth.
are you retarded or is your search engine just broken? I cited proof that most wealthy people are married. I'm pretty sure you can check the kids thing if you want. It's actually pretty funny that you know so little about the demographics of the wealthy. Typical, but funny.

>> No.1721423

>a wife pays half of your bills
Go get a flatmate, you fucking retard. You'll share bills and won't risk getting divorce raped.

>a kid forces you to make more money
How the fuck does a kid force you to make more money, you imbecile ? You don't automatically get a better job for having one, you're telling us that your willpower is so low, that if given the chance, you need a stupid responsibility like a child to actually make better financial decisions.

>making more money makes people wealthier
Thank you, Sherlock.

10/10 got visibly mad, go back to pol and stop shilling your stupid fucking conservative ideas on this board.

>> No.1721425

Are you mentally challenged or what ? You didn't cite shit, you didn't bring evidence for actual casuation you mongoloid inbred. Go back to your containement board and stop roleplaying here, you don't have children, faggot.

>> No.1721426

>You'll share bills and won't risk getting divorce raped
You won't share income though. Having a spouse doubles your chance of increasing income.
the social rejects on 4chan love to harp on that one and I can understand why. You guys live in fear of women.

but if you earned more than twice what you would have alone, then 1/2 of your possessions still leaves you ahead. And most married couples do earn far more than twice what a single person can. Because they split their bills.

also flatmates suck. It's hard enough living with someone you're fucking, it becomes damn near impossible when you don't even have that.

>> No.1721433

>you didn't bring evidence for actual casuation
there is no evidence for causation, this is sociology not science.

it doesn't matter though. Getting married and having kids doesn't cause you to get wealthy, but most wealthy people do it so it's certainly not harming them and is likely helping them.

>> No.1721436

>you didn't bring evidence for actual casuation
also you're more than a little bit stupid if you think sociology produces that kind of evidence.

just thought you should know.

>> No.1721455

>but most wealthy people do it so it's certainly not harming them and is likely helping them.
>having expenses like children is helping you financially
>not realizing that wealthy people usually had good financial situations to begin with resulting in them having families and children because they knew they could sustain them
Sure, my man, that's why it's recommended for poor people to have more children, because they'll make more money, it's simple logic, right ? You dumb shit
You're a little bit on the retarded side if you thought spouting out opinions and backing them up with evidence of just correlation was a smart thing to do.
>b-b-but muh perfect waifu that makes just as much money as me
>also flatmates suck
No, marriage sucks. Enjoy spending the rest of your life with an irrational being that has emotional rollercoasters once a month, that probably has no financial knowledge whatsoever and overspends a lot and buys retarded shit with your shared money.
Can you stop daydreaming about your perfect 50's family on this board already ?
Having a family means you'll generally make less money, especially if you have kids and you can't disprove that with your cancerous opinions.
This discussion is over, might as well repeat again that wealthy people have families since that seems to get you moist.

>> No.1721464

>>not realizing that wealthy people usually had good financial situations to begin with resulting in them having families and children
again, get on google and check it out.
about 80% of the wealthy start off poor. If you think they waited to get married and have kids you need to look at age demographics. Most of them are over 50. You don't get rich while you're raising kids, but you have almost no chance of getting rich if you don't raise kids.
>Enjoy spending the rest of your life with an irrational being that has emotional rollercoasters once a month, that probably has no financial knowledge whatsoever and overspends a lot and buys retarded shit with your shared money.
see, it's attitudes like that that will keep you down for life. If nothing else you're dismissing over half of the workforce and most customers out of hand. You don't have the brains or balls for business.

>> No.1721465

ITT: Incels argue with normal people

>> No.1721478
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>but you have almost no chance of getting rich if you don't raise kids
>literally just your fucking opinion
>realizing that women are stupid keeps you down for life
>another stupid opinion
Sure thing, bro. I'll just leave you to your delusions, there's no reason to keep discussing with you, I can't believe that you still failed to bring any coherent argument after all these replies. You probably don't have a wife and never will, but if a miracle did happen and you actually got one, enjoy paying alimony after she divorces you in your quest to get rich by increasing your expenses, lol.

>he browses 4chan
>normal people
Yeah, I bet you fuck mad pussy, my man.

>> No.1721480

I'm just having fun pointing out the FACTS that most wealthy people are married and most wealthy people have kids. And most wealthy people got married and had kids before getting wealthy.

these are facts, they are not in dispute.

I just love watching you faggots and rejects squirm when faced with facts. It's funny to me.

and perhaps it's educational to some of you.

>> No.1721487

>I'm just having fun pointing out the statistics I saw on thedailystormer that claim most wealthy people got rich after getting married

>Those are FACTS because pointing out correlations with no evidence for casuation that
could be simple coincidences are not in dispute

>I just love watching you [projection] squirm when faced with evidence for some coincidence

You're really living the life, my man. I bet your wife and kid would be really proud knowing that this is how you choose to spend your precious time, you fucking financial expert. Good thing they aren't real.

>> No.1721489

>could be simple coincidences are not in dispute
possibly if the rates were the same among the poor and the wealthy.

refer to the article I posted earlier.

>I bet your wife and kid would be really proud knowing that this is how you choose to spend your precious time

I'll show the wife what you wrote in the morning. We'll discuss whether you're gay or just a misogynist because you're flawed and have been rejected.

If you want to entertain her post a pic of your face and we'll discuss whether or not you're good-looking too.

>> No.1721499

A know a kid that got an A4 at 16 and totaled it in under a year

>> No.1721530

150k is making it if you play your cards right. im at 120k and living as high as your average 1%er. thats a lot of weed if you ask me

>> No.1721534

Same here. Just want a simple independent lifestyle with a steady and growing online business. I would love to work from home and have time to do other things like workout, cook, spend more time with my freinds and family, brainstorm and work on developing other sources of income, and write and read more often. A nice one bedroom apartment in downtown somewhere. Few nice cars. A salary where I can pay bills, invest, and spend on things I enjoy.

>> No.1721609

Your dna doesn't die with you.

>> No.1721656

I'm pretty sure kids cost more than your tax benefits afterwards. All other things you mentioned are just false.
Having a kid is financialy a bad idea. It's just a mainstream thing and intuition, nothing wrong with it though. But bad for your finances no matter how you see it.

>> No.1721710


Found the faggot, virgin white knight.

I had a wife asshole and she decided after 5 years that she'd rather hitch hike and party than work towards being successful, leaving me with half her college debt, no car and a destroyed house.

I think id rather stick with having gfs and not getting lied to about shit and/or getting half my money and shit taken.

>> No.1722112

Nutting in a woman makes you a cuck

>> No.1722163

Glad to hear it m8.
I'm on my way too

>> No.1722173

Want to own a pretty big house in a state like Texas. Get a lovely wife who understands how important it is to raise kids who will get into an ivy league school. If my kid does get into an ivy id be set. Also I guess I want enough to have a lot of kids and still live comfortably as well as taking care of my parents until they pass.

>> No.1722284
File: 292 KB, 1082x672, the-Lex_015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want is a high rise condo with ceiling-to-floor windows in a medium-to-big city. I don't even care where. I'm just completely in love with a view like this.

If the building has its own gym then I'm completely sold.

>> No.1722306

I have that in my city for 300k USD. But I live in a Shithole third world country so its impossible for me to buy.

>> No.1722312

Where do you live? Living in an apartment like that in Bangkok for example would be my dream come true.

>> No.1722318

India, in bangkok something like that would be near a million USD. Maybe pattya is cheaper but idk.

>> No.1722365

I'm looking to move to Vietnam for a few years so my goals rn are

find a stable decent paying teaching job with moderate hours so I have time off
a nice 1bd apartment in Saigon without major issues
a reliable motorbike, maybe learn to ride a manual bike, ideally I'd love a classic British motorbike like a Triumph
a surfboard so I can head to the beaches nearby weekly and learn to surf
1 gf, qt preferred

>> No.1722413
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>pointing out the FACTS that most wealthy people are married and most wealthy people have kids
Dude, most poor people are also married with kids. That means any fucktard can do it and there is zero correlation with wealth or quality of life.

>> No.1722431

well played Sir

>> No.1722502

You're the employer, it's your rules.
You can ask them to post you a banana with a poem written on it if ya want.

>> No.1722795


>general application form

Resume/cover letter to your email address is fine.

>> No.1722842

maybe he's lonely you fucking faggot. stay with you dad and buy a car and workout

>> No.1722860


>> No.1722931

>confusing cause and effect this badly

>> No.1723623

Van living and driving around Aus. Occasional AirBnB or gym membership for more services. Working as a consultant and investing. If shit goes bad I sell croissants and other baked goods.

Most of my time is spent reading philosophy and studing statistics/machine learning.

I want to try to live at least a year in each Australian state/teritory capital then get a cheap place in my favourite city with a small garden near a beach.

>> No.1723688


This is my life. No dog though. I work from home for a major telecomm /ISP as tier 3 server support. If I am not working it means nothing is broken, so they are happy when I am doing nothing. I mostly just go to the gym, play vidya, watch tv/movies all day and make 6 figures USD with 5 weeks paid vacation, benefits, stock options etc.

>> No.1723763

you found a way to complain about having 450k and no rent/food/beer/car expenses in a thread about humble goals.

>> No.1724059
File: 60 KB, 600x616, 1471305623409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

respect your lifestyle.
why sell veg? how did you end up doing that?

Build some bookshelves man, you have time and books...in time you will have to do it anyway, best to build them when you are young and enjoy them a lifetime.

>> No.1724098


>> No.1724321

fatherfucker shut your mouth up

>> No.1725336

>nice car
>nice 1br apartment
>no debt
>10k in stocks
>a cute russian wife

I have the first two, 38k in debt, 3k in stocks and I have dated some cuties. I will have the dream life soon if I work hard and don't loose focus.

>> No.1725347


Does somebody care at what time I send my application?
is it a problem sendig it late in the evening or so?

>> No.1725938

>mfw this anon disappears without the response from his imaginary wife

can u guys at least try to commit to your larp here?

>> No.1725959

I told you she'd read it, not that she'd type a comment here.

she thinks you guys are idiots not worth talking to.

she's probably right.

>> No.1725990

this thread is very entertaining

i suppose the most useful thing gained from having children is molding them to be more successful than you were, being that they are half your dna this is something good to do.

Obviously the more successful you are the more difficult i can be to teach kids to not be lazy and entitled.

>> No.1725991
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>> No.1725997


Sounds like the life of every escort I have ever been with

>> No.1726921

>A nice villa somewhere along the mediterranean or SoCal
>sell my software business for $50-100M in a few years (not unreasonable)
>spend days studying physics and hopefully contribute with a small branch to the tree of knowledge
>maybe teach physics at university level part time
>If I come up with something cool in physics maybe start a business around it
>marry a loving wife and start a family
>smoke weed on weekend nights
>eat out for lunch and dinner every day
>play around with RC aviation and amateur rocketry
>be able to have a beer at 5 pm on a Tuesday in the sun if I feel like it

I just realised this thread is called "humble" goals but fuck it I already wrote all of this so I'm posting it, fuck you

>> No.1727185


hey thats my dream

protip: impossible without a benefactor. that level of passive income means you probably own the place and the business is running itself.

>> No.1727528

My goals are simple, to travel frugually to a new country every 10 years and axquire >>1722365

This is literally my goals too, word for word. Except the gf part.

>> No.1727692

there's no good surfing near saigon. there is ok surfing around da nang, but only in certain months and compared to other countries it isn't very good.

find a job before you go, work at a high school or university. private english schools make you work nights and weekends and you get bad holidays.

you goals are totally doable. plan to go in august for new school year, or get into gear and organise it for february after their lunar holiday

>> No.1728869

I want to own my own machine shop where I can work alone and make cool shit all day and leave whenever I want. I have no idea how to make this happen because I'm retarded but I'll just sit here and be depressed about it. Meanwhile I'll spend $1250 a month for a single bedroom working 55 hours a week for $13.

>> No.1728878
File: 25 KB, 416x347, PM0113ChecklistforLights_a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couple million on a lights out setup so I can beat off to anime porn and go outside more than one day a month.

>> No.1729099

Obtain 1 million in 5 years or 5 years after the next recession. Started w 3.5 (2014)now have 16.4k (2016). If I can get to 100k by april 2018, then I believe I can reach 1 mill in 5 years.

>> No.1729161

Literally all I want that I don't have is my own apartment or condo. I can't move out on my own because I can't work a regular job, so I have to rely on "self-employment," and I haven't exactly found enough success to move out of my parent's house yet.

>> No.1730622

Do you grow your vegetables? Or do you purchase them to sell?

>> No.1730628

good luck young cucks, the major corporations have already succeeded in cucking you into slaves for life, turn to crime if you want money. major corporations respect criminals.

>> No.1730783

wage slavery is the only way for me, me no smart :/

all i need is like $2k a month in my area to live my simple life, and i still cant find a way to make it work without daily slavery

>> No.1730799

Why can't you work a regular job?

>> No.1730803


my theory is that you need to actually aim unrealistically higher to practically land in that situation

>> No.1731379

Currently 23, I am on track to graduate medical school in the US with honors in a year, + additional year for research. Applying to dermatology residency.

My goal is to finish residency and work in private practice for a few years and make partner as soon as I can (partnership tracks in this industry are 2-5 years). Then using the knowledge I gather, I want to open my own practice, build it from the ground up, and expand. Eventually I would like to not practice medicine at all. I would like to be a consultant for part of my time, and teach another part of my time. Would be fantastic to get my MBA when I'm able to, and transition to a private equity firm (business of buying and selling dermatology practices is hot right now).

>> No.1731382

Life goals throughout this:
Get married to my current girlfriend, raise 2 smart kids and give them the best childhood and education. Invest heavily in real estate. Fund an opulent retirement for me and my wife.