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1719331 No.1719331 [Reply] [Original]

how the fuck do poor people have relationships? this shit is so expensive i've spent like 15k in the last month with her

>> No.1719336

You shouldnt be on biz of thats true. While we're all one way another poor here pretending to be fucking startup angel bitcoin altright daytrading pennystock investing wagecucks dipshits. We know never to waste that much substance income on a bitch.

>> No.1719343

>spending money on women
>not getting a gf that makes almost as much as you

You don goofed

>> No.1719351

If you get with the right girl that makes her own money and has a good career, then it doesnt have to be a bad thing. Now if shes content with being something like a broke ass hair stylist, then yeah thats an issue.

>> No.1719392


tfw my gf makes more than me

>> No.1719430

Could be worse :^)

>> No.1720077

when i met my gf i didn't had a dime, she basically supported me for a year. then she said that was quiet enough and time to work. i also learned frugality from her we now have roughly the same savings even tho i earn more. yeah she is still better at it.

>> No.1720083
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>> No.1720132

Damn son, you could have spent like a quarter of that on a high end escort.

>> No.1720141

You're not supposed to date whores, dipshit.

>> No.1720154

that's why they are poor smartass

people with self management skills don't get involved in relationships

>> No.1720170

lmao tf

I spend like maybe 20-30 a weekend with her.

I spent 150 on her passport but that's the biggest amount I've spent on her in a while.

Maybe like 1k tops over the last year and a half with her, and that includes gas for driving to go see her.

>> No.1720179

I'd refuse to touch the left one

>> No.1720191

literally the same person

>> No.1720237

same fucking person, nob head.

>> No.1720328

why are you spending money on a woman?
Is she an escort?

>> No.1720331


Dude how?

I date different women every month. Most I've ever spent in a month was like $1,000

>> No.1720480



>> No.1720709

>i've spent like 15k in the last month

Hey buddy I don't know how to tell you this in a nice way but most people aren't in romantic relationships where they spend that much on one person even in 20 years.

Sounds like you're a sugar daddy

>> No.1720726

Son, you are the beta bucks.

>> No.1720735

This. What kind of entertainment, dining, drinks, transport etc could possibly cost 15k a month? Either you're going balls-to-the-wall luxury all day erry day or you're giving her large gifts, probably cash. In which case congratulations, you're not dating, you're her sugardaddy.

>> No.1720736
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government assistance

>> No.1721527

She's treating you like a beta provider. She just wants to give you sex in exchange for money.

If she hasn't had sex with you, she's most likely fucking Chad while you're browsing a fast-money schemes board on a Taiwanese carpentry website.