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1719230 No.1719230 [Reply] [Original]

As of today, I am a NEET. Only 24 hours ago I was a full time university student, and boy am I glad I dropped out.

Currently doing the following:
>working on business
>learning shit that actually matters
>shitposting on 4chan

Fellow NEET's, how am I doing?

>> No.1719232

>working on business
>learning shit that actually matters

Not a NEET.

You know the T is training? AKA Learning shit.

>> No.1719239

r9k knows better

>> No.1719245

Thats institutional training, also, anyone who just sits on their ass all day and does fuck all is a waste of fucking space.
You mean the faggots that sit there 24/7 feeling sorry for themselves being entitled bitches.
Yeah no thanks.

>> No.1719260
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>cant even complete uni
>how am I doing

Pretty bad i guess

>> No.1719262

im a neet too.. but how exactly are you going to earn income?

hope your programming self training pays off

>> No.1719270

Unless you were studying feminist dance therapy, you made a poor decision. Sure, a few college dropouts become billionaires, but most of them end up as fucking losers. Do you think Zuckerberg spent much time on 4chan?

>> No.1719271

I joined 2 months into a degree due to an injury, CompSci to be exact, it was way to fucking hard to catch up
I just left my part time job too, I'm launching my business soon because my pilot study went well

>> No.1719274

I got into an accident and fucked my back up, I joined a CS degree when it was 2 months in and it was too much. Plus, we had to do Computing Mathematics which is completely useless, no programmer ever uses the majority of the maths we were learning in that module, and it was god damn soul draining

>> No.1719276

>Can't do even basic integral calculus
>Wants to start a business
>Includes browsing 4chan in his list of activities

You are a fucking idiot, welcome to a lifetime working at 7-11. I did electrical engineering which only requires 200 level math, wasn't that hard. Linear algebra was challenging but interesting.

Don't feel bad, I have a feeling you would have flunked out of comp sci anyway.

>> No.1719287

Integral calc was one of the 17 subjects the module was comprised of.
Of fucking course your shitty degree only required 200 level maths, most engineers I've met are dumb as fuck anyway.
I would have stayed if it weren't for the fact that we steamed ahead. I'm joining back next year if my business doesn't tanks, but until then, you can't say shit. Having a degree doesn't make you anything faggot. You will never amount to anything more than what your boss tells you with that shitty attitude.

>> No.1719289

>if my business doesn't tanks
If it tanks, I mean

>> No.1719298

Yeah sure thing, Zuckerberg, I'm sure you'll be on the cover of Forbes Magazine

"So, anon, what was the turning point to starting your car company the ended up acquiring Tesla Motors?

"Definitely the time spent on 4chan arguing about how pointless 100 level college math is. It was then, 6 years after finishing high school, that I knew college was not for me, and that I was certain to achieve greatness"

>> No.1719299


>> No.1719321

fucking retard go back to university if you already got in

>> No.1719345


t. salty dropout/entrepooner

Yea what a great idea quit your job, your only source of income. You do realize you can do more than one thing right you lazy sack of shit?

>> No.1719460

You may be right, statistically, I will fail.
But if I don't try then what the fuck does that make me, plus its not like I can't go back to uni.
I will next year if I fuck everything up
>lazy sack of shit
It was a shitty part time job that I've been working for over 2 years now, I've saved up more than enough money to go full steam ahead with 2 businesses I already have ready to launch.
Doing two or more things is good but working a part time job is only neccecary if you dont have money. I have money, and I have a plan.
If the plan doesn't work out, then fair enough, I fucked up and you guys were right.
But until that day, we will never know.

>> No.1719489

Make it worth it fgt

>> No.1719500

>joining 2 months late
What is this horse shit?

Why did you not wait for next semester to start?

You're roleplaying anon, stop it

>> No.1719502

Do you fucking expect your business to start turning a profit year one?

What the fucking fuck?

>> No.1719561

Money burns up faster than you think, especially if your income is zero.

Not trying to shit on you but these are things you must consider.

Good luck.

>> No.1719597

Dont listen to these fucking retards. I started my online business and within one year had over 50 people involved and we're turning a profit of 20k per 3 weeks with ending year of close to 200k revenues.

These retards dont expect miracles to happen and thats their problem and why they will fail. If you look at zuckerberg tge dude was an asshole who stole from his friends ideas. Made facebook, laughed at the idiots giving him all this damn free information about them and etc. It was only when things got really serious that he had to put of a front about not being a damn jackass like the people here are.

Look at steve jobs he stole from woziak's brain and made an empire off of not doing shit but beinf a great salesmen. He never coded shit, he was an asshole to literally everyone and the man is seen as a damn god.

Look at david karp, HIGH SCHOOL DROP OUT literally spouting the same bs you are. Made tumblr, sold it for a cool billion while still working their and getting more cash.

Mannn these idiots need to shut the fuck up.

>> No.1719626


>> No.1719697

I'll try
Becasue credits
Depends on the business
>income zero
what about if I have savings?
Thanks dude, I'm glad you're doing well, but I'm not expecting to go full on Zuckerberg, a profit for me would be a good sign.

>> No.1719708

You always want to be earning something. Get a part time job to be padding your money. If and when your business starts earning you can reign your hours back or quit entirely.

>> No.1719768

Thanks for the advice. I had a web dev job before so I might just get back into that for the time being.

>> No.1719796
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Be sure you relax few weeks at least after dropping out. Burn-out is a possibility if you start working on your business too hard too quick

>> No.1719923

Theres no time for that, I'm slightly too motivated atm.