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17189983 No.17189983 [Reply] [Original]

Should I just buy the dips with fiat injections and go for that sweet 15% capital gains tax? Or try to swing my link vs. USD and plan to pay 30%? 6K stacklet here.

>> No.17190004

ask all the swingies from the last few days how they're doing

>> No.17190053

Just keep it to under 200 trades per year and coinbase won't report you to the IRS.

>> No.17190122

That sounds like a lie.

>> No.17190148


It's true unless you live in one of those 6 cucked states.

>> No.17190182
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what about binance.us?
My identity has been banned from coinbase for like four years now because of using btc to buy/sell drugs lul

>> No.17190197

Eh, okay. I won't argue about tax minimization. But can you address >>17190004 's point?

>> No.17190199

DCA because unless you really know what you're doing with trading, you're at a loss. 95% of traders never win and the 5% that do have been doing it for years

>> No.17190214

I was shadowbanned from cuckbase for a chargeback like 5 years ago. Fuck them. I buy linkies on Kraken. Should I switch to Binance?

>> No.17190239

It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, manage risk the way you’re willing to.

For me, it’s always been all DCA, because I jealously hoard my linkies and it is just too hard to part with them.

>> No.17190246

I just sold my other coins for ~6K USD realized swingtrading profits. I have a chunk of fiat to inject into the stinky one.

>> No.17190254

what's a chargeback? telling coinbase to refund your BTC?

>> No.17190263

Yeah . I was weary of their kikery

>> No.17190270

Kraken doesn't report anything.


>> No.17190273

it sounds like you know how to trade, so why are you asking us?

>> No.17190304

Who's the girl?

>> No.17190314

>it is just too hard to part with them.
Never release the stinky one from your clutches , eh? I will say I was pleasantly shocked by the meme magic when the price shot up by a buck days after I finally bought a stack. Jesus Christ

>> No.17190370

I need confirmation signals.

Correct. That is a nuance I am learning lately. I have been laddering my buys and sells to mitigate risk. I would hate to be swindled of my stinky ones though.

>> No.17190371

cant wait til LINK is 1k, i am gonna hire this whore to brapp on my face for two hours straight

>> No.17190519
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Lmao. Based. What's your link accumulation strategy, good sir?

Belle Delphine.

>> No.17191050

fully allocated since Dec 2018 sirs

>> No.17191181

You're like 1.5 years late with that strategy.

>> No.17191189

So swinging is the only way now you're saying

>> No.17191257


>> No.17191317

I DCAd my stack at 0.30$ levels and I will never swing a link but I've seen obvious sell and buy opportunities, trading in germany is tax suicide tho while simply holding means you can cash out tax free. So there's that, I can see why trading some long term movements can be correct. I've called many tops and bottoms in my head but never acted on it, unironically lurk a lot and you'll get a feel for it. You'll have a kind of subconscious price picture in your head, where it should be, if it's too high or too low, I'm serious. Right now is not too high btw, it's not at google announcement euphoria.

>> No.17191388

Thanks for your reply. I will hodl and just keep DCAing as much as it hurts at these levels, until I can get to a 10K stack at least. What do you think is a logical top for this current wave? Do you measure in link/usd or eth/USD? I think Bitcoin has just about topped out for now and will plunge back to 8500-8800 in the coming weeks. Surely LINK would dump in response?

>> No.17191405

I meant link/eth

>> No.17191414

belle delphine’s british asshole is of the highest quality

>> No.17191489

I'm bearish on LINK/ETH or at most neutral, I don't see LINK making a lot more on the ETH pair, they will probably rise and fall approximately congruently. Against BTC LINK will retrace but BTC is in a very bullish momentum right now, so on LINK/USD we still have room to grow. I'm not a trader, I just lurk way too much so take everything with a grain of salt. But I feel like LINK only dumps hard after serious, serious strides upwards. And then the dump doesn't last long and you have to act fast, most of the time we crab afterwards and the gains are made in a couple of days every few months. Give this pump some time to get into the 3.90s and probably get rejected at 4$ to crab around this level. But I doubt we will dump a lot here. There's also always the surprise factor, a google or swift tweet is always around the corner as we saw in 2019.