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17183100 No.17183100 [Reply] [Original]

>do nothing in life but be cute
>no talent at all
>no abilities, no intelligence
>average mediocre in every way
>fuck every alpha male in sight.
>black, white, old, young, doesn't matter
>learn about bitcoin full of incel millionaires
>get involved heavily in the scene
>one minute later, dating a multimillionaire chinese beta male

how do women get away with it every time?

>> No.17183115

incels deserve the rope

>> No.17183121

By having a pussy

>> No.17183132


>> No.17183152

This is an incel friendly bored. Get the fuck out normie

>> No.17183194

take hormons and become one of them

>> No.17183210

Fuck off soye boy. Go buy nano

>> No.17183238

have sex

>> No.17183255

Not bad for a female going through baldness and peaking hard.

>> No.17183274

Go out and have some sex, and keep non business related shit off of my board. We trying to make it here not whine about problems that even the most stupid animals can solve (having sex).

>> No.17183323

>still white knighting in 2020

>> No.17183361

have sex posters lIkely virgins. anyone that plows enough pussy realises eventually and useless women are outside of being a fuckhole.

>> No.17183509

>their whole life on easy mode
no wonder cute girls and women are so air headed, illogical, cannot reason even if their life depends on it, believe in new age bullshit and magic, believing love is something unfathomable that can't be explained with logic...

>> No.17183555

>mediocre in every way
>no talent at all
I think that's a fucking talent to be born mediocre and make it to the top when so many other, prettier women exists.

>> No.17183578

No such thing as an incel, It's a word created by and for women to shame men into fucking fat women. Men are superior in every way.

>> No.17184268
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worst of it all
these creatures and simp fuckboys such as>>17183115
, limited as they are, cant even begin to fathom the problems and struggles an "incel" faces

>> No.17184275

And yet now we have to treat them as equals and compete with them in the marketplace. Most men would gain advantage within their institutions by coming out as trans. Fuck clown world.

>> No.17184519

>she thinks other species have no incels
gotta tell you a story bruh
but youre right regarding the thing that the most stupid animals (women and chads) have sex on the regular

>> No.17184534

>most stupid animals (women and chads
kek, based

>> No.17184552

Have sex

>> No.17184575

why are you so butthurt about a stranger?
whoever she fucks it's not your business

>> No.17184587


>> No.17184767

clearly you’re the beta

>> No.17184794

>women are human
The sooner you begin treating them like talking dogs that always want to fuck the better your life will turn out

>> No.17184828

t. temporarily embarrassed chad

>> No.17184872

who this bitch be?