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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17179910 No.17179910 [Reply] [Original]

>CEO of company named after himself
>hates niggers and spics
>Traded stonks like us
>Smashing woman 12 years younger than him
why isn't he /ourguy/

>> No.17179920

shoo shoo glownigger

everyone knows Boomerberg is literally paying shills on all forms of social media. We're not voting for your latest pedophile you goddamn kikes

>> No.17179955

Free Bloomie Terminals for neets

>> No.17179971
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>free gibs
>open borders
>guns confiscated
>literal jew
>big gulps banned
>middle class taxed to hell
>while billionaires like him just offshore


>> No.17179985

>>literal jew
yes, as opposed to Mr Trump, a President who takes no nonsense form Tel Aviv. Sorry, Jerusalem

>> No.17179991

>>Smashing woman 12 years old
only logical reason he is running is he is gonna get fucked with Epstein shit, so hes playing the "cant prosecute political opponents" game, like biden

>> No.17180014

They’re all zionists
But with trump you get based shitposting and he isn’t as pozzed
Keep viral shilling bloomberg though jidf

>> No.17180044

Yes because JIDF would be shilling for anyone besides the Rotund Orange Bringer of Many Gifts. Even kikes know when to stick with a good thing

>> No.17180052

Nice reading comprehension, retardo.

>> No.17180068
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is this nigga autistic

>> No.17180080

>>free gibs
>>open borders
>>guns confiscated
>>literal jew
>>big gulps banned
>>middle class taxed to hell
>>while billionaires like him just offshore

>> No.17180084

Gas yourself, kike

>> No.17180127

thanks for correcting the record
some of his money is reaching biz i see

>> No.17180258
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>> No.17180279

> jew
> based
pick one, faggot

>> No.17180285
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Cause he’s gay. Literally...he sleeps with dudes.

>> No.17180290

>>Smashing woman 12 years younger than him
soo... 96 years olds?

>> No.17180465
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I was vehemently against this kike until I found out he wants to build out EV infrastructure throughout the entire nation on the taxpayer's dime. Long TSLA, vote Little Mike Bloomingsteinberg

>> No.17180533
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That's why they tried to remove him from office from the day he took the oath, and all JIDF shills and all of jew media are on a 24/7 mission to destroy him.

Fucking kikes I swear.

>> No.17180557
File: 91 KB, 1024x1024, trump_german_blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Trump is a master tactician. The entire cosying up with with Israel is an optics shield so he can't be accused of being Hitler 2.0 as he totally eviscerates your talmudic little treasonous clan.

Trump is the Goy King, imbued with the power of God to destroy the Jew World Order.

>> No.17180574

>hates niggers
>using nigger lingo “smashing”

You morons are confused and homoerotically in love with what you hate

>> No.17180579

In the end he's a retard because he sends money to Jews all while Jews call him Hitler 2.0

>> No.17180652
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All the Jews in the US who committed treason and sedition will get the death penalty.

I think pocket change to Israel to keep good optics is a fair trade.

>> No.17180658
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Just a coincidence goyim

>> No.17180715

Oy vey! Come on, lets vote for jewberg after he said "le 13%" haha so based and kekpilled. No way he is actually gonna just jew us all out of our money as president or anything, haha.

>> No.17180769
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>> No.17180828

I will never vote democrat again. Even if republicans end up making me poor Id rather be poor than have a bunch of foreigners imported into the country. Just look at crime rates and other despicable things that happen in the USA today. As the white population declined all the crime and shit rose. coincidence?

not to mention all the dumb shit they do with the homosexuals and tranny freaks

>> No.17180861

>he sends money
he didn't send money to israel, the $38 billion the democrats wanted to send and that Obama signed off on was never sent once Trump came into office and Rand Paul then permanently put it on hold.

>> No.17180879

Voting for Trump for sure.

>> No.17180915

crimes been goin down what r u taking about

>> No.17181237

Most religious jews vote republican.

>> No.17181284
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based fpbp
This isn't /biz/ related, astroturfing nigger

>> No.17181311
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>> No.17181321


>> No.17181475
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This is the only right answer.

>> No.17181495

He probably wears adult diapers