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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17179737 No.17179737 [Reply] [Original]

>waits for a bullrun every 4 years to get a 5x in returns

>doesn’t realize he can make his own products and sell them online for 5x every single day

>why doesn’t everyone else in the world trade and let their life rot away while waiting for their shitcoins to pump even though it might never happen again?

My God /biz is so fucking delusional and LAZY. Stop normalizing you’re laziness. You just want to get rich quick.

>> No.17179740


>> No.17179745
File: 118 KB, 384x378, 1579722270442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would i want a job when i run a biz in crypto scraping out my cut from onboarding people like you

>> No.17179750

What kind of products do you sell OP?

>> No.17179780

Jewelry, clothing, electronics, you name it. I hold shitcoins too btw, but don’t trade.

>> No.17179802
File: 90 KB, 1350x1075, 11828783_10207678687431676_924699190145874034_n_10207678687431676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well why don't you tell us about your business then. Where do you get the goods and where do you sell? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.17179806

>he thinks cryptocurrency is my only source of income

>> No.17179828

>he’s offended
>it must be true

>> No.17179865

Because online marketing businesses are a scam and pajeets all over the world, (real ones not like the fake ones that never visit /biz) are doing the same thing. Lol at acting like any of that shit is actual "work". Answering emails, updating your CMS sites, blogs, looking at your ad dashboard, reading some forums, bla bla bla yeah you're sooooooooooo hard working.

Fuck outta here.

The real answer is getting a real wagie job and putingt every dime you make into crypto. Then trade on the side. Bonus points if the wagie work is physical so that when your crypto funds make it you'll already be in great physical shape.

That's how you make it. And if you were around during the bull run of 2017 you would know how many millions could be made overnight. Because you clearly were not there at that time you cannot comprehend the neets who are prepared to wait it out.

....it's that perspective shatteringly effective. Turned 3k to 400k in under 9 months. Only walked away with 60k but I also could ahve easily hit 1.2M if I didn't make gigantic mistakes like missing a zero when placing a big order on Binance among other things.

>> No.17180042

I actually got into crypto July 2017 my guy. Took out a business look of $30k and threw it into some shitcoins and ended up 7x my money. My peak was $600k but didn’t sell the top either, still got a nice profit out of it. I recently just bought a few bags to ride out long term.

But unlike you I’m not fully dependent on crypto gains. You’re actually really desperate for 2017 to come back again (what if it doesn’t?) that you actually think it’s smart to risk everything you have in it. Smart investors have balanced portfolios while hustling in real life to make even more money. You prove my point.

>> No.17180154
File: 6 KB, 121x219, absolutely hävetkää.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop normalizing you’re laziness
>you’re laziness
Why you mutts can't even write your own fucking first language?

>> No.17180224

Damn you are stupid. I literally said I am a wagie in a physically demanding job. Im in great shape and put virtually all my money into crypto while I day trade on the side. I could easily wait it out and I don't believe you at all. Anyone who actually made real money in 2017 would never consider it a "risk" wtf are you talking about? If you really made that much in 2017 wtf are you even talking about? LMAO larping idiot. You most likely got into crypto in 2018 after the golden bull run or you sat on the sidelines as a nocoiner I dunno but for damn sure you didnt hit 7 figures in 2017 you lying larper if so your entire line of questions makes zero sense.

>> No.17180244

>my guy
Faggot confirmed

>> No.17180286
File: 135 KB, 828x713, 6FA17057-9CA4-46EF-AA4E-F96CB99201D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said my peak was $600k so not sure where you got 7 figures from. Clearly you can’t read lol.

>> No.17180324
File: 9 KB, 173x292, you have to go back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double spacing

>> No.17180334

So how do you make any of those products?p

>> No.17180366

I buy in bulk off Alibaba and sell on etsy, ebay, and my own website.

>> No.17180382

>is on 4chan
>doesn't realize half of us suffer emotional problems
>think emotions dictate what's true
Go back to whatever fucking website you came from.

>> No.17180491

>not just putting the minimal effort in at uni & landing in a comfy 6 figure tech/sales/IB job with your people skills

yes I wish I had to constantly find new shittrinkets to flip off alibaba and courses to shill on twitter.
You're totally gonna be the next Gary Vee, just a little more hustling man youre gonna make it...

>> No.17180513

what a retarded newfag

>> No.17180690

>I actually got into crypto July 2017 my guy
so a late adopter
crypto went 40x-100x between january and july 2017, which is why you faggots got interested in the first place

then you're not making shit, just reselling cheap chinese crap and polluting the internet
there's many more efficient ways to make money if you don't care about making the world a better place. go to a top business school, end up in one of the big 4 consulting agencies or in a bank, there you go
it's frankly retarded to put so much effort into pajeet shit

>> No.17180697

Kek dropshipping generic goods Made unique with “branding” with a cheap logo from Fiverr. That shit is so 2016.

>> No.17181064
File: 430 KB, 1027x1919, 0EBBF016-5736-4005-85D8-71A1CAA752E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am thinking about starting a clothing company

I’ll start small and try and make some fun/edgy meme’ish t-shirts to sell to zoomers, maybe also try and create some posters for decoration.

I’ve done a alot of research on how to start up, just need a day-job first before I can really focus on it.

How come you sell all of those different things though? Are you one of those dropship cunts?

>> No.17181079

why is everyone here offering the same solutions? come up with a business idea no one else has done and you wont need to compete

>> No.17181117

Bitcoin is going to 100k this year dumb fuck who needs to work

>> No.17181146

Most small businesses fail within the first 3 years.
Crypto trading is currently almost impossible to fail at.

>> No.17181181

what a shitty thread

>> No.17181189

If the only businesses you are able to think of are shitty pajeet businesses it doesn't mean that everyone else does. It just means your innovative abilities are pajeet level and you're stuck doing pajeet things (crypto trading incl) while others innovate with new business ideas your sorry ass could never think of.

>> No.17181287

What's the point of hodling shitcoins when you don't even trade. Crypto in general only goes down from here. 2017 is the peak for cryptocurrencies.

>> No.17181386

If you only come back to crypto every bullcycle you will be the one getting dumped on.
If you obsess about crypto the entire bearmarket you have a higher chance of getting the good gains.

If you stopped paying attention after the last bull and come back now you missed LINK and BSV which I both bought rock bottom because Im a based NEET dunking on your wagie ass.

>> No.17181528
File: 133 KB, 1099x1111, 1580942579413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You just want to get rich quick

>> No.17181540
