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17172764 No.17172764 [Reply] [Original]

Today I broke up with my gf. I feel like telling a friend but i don't have any. You fags are my family.

>be me, 21, hugless kissless virgin
>already had my second break up
>both were online relationships, the second one catfished me
>well you could say I catfished myself, but that's another story
>it's almost 2017 and I'm procrastinating by reading about bitcoin for the 67th time in years
>convince mom to start buying like crazy
>shit starts going up like there's no tomorrow
>spend my time pretending to be the wolf of wall street and playing online vidya
>few months later, meet girl in that online game and the chase starts
>she's actually real, pretty, inexperienced, pure, "the /biz/ dream"
>start working on these stupid dating rituals we all need to perform
>it's almost 2018 and I declare to her, she was shocked and afraid but accepted
>i feel happy once again, but not for long
>few months in, jealousy is killing me because she was keeping in touch with all these guys, both online and in real life
>i could see their intention and she didn't want to accept it
>fights started getting more and more intense
>i start acting more aspie than usual, full on sherlock
>meanwhile, portfolio was around -70% from the peak
>we almost break up but this was my last chance of getting laid, so I endured
>year 2019, don't want to sell low but I can't keep waiting any longer
>end up selling a little bit of crypto for a plane ticket and travelling expenses
>finally meet her, happiest day of my life
>we couldn't get our hands off each other
>finally felt what it's like to kiss a girl, grabs her tits, grab her ass, carry her
>i felt like a real man for once in my whole life
>virgin sex was awkward as fuck though, it's not a meme
>but at least I did it, and I was happy


>> No.17172779

>few days go by and some things are starting to feel off
>things which i won't get into detail, but it made me aware of how different we were
>i just knew that if we ever lived together for a long period of time, we would end up hating each other
>and that thought was fucking me up inside
>i fly back home feeling a sense of pride
>no one in my family is gonna look at me as a loser from now on, i thought
>and in a way, i did feel like they treated me differently, i liked that
>as for my gf, we kept skyping every day, playing games, wasting time
>at some point i felt the need to keep improving myself
>i wanted to continue my old hobbies
>i wanted to really get gud at something
>i felt like now was my time to grow
>and yeah there is crypto, but it's not good to have just one strategy in life
>and so I got serious about it
>started doing exercise, eating healthier, going to bed early, minimized the distractions,
>i would call her about five hours every day
>and then the problems started back again
>she started to feel like i wasnt giving her enough time
>i wanted to fix it by doing productive things together but that didn't work out either
>we just werent on the same page, but still i cared deeply for her
>we start getting into shitty arguments over the smallest things
>relationship becomes pretty much a ticking bomb
>we keep doing this cycle of arguing and loving each other and i feel absolutely drained
>it wasnt fun anymore
>she even acknowledged the reality at some point but breaking up in not as easy as it sounds
>i start feeling more and more distressed
>my neck tightens, my chest burns
>mere existence feels wrong


>> No.17172800

>last night i couldn't almost sleep
>neck tight as fuck, chest literally on fire
>broke up with her first thing in the morning
>i know i did the right thing for both of us
>i know she knows as well
>but i feel like shit for actually going forward with it
>i'm so sorry for breaking her heart
>i really am
>it didn't have to be like this
>we could've build so much together
>we could've been a team
>we could've enjoyed the link gains together...
>she's been calling me since i started writing and still is............


>> No.17172803
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>Online relationships

>> No.17172817

you never had a gf.

>> No.17172823

I don't give a fuck bro just kill yourself you retarded faggot

>> No.17172832

nigga what the fuck you never met in real life? and you call that a relationship?

>> No.17172847

>hugless kissless
Oh. Stopped reading there. Go talk to girls in real life retard. Lift weights, go to church, go dancing. There is no such thing as an online relationship and even using online dating apps to meet real women is retarded as you'll only be able to pull girls with 2 or more less hotness than you would irl.

>> No.17172848

Shes an alpha seeker watch alpha male strategies you dumb fuck

>> No.17172856

It's good you felt all those feelings fren. In twenty years time you'll look back on these memories fondly. Allow yourself time to get over it, but get over it. Move on. Handle your business. There's still work to be done.

>> No.17172883

Powerful autism

>> No.17172882


>> No.17172939

>Today I broke up with my gf.
>be me, 21, hugless kissless virgin

I don't think someone you chat with online could really be considered your gf, anon. Go outside.

>> No.17172969

> only be able to pull girls with 2 or more less hotness than you would irl.

You must be either really ugly or always drunk when meeting girls (or both)

>> No.17173006

Didn't read 2/2
>ldr as virgin
>1 year of ldr as virgin with no real life contact
What the fuck where you doing? You're better than this Anon.

>> No.17173641
File: 168 KB, 344x382, lolnor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good for you. fuck your haggard bitch girlfreind she a whore and a fucking slut like almost all women are that make us do and think and talk bad shit and animate us to violence through their sick mind games, fren

>> No.17173710

You need to face reality. Start watching Corey Waynes videos on youtube and read his book “How to be a 3% male”
This is the reality— You didn’t break her heart. Girls are fucking savages when it comes to dating. They are like cats 100% and do what they want and find the next thrill/chase. Stop romanticizing this more than what it is, even though it’s easier said than done.
To get your mind off her, spend your time and money on work, skills, and business/money endeavors. Get your mind off women.

>> No.17173718

Neither, I just know what I'm talking about.

>> No.17174021

At least you fucked anon, Gz.

>> No.17174039


>> No.17174051

what the fuck are you doing with your life faggot?
Go out and start making real relationships with actual people.

>> No.17174677
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>online relationships

>> No.17174790

He's absolutely right. I'm a 5'5 manlet and I list this on my dating profile online. I barely match with any girls who aren't fat or ugly because they all have their settings to 6'0 and above. Literally never once gotten laid off that because I have no text game either.

IRL every girl I've been with has been 7/10 or above. One was even noticeablely taller than me. It's FAR easier to talk to women IRL because your best qualities aren't likely to come across in a picture and one line summary of your personality.

>> No.17174982


>> No.17175152

Hahah this OP
You're such a fucking faggot

>> No.17175268
File: 221 KB, 600x400, TheRationaleMAle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17175293

Did most of you not read the whole thing? nigga flew to her and got his dick wet? the fuck you peasant class mother fuckers talking like it was online only. it went offline and he got laid. dumb ass mother fuckers no wonder most of you are sweeping floors and cooking burgers

>> No.17175466

Many here are laughing at you because the girl-problems of youth seem so insignificant once you've gained enough experience.

Don't feel too bad though. Most of us still remember how the first relationships and especially the breakups can fuck with your mind. Feelings can completely overpower the rational part of our brain.

I absolutely quarantee you that once you date enough women, you'll figure them out and regain control over your feelings. But you do need the practice, like with any skill. So date many of them, don't just search for "the one". Also, keep lifting.

>> No.17176112

The commenters are dumber than the OP

>> No.17177009

OP, you're 21. Unless you fail to continue to improve yourself, your value will only go up from here. There will be plenty more fish in your net. Lose the oneitis.

>> No.17177061

Hang in there man, it hurts like shit at first but after a few weeks you wonder what the big deal was. The more experience you get, the better you can deal with it.

>> No.17177140

they did u rtard read the fucking story

>> No.17177223

>i felt like now was my time to grow
>and yeah there is crypto, but it's not good to have just one strategy in life
>and so I got serious about it
>started doing exercise, eating healthier, going to bed early, minimized the distractions,
>i would call her about five hours every day
>and then the problems started back again
>>she started to feel like i wasnt giving her enough time
>i wanted to fix it by doing productive things together but that didn't work out either
I know this post is bait, but fuck if this isn't true. Girls can't stand when you want to better yourself and it's awful.

>> No.17177238

not gonna read that. get over yourself and make your desires happen

>> No.17177976

>actually reading all that shit
First line says he broke up with a girl that he never even touched. That's not a breakup.