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17170150 No.17170150 [Reply] [Original]

>Thanks for filling out our 10 page application, our questionnaire, our online assessment test, our online aptitude test, our online cultural fit test, thanks for speaking to me, my colleague, my other colleague, and someone else
>Hi Anon, let me give you a tour of the place
>Everyone is so happy here
>Everyone has their own little cubicle
>Here is a fancy rec area where people play ping pong and video games
>Here is a fancy kitchen area where we have a stacked kitchen with snacks, drinks
>"Hi Anon, I love it so much here, I never want to leave!"
>"Yes we have unlimited PTO, but people love it here so much, few people actually take off"
>Our check out time is 5, but people usually stay till 6 or 7.
>We have a "work hard, play hard attitude"
>We're so progressive, insist on hiring for "diversity". We love you even more if you're a non-white and a female!
>More than half of our middle managers are women

What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.17170164

you don't manage to dominate the world if you don't make a cult

>> No.17170207

Are you suggesting the company doesn't give back to the world? Anon, I'd like to see you in my office later today. For "reorientation".

>> No.17170270

No kidding. Even with a good day to day working attitude, you tell them it's just a job and it's not your life, and they'll be sent into fits of rage like you owe them something.

>> No.17170302

Sounds like my job. I dream about quitting and living as a neet every day but the money is just too good, and I still need it.

>> No.17170325
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>How badly do you want this job anon?
>What do you do for fun?
>Tell me about your personal life
>You dont want me to know about your personal life, anon?
>Anon I need to know this if you are to be a good "cultural fit"
>What are you passionate about?
>What makes you tick?
>What keeps you up at night?
>etc etc etc

>> No.17170561

Omg, seriously?

>> No.17170616
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>Corporations are cults
of course
the bigger the company, the more likely their religion they subscribe to is globo-homo

>> No.17170620

I've literally been asked these questions on job interviews.

>> No.17171123
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>secular = satanic
simple as
the "modern" world makes much more sense this way

>> No.17171147

when did women jump the shark?

>> No.17171186
File: 2.11 MB, 3564x2097, 1560778628848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when did women jump the shark?
right before WW1 and WW2
100 years of solitude
century of the self

>> No.17171299

We’re winning. We’re well past the inflection point now. Just hang in there bros. Stay strong in your faith.

>> No.17171378

A lot of the corporations are annoying to apply. Their application process takes long and sometimes I get rejected immediately after finishing the application. Wow why not reject me immediately when I answer something wrong?

Most corporation only seem to want brainwashed slaves. Put serfs but replaced it with wage slaves but then replaced it again with brainwashed wage slaves but then replaced it yet another time with brainwashed wage slaves as the other 3 likely had it better and or more aware than the brainwashed wage slave.

Get disheartened/depressed real fast when I go apply for jobs when I see all the hoops they make me jump through. Really hope my video game I'm making takes off and I outright never have to wagecuck again.

t. Unemployed dude with a bachelors degree

>> No.17171396

This is embarassing and weird, but i mean, maybe it's common with corps

>> No.17171506
File: 312 KB, 1440x1408, I DO NOT EVER WANT TO WAGECUCK AGAIN! REEEEEEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you suggesting the company doesn't give back to the world?

Forcing your employees to donate via strongarm/brute force/social pressure methods OR forcing employees to do stuff for the community under your company's name (eg they all have to wear company logo'd shirt on a 4k walk) DOES NOT COUNT AS YOU THE COMPANY GIVING MONEY/DONATING THE COMPANY'S TIME. You took money from your employee's claimed it as yours for VIRTUE SIGNALLING AND TAX BREAK PURPOSES. DONT YOU DARE ACT LIKE YOU CARE!!! YOU ARE A COMPANY SEEKING TO MAKE MONEY YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT PEOPLE.

>> No.17171786

Mentioned that "I don't need this job" when talking with a former supervisor and former coworker when talking under what was supposed friendliness. At a later date she says "I came at her" as an aggressive attack and was disrespectful. This was when I stood up for myself because someone almost hit me with a car and my back was hurting from swerving out of the way. Can't recall too well but she acted like a bitch when I was venting due to the injury incurred. Completely ignored that perhaps she should've realized I was mad cause of what happened but instead threatened me by saying "that is your job" in a serious tone fucking lol she went from faking niceness to a bitch. Doesn't mean I want to risk an injury while doing my job. I retaliated by saying "Don't worry I'm looking for another job" without intent to quit. She said "excuse me?" I repeated what I said but with a few changes, same idea though. Lmao she didnt fire me but came at me with a bunch of stuff claiming I was being aggressive and "coming at her" (false, get the suspicion some of my behavior gives people the vibe im financially rich when im not and she was likely jealous). At the end she tells me to do something, can't recall but I told her "I'll look into it" (lol one of the few times I ever got this aggressive in the workplace) she forced my hand at saying I will do something iirc. She was some short slightly ghetto hispanic woman with a bunch of personality issues who needed my help often in figuring out simple things. Ironic considering we worked for a mental health government facility. At the end when I became serious about quitting but didn't say it (behavior made it obvious), she was attempting to bend ass backwards "Oh Anon am I giving you too much off the work? I can do it for you." I quit without a two weeks notice. First or second worst manager I ever had.

>> No.17171876

I did that face when a former supervisor kept pestering me to go to the unpaid potluck during lunch. "Team reasons" ok then pay me my hourly wage otherwise you're making me do team building exercises for free, Im not a janny! I avoided a few beforehand. Didn't go to that one either.

>> No.17171977

i work for a big company and the company is pushing diversity and LGBT and shit it pisses me off i'm still a cunt sometimes god bless i perform well. Just don't fall for the culture there and collect the benefits or just pretend that you are slightly normal.

>> No.17172106

Worked at IBM, can confirm, beeing a corporate faggot is nothing more than joining a cult. I'm a neet atm trying to make some crypto money with my neet money. Last thing i'd ever consider is joining a corporate place.

>> No.17172156

Yeah, death cults.

>> No.17172183
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I got the worst possible "reliability score" on these indeed tests lel. Sorry, I focus on winning not pleasing.

>> No.17172348

Meet me in my office at the end of the work day at 6pm pronto, Anon. Bring your performance review folder.

- Boss Shekelberg

>> No.17172374

Id gtfo any place with female managers

I learned the hard way. All companies turn to shit.

>> No.17172387

Never answer these honestly. Always give the answer you think an effeminate corporation would want to hear instead.

>> No.17172480

>get a four in productivity on performance review
>company is extremely siloed and departments are suspicious of letting anyone help
>always finish my work ahead of time so I look like I'm fucking around during the random times I'm checked in on

Fuck off with this shit. I hate how they're always trying to squeeze blood from a stone.

>> No.17172491

It is largely due to brainwashing in colleges. Lots of boomers garnered a cult like affection for their colleges based around sports and become obsessed with college football or basketball or whatever for their lives. These people get obsessed with their college’s unrelenting push for diversity.

I have to do endless “diversity and inclusion” activities for my university in order to graduate. It’s all exhausting. I really don’t know why we can’t follow Martin Luther King Jr’s advice and judge someone on the content of their character instead of just assuming everyone is great and awesome because of their ethnicity.

>> No.17172548

Let's see the game

>> No.17172597


This. Just HODL boys we’ll rekt the normie corporate cult faggots eventually

>> No.17172866

Reminder to long automation. Invest, donate, shill automation companies to replace all these office faggots and make them lose their useless jobs. It will specially benefit you if you invest in stocks since less money being wasted on these useless npcs means more money for shareholders