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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17167666 No.17167666 [Reply] [Original]

Chroma (token) on Chromia (platform)
Ticker: CHR
[Smart-contract platform and relational database]

> Been around since 2012, was the FIRST BLOCKCHAIN PROJECT TO ISSUE TOKENS
> Unironically the inspiration for ethereum and all that followed
> First blockchain project to work with a bank (LHV)
> First blockchain project to work with a govt agency (Swedish Land Registry)
> Working with Daimler (https://blog.chromaway.com/daimler-partnership/))
> Euro team, based in Sweden
> Never before seen on /biz, charts are clean
> Testnet is live
> Actual revenue-generating company
> Only 1298 wallets so far
> MDO finalist with USAF (https://blog.chromaway.com/chromaway-afwerx-finalists/)) not that paid shit that DAG did
> Other LARGE govt working partnerships (actual use) in the pipeline, more on this soon

Just do some googling and you will find more than you know what to do with, I'm struggling to keep this post short.
> Market cap: sub 2mil
> Circ. supply 135mil / total 256mil (53% circulating, decent)
> ICO, May 2019, raised $13mil
> therefore cap is currently //6.5x below ICO price//
> Team tokens on a four-year lock

Website/SM presence:
> Team report in TG that a *complete rebrand* is in progress
> Pushing to appeal to global market and new website/presence to match

>> No.17167667

> Chart has bottomed hard, been bleeding since release
> Buys have quadrupled in 24hrs on kucoin
> Absolutely fresh clean chart

> Bilaxy
> Bitmax
> Bithumb
> KuCoin *highest volume here

There is literally too much to write in one post about this thing, it's unironically a massive project from a real, profitable company with more history in the blockchain game than nearly anyone else. Read the FAQ here and you can find a shitload of info, including technical shit if you're a nerd instead of a chad investor: https://chromia.com/faq.html#gs.vrtxt6


Sorry if this post is a mess but I'm fucking excited while typing this - it's not often we find a project of this scale and authenticity that has flown right under the radar and is still at such a low market cap. This is a big, real, working infrastructure project, sitting at 2 fuckig million cap. It doesn't have to pull a 10,000x and flip ETH in order to be an absolutely killer investment.

REAL TALK: EoY with rebrand, new marketing push, tech developments etc., we're looking at 100-150mil cap, which is just mid ranking on CMC. 75x in a year, reckon you can do better?
2021, this will push into the 1bn+ market cap range, easily.

There you go, anon - no bullshit, no moontalk, just straight legit info and I hope you like it.

>> No.17167672

Or, go and buy LINK at 500x the market cap, with absolutely no working products, no actual IRL adoption, and no sign of any to come.

Up to you.

>> No.17167730

But sir it has memes!

>> No.17167739

> paid pajeet shilling campaign
Fuck you nigger

>> No.17167743

Trump got memed into the Whitehouse and LINK got memed to where it is now. Not that I am endorsing this CHR shitcoin.

>> No.17167756
File: 6 KB, 828x71, kekCHR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But sir it has memes!

It has more than just memes.

>> No.17167773

>Chromia 8 years
>XRP 7 years
>ctrl F user 0 result

>> No.17167779

> paid pajeet shilling campaign
Fuck you nigger

>> No.17167826

CHR has been around for less than a year.

Users include the Swedish Land Registry, LHV bank, Daimler, and multiple govt. projects in Taiwan, Colombia and Australia.

DYOR, it's all on the website and you can verify it through the clients' info yourself.

2mil cap.

Last bull, the entire top-200 CMC was at 50x that value.

>> No.17168038

No thanks, pajeet. Its a dead shitcoin that some biztards have obviously been buying only recently in the hopes of hyping it up only to dump it on newfags.

>> No.17168103

This coin was approved by Ian Balina

>> No.17168152

>dead shitcoin

Wow convincing argument, this totally negates everything else one can read about the project.

Anon says it's a "shitcoin"

Oh, wait, you're still trying to buy more.

>> No.17168281

Welcome to any investment ever brainlet.

>> No.17168290

>> paid pajeet shilling campaign
>Fuck you nigger

>> No.17168320

This ,, sir ,, he is fudder trying to suppress token price !!!


>> No.17168337


>> No.17168361

I'm sure if he is it's nowhere the level of what Sergay has spent on biz marketing this past day alone.

>> No.17168382

Nothing. I own some, and I think that at 2mil cap it's an incredible buy for anyone else. Not everyone is trying to scam you.

>> No.17168423

It's Chainlink faggots trying to make biz a Sergay fansite.

>> No.17168994

From the website:

One billion tokens will be created upon launch of the system. That constitutes the token supply limit, no tokens will be created in the future. Initial distribution of tokens:

◽ 70% owned by ChromaWay to be sold, awarded to team members, invested or used in any other way.
◽ 3% put into an automatic conversion contract on Ethereum to enable Chroma to ETH conversion .
◽ 2% put into system node compensation pool.
◽25% is allocated for promotional use: to be given to users to try dapps on Chromia.

yeah no thanks

>> No.17169239
File: 49 KB, 793x729, brianlet1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



The maximum possible number of tokens in the circulation at the end of May 2020 would be 324 million tokens. This consists of the following components:

Tokens bought by investors: 157M
Ecosystem fund: 55.3M
Promotion fund: 21M
Team (incl. advisors and founders): 41M
System node compensation: 20M
Conversion contract: 30M

Note that 324M is the maximum number, the actual number of tokens in circulation will likely be much lower. For example, only a fraction of the system node fund will be used during the first year, likewise, only a fraction of conversion contract tokens will enter the circulation, etc.