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17165729 No.17165729 [Reply] [Original]

Would you cash out and retire if you had this?

>> No.17165739

i would sell half, invest the rest, buy a house and retire

>> No.17165746

I would cash that out and just buy btc then hold for a year. Just me tho. My life is financially fucked though but I believe in btc long term (1yr+)

>> No.17165750

the price would drop to 3.0 instantly if you sold this
holy fuck

>> No.17165753

I'd stop posting this same portfolio on biz every fucking day and go get a life. Fuck you.

>> No.17165758

I would sell, although I dont know if I would sell all, if my portifolio even reached 100-200k

>> No.17165763

>no btc
not gon make it

>> No.17165777
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>> No.17165778

Lol you cant even hold this shit to at least a million
What a faggot

>> No.17165783

It’s barely enough to scrape by.
Every $200k is roughly 1300-1500/mo in rent if you bought rentals

IMO you’d be lucky to make $4000 a month in safe investments, it’s probably not enohhh for the rest of your life. If you’re lucky to average $50k/yr income from investments (10%) you could scrape by at like $3000/mo income after taxes. I’d keep building it if i were you

>> No.17165786

Yes it's enough to retire in South East Asia and live as a neet banging trannies every day

>> No.17165788

bitcoin is never gonna go past 20k

>> No.17165791


Link is unironically a scam and pants on head retarded concept.

>> No.17165794

retire with 500k? uhhh, are you in your 70s?

>> No.17165811

On crypto dot com you can get 8% interest. So for $500k linkies you could get 40 grand a year and live on that.

>> No.17165904

id lock it up in makerdao and live off 40k per year. i dont want to be rich, just dont want to work to live

>> No.17165929

Phone posting so ip probably changed
Just dont click the threads then?
Lol, checked
Never said I was selling, just seeing what anons financial goals are
Why trannies of all things
I cant imagine anyone smart would risk that much money on a faceless un-insures defi project

>> No.17165939


>> No.17165966

With 500k you can currently earn 50k/year lending it out as Dai risk-free on Fulcrum/BZx.

>> No.17166026
File: 52 KB, 640x462, 7D5ADDDB-49FA-4D9E-B403-C1A58402FFCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stupid fucking portfolio again, Jesus. Dude I have 200k+ Link and am not even thinking about selling until at least double digits, more so over the $40-50 range. Stop taking advice or asking biz what to do. Instead go make a plan and get your shit in order for when the time comes

>> No.17166042

Read post above, not planning on selling at all. Already stated multiple times I plan on cashing out $10mm-$30mm in total depending on how things play out.

>200k is nice though, much more flexibility. Are you the 237k anon?

>> No.17166047

>risk free
You have a lot of learning to do, son.

>> No.17166048

Gave me quite the chuckle

>> No.17166050

Mate I know you are in love with your portfolio but 500k is fucking nothing.

>> No.17166073

This. I also have 200k+ link and not thinking about cashing out. Maybe 10k at $10. We are most likely at start of 2 year bullrun. How dumb are you to even consider it?

>> No.17166101

read the other posts I made above

>> No.17166120

Just seems like pointless thread. You are going to get people either calling you a larp or idiots saying they would retire on 500k

>> No.17166124

If I were a Pajeet like you - probably
I'd rather you an hero though

>> No.17166140

I’m in that general range, yes. I’ve posted about it before so maybe you are thinking of me. Anyway, my ultimate answer would be no, I would not cash out that much. It’s not nearly enough to retire unless you’re in a very low cost of living part of the world and you know how to utilize it properly. That being said, I’ll only sell once we’re in that target range I talked about and even then just enough to be comfy for a year or 2 if I wanted to quit work. I’ll probably sell half at a certain point to diversify in traditional markets, PM’s, real estate, etc. I’ll always have some Link for the long haul as well as potentially staking

>> No.17166192

This. Get a life.
One or two times and I’m mirin but you literally post this every day.

>> No.17166219

I agree with most of that
Well I dont have a life besides waging and lifting so I probably won't stop until I cash out

>> No.17166258

100k linklet here. Am I going to make it?

>> No.17166280

that shit will be the next bitconnect

>> No.17166283


>> No.17166311

t. hasn't taken a look at Link's volume in a year.

>> No.17166425

How much money did you spend to get that amount?

>> No.17166444

I fear the same, I looked at all of their materials for any information about insurance or other legal guarantees for your deposit and found nothing

Not trusting my 150k linkies with a random 3rd party when there is no reason to

>> No.17166464

why would you ever cash out? with that stack you'll be a billionaire in the next 10-20 years
also how old are you and what do you do

>> No.17166504

Mid 20s, software engineer at a FANG company
I dont need billions, ~$30mm would afford me anything I could need and then some, but even $10mm is plenty

Again it depends on how things play out, with the full rollout of swift enabled settlements, possible we end up at $300+ by 2021

>> No.17166519

What’s you long term link prediction OP?
Say, in 2-3 years time.

Congratulations by the way.

>> No.17166522

I'd cash out $500k and use the rest to buy some shitcoins from 100-200.

>> No.17166524

Sorry ignore my post

>> No.17166539

>possible we end up at $300+ by 2021
$300 in 2021 means $10k in 10 years
so why cash out?

>> No.17166549

I'd sell half in case it dips 30-40% / put it into DAI + Compound for 3-4 months.. worst case, i go to a million + anyway.

>> No.17166554

i'd cash out and put it right back into even more investments and keep maybe 20k for living off of for a year (cheap living isnt hard)

>> No.17166573

I honestly STRONGLY believe it will be in the top 10 by summer and top 4 by EOY. Top 4 at the peak of 2018 would put link at $200+, I think double or triple that at the height of the next bullrun is not unreasonable if we see a full roll out of blockchain enabled traditional payments using link via a swift product

>> No.17166686

You must have lost your damn mind

>> No.17166713 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 612x408, BDF1690F-7386-44C8-966C-B1797EC216A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, sophomore in college here. I have some money in the bank, and I can’t fuckin stand college anymore. What do I invest in right now to get rich quick? Open to crypto. Thanks.

>> No.17167058

what part of that seems unreasonable to you

>> No.17167074

>Top 4 by EOY

You’ve been spending too much time on WSB

>> No.17167110


Enjoy your suicide when the price follows the so-called Enron pattern.

>> No.17167122

No I wouldn’t sell until it hits at least $1000 per chainlink. Anyone who says otherwise is a coward and a fool.

>> No.17167136

$500 K is no where near enough to retire

>> No.17167151

pretty sure that is enough to set up some rental properties or become a slum landlord.
Once you do that you can get to 600k pretty easy. That stack is enough to start generating your own wealth. If you had that amount of money you would know this already or your accountant would have told you.

>> No.17167238
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I am the greatest of all time.

>> No.17168012

I remember early 2017 / 2018.
a 50k Link stack was considered very low. I still hold 60k in cold storage but this was a laughable amount before the pump to $.80

>> No.17168019

I do have this. Well almost. Around $380k. No I'm not cashing out. And no I'm not fucking selling. Not until $2 million at least and only half at that point.

>> No.17168104
File: 1.17 MB, 965x668, poor2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ, I have $500K, a paid off townhouse and a g/f that works and pays all food and utilities. That $500K is nowhere near retirement money unless you want to scrounge when you're older.

>> No.17168119

Stop LARPing, idiot

>> No.17168153

Sell at 1000$ retire on 500,000,000$. Easy peasy.

>> No.17168197

This. Fuck off OP you nutsucker. Get a life. You're portfolio sucks. Sage

>> No.17168706

500k plus taxes you’re poor.