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17161964 No.17161964 [Reply] [Original]

Would you kill someone for 500k if nobody would find out?
Why or why not?
>I couldn’t kill for any amount of money, because a life is a sacred, one time thing.

>> No.17161978

if he's hillary clinton, maybe

>> No.17161991
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Quick or painful, do I get a bonus?

>> No.17161994
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learn to read faggot OP

>> No.17161999

No because I believe in Christ.

>> No.17162013

good answer 999 this thread is complete

>> No.17162014
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I'd kill someone for free just to see what it feels like.

>> No.17162016


>> No.17162039

random person? no.
really shit person i know? depends

>> No.17162041


>> No.17162051

you’re a deranged psychopath and you need help. how could you picture spilling the blood of another human being?
wow. so detached. i hope you find out that money is meaningless and a distraction

>> No.17162053

if i get to pick the person sure

>> No.17162061
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>> No.17162074


>> No.17162087

Property rights don't apply to thieves so they don't own their own lives. I'd get one of them but no amount of money will get me to take someone else out.

>> No.17162090

It's just another person why would you care?

>> No.17162096

Blessed Anon. This is now a Christian thread.

>> No.17162101


>> No.17162111


>> No.17162129

you are a pussy, I would do it for free if no one found out

>> No.17162230


>> No.17162306

Do you care about the innocent blood you spill every time you eat flesh? No? Didn’t think so hypocritical faggot.

>> No.17162452

Is this repeatable?
One person would live in my conscious forever eating me up. If we're doing this, we're looking at a minimum $10M incentive so I can afford te therapy to deal it afterwards.

>> No.17162466

What about as an offical state paid executioner?

I think their pay check is much less.

>> No.17162496

Yes. Releasing them from the horror of existence is a kindness.

The cash would be a nice reward though

>> No.17162514
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Alpha and omega trinitarian trips.

>> No.17162577

based and numerology pilled

>> No.17162591

Yes. You can save much more than a single life with 500k and still pocket the change

>> No.17162615

Checked. Dub 7s https://youtu.be/Aye8q9tIrws

>> No.17162623

I retain my seed for LINK!

>> No.17162626

Heathens btfo

>> No.17162709

Never unless it was one of those isis faggots.

>> No.17162712

>nobody would find out
i`m sure the guilt will fuck me up badly but i would, i love money and money loves me back.

>> No.17162724

Couldn't do it, 500k is a lot but not really.

>> No.17162729

Yes. I've already caused the death of one person and it turns out I didn't give a shit. So for 500k yes I would do it.

>> No.17162735

you can repent reversed satan, dont be a faggot

>> No.17162738

Depends who it is.

>> No.17162861

no. this is wrong. you can’t play games and try to outwit God. this is blasphemous thinking.

>> No.17162879

I had a utility job making roughly 100k and was a victim of Character assignation. I retaliated by exposing a large coverup to the news of several high ranking managers making more than 200k a year. the CEO made 450k a year. They where all good ole boys. I was in fear for my life, had informants on the inside giving me information. Do not underestimate the rage of people who lose positions of power and prestige and have it taken away from them after making 150-260k a year

>> No.17162888

stop this mentality from poisoning your brain
no. stop
bible says we can go out and kill animals for meat. not humans

>> No.17162916

yikes. glad you’re still here with us anon. i hope those people are in jail and/or changed

>> No.17162953

Many of them were fired and given their pensions. There will be more news coming out about them as soon as I get the opportunity. There are two more figurative heads for me to take. But when I was fired my original plan was to confront one of the managers at the bar he hangs out with and just beat his ass but unfortunately the law only allows for whistle blowing. Do not underestimate the desire people have for violence when money is involved and status.
The older you get the more cruel you get. Need a paid off house, insurance, money for medical bills. No one got rich by being a nice guy don't mix morals with millions.

>> No.17162998

500k in ozfaila.

see once you become a citizen here you would need about 1M invested to just get the benfit equivalent.

centrelink = 1~2 % return on 1M (AUD) a year
plus all health care included (another 500K worth easy
(except dental)
Plus all you kids school fees and colledge fees paid so thats another 200~300K worth there.

So no 500K is going to get you fuck all.

>> No.17163023

You sounds like a schizo.

>> No.17163042

What exactly happened? Gave granny the wrong meds?

>> No.17163074

only if i were justified by some moral standard that could be universally applied like the guy who flips the switch on the criminal sitting on the electric chair and one of the victims donated the 500k to me for doing it or smn like that

>> No.17163075
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No I'm not
Where I come from a lot of this is normal. Good ole boys with large egos playing fuck fuck games. Put some redneck in charge of 30 men in an energy plant who has only a high school diploma and give him a 120k base pay plus another 55k a year in over time and see what the environment breeds. Go get some life experience kid,

>> No.17163112

this is a good book but seems like something that applied to a certain personality more than a generalization of the psychological impact of killing

>> No.17163124


>> No.17163125


>> No.17163142


Damn Satan on suicide watch after this triple digit post of holy spirit filled truth.

>> No.17163153

I would nuke many countries just to stop the destruction of the usa. I would also round up most of the judges lawyers and politicians and put them on a boat offshore of cali and nuke that. I would nuke India Saudi Arabia and Israel if I was the big boss. And I want 7 billion not to kill, but to STOP killing

>> No.17163160

You just write like one.

>> No.17163179

Fair enough. Atleast I was not accused of being a plebbiter

>> No.17163185

I don’t believe the latter. You can be morally just and still keep your 10 commandments. It’s just you have to work harder and smarter than everyone

>> No.17163191

I would with righteous vengeance in my heart hit the red nuke button all day everyday and round up jews and niggers and deport them or whatever. I would nuke all day everyday until people submit and start being kind. I would kill 9/10th of the governments. I would kill so many fucking people it would make pol pot hitler and the extinction of the dinosaurs look small fry

>> No.17163208

with the guarantee that nobody found out you could probably find people who would pay to kill.

>> No.17163212

financially independent*** not morally just

>> No.17163224

absolutely based and clarity pilled anon thanks for that

>> No.17163231

This. All human life is sacred and God forbids it.

>> No.17163242

chill dude buy some pink

>> No.17163247

When I taught English in Korea, Koreans would stare at me. So much so that it made me angry. I created a game where, when I was waiting for the cross walk to change from no walk to walk I would try to time when a care would get 15 meters or so away and then pretend I had the right to walk, as if the light changed green, even though it hadn't. Eventually an older man who was staring me so hard followed my lead when I pretended to walk. He was about 5 meters to my left. I took three quick steps forward and he began walking too, without checking the actual crosswalk light, or if cars were coming. I quickly stepped back out traffic, only to hear a horn and a car slam on the brakes. The man flew past as he was hit. The flow of time was so slow. He died on the street right then and there I watch blood come out of his ears, and listened to him snore and gasp for air before dying. I never did that again. I regret such a silly game. I feel terrible for being the reason someone died and it still haunts me to this day. Furthermore, I was pretty fucked up before and had a rough childhood so dealing with killing someone didn't feel like something I would not be able to handle. Killing someone is not easy. Finding Christ helped, but the man still stare at me sometimes in my dreams.

>> No.17163251

>Absolut.. Actually no, murder is a sin.

>> No.17163257
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>> No.17163271


I value my eternal soul over anything.

>> No.17163306

We’ve all done terrible things anon. Don’t let anyone tell you, you’re a bad person.
“When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.””
John 8:7 NIV
It’s good you came to Christ and found what is right. Your story might help others come out of the darkness into the light. Thanks for sharing brother

>> No.17163330

If nobody found out? I'd do it for free for fun.

>> No.17163333

you chill. Ill kill. lets see who dies first

>> No.17163361
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>> No.17163386

niggers should be banned from any and all government jobs. Nuke south Africa and Rhodesia. Kill anyone who promotes niggers mating with humans. Kill them all

>> No.17163559

I would kill for much less as long as I don't have to see the fallout with their loved ones. I'm quite wealthy and don't need the money but I'm greedy and heartless.

>> No.17163563


>> No.17163593
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No dipshit Mexican degenerate. Make your own money pay taxes have an awesome story and be proud of how you did it. Dirty money is for scum

>> No.17163595

if its someone that deserves to die, yes, yes I would.

>> No.17163633

too little money. I could make that day trading.

>> No.17163810

not very christian of you

>> No.17163825

Whomst is the victim?
Yeah so do I that's why I would ask for forgiveness for contract killing a piece of shit if that's the case and hope He understands.

>> No.17163831

then do it

>> No.17163836

>crusaders want to know your location

>> No.17163983


>> No.17164030

Based. Hethens and sadomites beware.

>> No.17164621

#FinNexus will recruit partners who can provide assets, tools, and

>> No.17164647


>> No.17164682

Im not any religion you have heard of. I like chrisy but moses was a murdering hypocrite. Typical jew lying cheating stealing murdering jew. My religious book says kill the evil ones kill them all enlighten the earth and destroy those who claim to be chosen

>> No.17164701

depends on the person

>> No.17164781

Of course if it was a Nog drugdealer or Roastie.
I would want 5,000,000 for a child though

>> No.17164784

If I could choose the person then yes.
If it's random then no.

>> No.17164806

God actually has a commandment condemning beastiality

>> No.17165243

Whether God is real or not I still don't want to kill anyone.

>> No.17165322

Ill give YOU 500k to Kill ME

>> No.17165327

Visit the third world anon.
Go walking in Somalia, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, and Iran.
If you make it back you’d have realized that empathy is a luxury that only first worlders can afford.

>> No.17165354

>You just have to work really hard
Wageslave mentality. Enjoy working your ass off so your CEO can buy another Lambo and let you have his pocket change.

>> No.17165790

just don't pay your kids' college fees retard

>> No.17165806

In a heartbeat. Morality is a spook, I'd kill someone for a whim if I knew I'd escape responsibility.

>> No.17165826

Based and Holypilled

>> No.17165846

In a heartbeat. If I could kill every non-white on the planet, and get away with it, I would. And I'd do it like a Jannie - for free

>> No.17165872



>> No.17165908

Yes, if I’m coked up.

>> No.17165955

Someone no, you yes

>> No.17165976

If I get to choose who I kill and I know nobody would ever find out I'd just kill a lot of people for free.

>> No.17166223

No women, no children

>> No.17166289

Absolutely if it's not a family member or one of my friends. All these christcucks following a religion made for sheep so the sheep couldn't make it against the elite. "Do unto others as you would like to be done unto you" bullshit.

>> No.17166299
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>> No.17166365

I would, but I wouldn’t feel good about it. I don’t believe it’s my place to kill another person, but life experience has provided me with a set of morals that enable me to do things normal people wouldn’t do.
My mother and brother are good people. Not too smart, but they’re friendly and other people seem to like them a lot. I’d kill a person if it meant they could live comfortably.

>> No.17166384

>Because I like money and I don't party like people

>> No.17166389


>> No.17166446

Yeah, no. Grew out of edgy a while ago.

>> No.17166558
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>Would you kill someone for 500k if nobody would find out?
No, although a part of me wishes I would. 500k would be nice.

>> No.17166679
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>> No.17166763


>> No.17167306

If I had The Mandalorian's disintegrator rifle.

>> No.17167534

of course I would


Because I get money

>> No.17167578

better question is, would you kill said person if your goal is to save multiple lives with the money?

>> No.17168110
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Depends on whether the world would be a better place without that person in it.

I can think of any number of people who would make the world a better place by being dead.

>> No.17168148
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If it's not someone I know or someone who looks ok, sure.

>> No.17168174

You need to expand on this the next time you may this thread. Who is being killed and how?