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17155250 No.17155250 [Reply] [Original]

A shitcoin you hold moons and now your stack is worth $1,000,000 (USD). What are your next steps?

>> No.17155262
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Dance with a crab

>> No.17155268

Cash out and look for next investment move

>> No.17155270


>> No.17155271
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>> No.17155272

Sell everything and short it

>> No.17155274

Buy McDonalds and weed

>> No.17155275
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keep holding

>> No.17155278

Cash out in amounts of 100k, pay the jews my taxes, cry a little about it, realize im a millionaire, try to make more money

>> No.17155294

Give it all directly back as fast as possible, because I think I'm an investment genius, when I'm really just a retard that accidentally struck gold.

>> No.17155299
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smoke meth then kill myself

>> No.17155314

Step 1) wake up

>> No.17155434

How would you make more? It should be easier becoming filthy rich with $1mil startup capital compared to $0. You have to spend money to make money after all.

>> No.17155441

In the usa, if held under a year that translates to 700k after taxes

>> No.17155479
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Sell and never look back. Crypto can go fuck itself the moment I'd make it. Not sure what could be possible after Chainlik. ETH and BTC is already over for those who missed it.

$100k in savings. These will stay untouched.
$100k in funds.
$100k in shares.

The rest goes into property & company investments the moment price bubble pops and becomes cheap as fuck.

Just let cash come in and then buy a house near the archipelago.

>> No.17155527

Not bad at all anon, here’s hoping you make it soon.

>> No.17155567

100% into dividend stocks, still work because my job is comfy af and buy a rental property every few years.

>> No.17155584


>> No.17155594

Rebalance my portfolio. It will all stay invested in crypto

>> No.17155600

Market sell

>> No.17155746
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>Finds actual job comfortable
>Making cash from dividend stocks
>Buying property every few years

>> No.17155751

Jack off alot.

>> No.17155927

The absolute state of coomers

>> No.17155938

I hold SAFEX, it will never moon

>> No.17155974

Convert to BTC. Slowly withdraw from BTC ATM. Win.

>> No.17156062

Great, now you have tax-free money after ATM and exchange fees, but no meaningful way of spending it (like on a house or car) without raising a ton of eyebrows and getting into trouble.

>> No.17156143


>> No.17156175

What is taking a loan out with ur crypto as collateral to pay 0 tax?

>> No.17156207
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firstly figure out how to get taxed as little as possible on the £800,000 I withdraw, maybe set up a limited company and buy a house which I write off as tax expense (house pictured - https://www.themodernhouse.com/sales-list/rudloe-road/)) and then invest the £200,000 remaining in small - mid cap crypto's and link / btc, try to make another million.

>> No.17156255
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I keep most of it as collateral for my continued freedom from wageslavery and other blights of society.
I invest the amount I am willing to lose into more high risk assets, because it's fun.
My life wouldn't really change and I wouldn't CONSOOM much of anything. I am comfortable as is.

>> No.17156267

Keep 100k in crypto, get raped by tax, put the majority into a safe 5% index fund and the rest into a higher risk higher dividend paying stock/fund. Fuck off around the world till I get bored, living off the dividends.

Real wealth is about freedom of choice, not money in a bank, if you can generate enough monthly income to outweigh your expenses then you literally don’t have to work another day in your life.

>> No.17156272

Probably go to an accountant or financial advisor or whatever and get completely screwed

>> No.17156546

Buy ATH immediately

>> No.17156813

>company investments

Are these not all essentially the same thing? What differences am I missing?

>> No.17156885


Collections of stocks in one fund managed by a mutual fund company.


Individual stocks that would impart company ownership over to anon.

>>company investments

Could be part or full ownership in a private equity that's not traded publically.

>> No.17156901


No worries, wojak.

Some stock companies or banks have pre-made portfolios made out of multiple shares.
For some that aren't interested in stock market, find the banks interest too low or just terrified of loosing all money on one company goes for this.

When it comes to company investments I relate to going off from the market and to individuals alone in need of investment for an idea or start-up company. Why I wrote it as a part of investing in real estate (offices, apartments, storages).

>> No.17156911

excellent, thank you

>> No.17156914


>> No.17156951


There's this one guy our family is acquainted to that straight up does nothing but buys properties, apartments, storage facilities, offices to later rent out. That maniac ended up having his name everywhere in 2 small towns.

>> No.17156963

All-in LINK

>> No.17156986
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>> No.17157000

>Some stock companies or banks have pre-made portfolios made out of multiple shares.
>For some that aren't interested in stock market

If you're dealing with a "stock company" or buying portfolios made of multiple shares, aren't you then still dealing with the stock market???

>> No.17157086


Stock market all the way. Only diffeence would be that they've picked all shares for you in a portfolio and given it a name.

What I'm saying is that you don't hav to daily look at your shares individually and feel terrified of dumps and pumps. The bank or stock company buys and sells according to your deposit and the gains/losses that follows.

Considering that my nation' banks have little to no interest rate, it's a better alternative to have an amount in funds rather than just having them static on the bank.

It's a passive way of being part of the market and a lot less risky than, maybe, buying 10 shares in Tesla and then depend on them alone.

>> No.17157112

Why not just go for an index fund? Isn't there data about index funds outperforming "managed" funds of all types?

>> No.17157204


Funny enough, I've been curios on comparing an indexfund with managed ones. Although in the current state, I feel nothing but content with the management.

Ended up asking among the family and came into the realization why my mother never had to work as much as everyone else. She pretty much lived on the revenue she made from funds alone. Didn't even have to take out the original deposit, as they managed the shares entirely. She lived like that for over 10 years with a small therapy/massage business on the side.

>> No.17157307


The potential to outperform the market is one advantage that actively-managed funds have over index funds

If you're unsure which to pick, I'd say go half -half on two types. I have my money not just put on one fund but on multiple variants with different focuses.
Properties, natural resources, communication, technology, finance, industry, biotech etc.

>> No.17157674

I think the repeated statistic is that index outperforms 90% of managed funds. So chances are you won't outperform the market, but it's possible