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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17153640 No.17153640 [Reply] [Original]

How does chainlink solve the Sybil attack problem?

>hard mode: no mentioning of KYC (centralized), vetting (centralized), collateral (doesn't change anything once a villainous majority is reached), reputation (can be accumulated just like collateral, then used when villainous majority is reached)

>> No.17153647

Fuck your thread, this is now a chainlink prediction thread. Trips decides links price EOY 2020.

>> No.17153651


>> No.17153664
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Chainlink solves nothing at all. its not even a decentralized oracle and RLC does everything it does in everyway.

In fact, Chainlink is such an easy code, that when a crypto says they are "partnering" theyre really just taking the basic chainlink code and implementing it for shits and giggles just to 1 up link

Reddit is 100x smarter than /biz/. call me soi all you want, but actual developers browse reddit

>> No.17153667


>> No.17153669


>> No.17153688

It solves it by being a centralized premined shitcoin with the team owning 65% of the tokens and dumping on retarded linkoids

>> No.17153690

RLC is based
Best contrarian play

>> No.17153691


>> No.17153743

they STILL own 65%? thats fucking rich. All linkies do is complain how XRP developers own MUH FIVE BILLION of the token, when fucking sergey owns 65% still?

>> No.17153831

Yea they cope really hard too

>> No.17153875
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50 billion fren

>> No.17153885


>> No.17153937

It doesn't, but the linkies on biz are a cult with a criminal gang at the top pulling their puppet strings. Look how they come into your thread to derail.

>> No.17153945

oh fuck I think you might be right

>> No.17153958


>> No.17154427

No arguments, dang.

>> No.17154447

isnt that pasta from a year ago?

>> No.17154465

This, big oof. Glad I didn't fall for this scam.

Peace out y'all, I'm going back to /r/cc.

>> No.17154480

Crazy how people still doubt chainlink

>> No.17154536
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By your logic, all of crypto is a scam since a villainous majority can be met (51% attack).

It's not about making a perfect system. It's about making a viable option to businesses where benefits outweigh cost and risk you dumb sack of shit.

>> No.17154627

47.23 as the clock strikes midnight 2021.

Check. Them.

>> No.17154639

Old shit pasta newfren

>> No.17154659

kek holy shit, imagine holding xrp

>> No.17154668

because of ethereum foo
widout ethereum chainlink is worthless, foo

>> No.17155218
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i don't want normies to realize the scam that is chainlink until i will have dumped on their heads at a tenfold price

>> No.17155236



>> No.17155239


>> No.17155265

kek is that what you tell yourself as you cry to sleep?

>> No.17155375

>hard mode: no mentioning of KYC

Loaded question because KYC is a necessity for the creation of a decentralized voting method. This will be my only post ITT because these are generally a waste of my time and another psued will come tomorrow asking the same question.

When an oracle network is young, it is easiest to game in line with game theory. If you have a KYC node process, then you have nodes behavior tied to the real world entities that they represent. This means a company would not tarnish its name in order to game the network. Chainlink is tapping into the trust from the non-deterministic world until it can grow large enough to surpass the sybil growth period in which it is more profitable to act dishonestly with an asymptotic approach to trustworthy behavior. Once the network is large enough, KYC would not only be unnecessary but an impossibility as there’s would be no feasible method of vetting new nodes with the assumption that growth is exponential.