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File: 719 KB, 1496x1538, insider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17153475 No.17153475 [Reply] [Original]

oh linkies

>> No.17153492

Thank you for your concern over our financial wellbeing.

>> No.17153494

>Almost as retarded as believing in some random who’s tweets

congratulations OP

>> No.17153504

he posted proof

>> No.17153549

A screenshot of a 4 Chan post? Well then it’s settled!

>> No.17153567

its such strange times that basically a startup has to manage billion of dollars and worry not about the money but about the usage. basically other way around

>> No.17153606

>implying usage will not go up as DeFi projects pop-up left and right every day during the next bullrun
>implying all the normies that will return after BTC breaks ATH will not be buying LINK from coinbase as it's the IDEAL price (> 1$ but still 'cheap')
>Implying usage will not be skyrocketing as soon as ChainLink expands beyond Ethereum and literally hundreds of other platforms start using it
>Implying LINK won't skyrocket once staking happens and everyone and his mother is locking down LINK for those sweet sweet passive rewards.

>> No.17153619 [DELETED] 

He is legit. He is either a node operator himself or the friend of one and larping with actual insider information. But what he says is true. However he 'forgot' to mention the historic reputation farming and the reputation system whitepaper developed by SDL and how that will affect the 'neet' node operators in the following months after its release

>> No.17153627

Also they're not "paying" 250k USD, they're paying 250k USD worth of LINK, of which they have 300M*3.3$=1B USD worth. So at 250k / month they have 4000 MONTHS of funding left, they could keep paying out these feeds for the next 300 YEARS without any problem. Assuming they want to kickstart the network during the next 3 years they could LITERALLY expand the feed network with a FACTOR 10 WHILE PAYING 10X MORE.

Fucking FUDders

>> No.17153636
File: 91 KB, 1080x1331, 2gigacad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read never selling chainlink 1k $ eoy

>> No.17153637
File: 330 KB, 499x499, 1561639734189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't read
>Buying more

>> No.17153645

Is this twink saying 4k per month for one price feed isn't enough to make running a node a viable income?

>> No.17153646

It doesn't even take into account the LINK price appreciating.

>> No.17153662

I will buy more Link if it retraces significantly (it won't)

>> No.17153687

A screenshot of a video call with Johann on Zoom (video conference app which team uses for business communications)

That's really the blackpill about this whole clown space. Even the .16LINK calls for minor price feeds are incredibly over priced, they're burning so much money on this. You really have to wonder how long can they keep this up before it becomes an obvious issue of unsustainability. Burning millions a year on simply parsing price data feeds which are themselves public and free. Remember Oraclize is like 1 cent per call and they're still not getting any business. You'd have to be severely deluded to think companies would pay multiple dollars per calls any time soon. Even once threshold signatures get implemented, it'd still be way too expansive and there's no demand for it. I know it's a hard pill to swallow, because it's on paper a great idea with potential but truth is, a startup that's already worth one billion dollars has no reason to deliver, they can just pretend. 5 or 10 years from now, they'll run out of incentive funds and the network will shut down, meanwhile they'll all have pocketed millions for themselves to retire quietly or will still have a valuable resume experience to start another venture.

>This is the biggest money burning I have ever seen and kind of feared that an organization with no customers, no liabilities and basically no reward mechanism but endless amounts of cash would overspend. Imagine how lenient Sergey is with spending on flights, rent, wages, other costs. Why would they try to be efficient or fair? They'll burn through the cash in another 2 years probably, if by then the network isn't completely autonomous it's over.

>the point of alts is to always be a work in progress, because the day that they're "done" and there is no adoption, means they can't lure in other people to speculate

>> No.17153695

The brave new world

>> No.17153714

Node operator here. Got in my application to be reviewed really early. This guy is probably right. Looks like they've absolutely no intention of bringing in NEET nodes which is a load of bullshit especially since we're spending our money on this. They did promise to pay out for testing but zero word on that in 6 months. Very disappointed in how they are treating node operators who have been with them from the start. If you are a professional stalling platform you could ring them up tomorrow and they'd put you on the reference contracts. Some of these stalling platform have been slow as shit too updating jobs etc. You might as well shut down your node until things start actually happening because you are wasting your money. Johann if you are reading this, it's about time you started teaching out to node operators because you are really fucking us around and unnecessarily costing people alot of money.

>> No.17153719

Fucking phone posting

>> No.17153742

Also most people's free year of AWS will run out in June so things are about to get alot more expensive for people.

>> No.17153774

A number of different companies can make use of the same reference contract so it is likely that chainlink is subsidizing the costs but no way are they are doing it for free. Get a few more companies on board and they actually will be become sustainable

>> No.17153833

Go post this in the official node operators discord. Maybe you could free up one more spot on the reference contract.

>> No.17153835

LINK $1000 EOY

>> No.17154500

This. Link doesn't need adoption, it doesn't need neet nodes or anything. All it does is enough hype and outreach for a nice crazy pump in the upcoming bull run.
Remember to sell though. altcoin fundamentals are still non-existant.

>> No.17154507

watch out for the DEFI , there is so much more from decentralized finance. FInnexus is leading the way

>> No.17154542

check out the DEFI trend, FInnexus is leading the way with its amazing features