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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 73 KB, 750x1000, 8403126B-FA51-4548-ACCC-0F97426EDF12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17151837 No.17151837 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck each of you. None of you knows how bad I have it and what I have been through. How much money biz has made me loose. Fuck this shit board. It cost me so much. What a fucking rotten place. That does not even get into all the other problems of things going on in my situation. And yes I know this is not a diary but I do not give a fuck I will say whatever the fuck I want so fuck you. There is not a chance in hell any on this board has the mental strength of me. You fuckers are crooked. This place is a fucking gambling den filled of morons and scam artists. I did not deserve any of this. But now that it happened I have learned so much. I am going to take this and use it to motivate myself to make more in the future. I am going to make it and it is no thanks to biz. I am going to fucking make it.

>> No.17151844

shoulda got link early m8

>> No.17151847

Mega cringe

>> No.17151855

Which shitcoin was it anon

>> No.17151860

So what did you learn?

>> No.17151871

Well that sucks man. Honestly you must be a fucking retard if you lost money from biz. Tell me what scams you bought that lost all your money because I want to gauge your level of retardation

>> No.17151876
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get rekt mf cracka

>> No.17151878

People that can’t differentiate between loose and lose deserve to die poor; their genes aren’t worth propagating.

>> No.17151900
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Remember the golden rule

>> No.17151926

Get a financial education before investing next time. Without a good foundation, houses fall.

>> No.17151928

Nobody here made you do anything. You chose to come here and listen to evil, scamming retards and take their financial advice then use it to make your own very bad decisions.

This is despite knowing markets are a zero sum game and that an anonymous platform means zero credibility. It's all shills or people praying you pump their bags....and you thought it was a good place to hang out and base your decisions off of.

It's your own fault for taking the advice of fools.

>> No.17151932

thanks for buying me bags

>> No.17151942

you type funny

>> No.17151948
File: 2.81 MB, 3024x3024, 34CAAAEF-2B47-4DD1-9086-AE5DFB6B8DA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All BS aside. DYOR on PNK. Check etherscan/kleroscan. This is your opportunity to get it back. I shit you not anon.

Also, you struck my feels. I’m sorry about this anon. I have been fucked many times too. Keep a level head and you’ll prosper.

>> No.17151950

This. I only come here for entertainment/ memes.

>> No.17151954

Follows what fags on here says, does it and loses bunch of cash. Be mad, baka

>> No.17151979
File: 1.37 MB, 1800x1102, A76D128D-56B7-4687-B6AC-E9729212C623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based kleros chad. I know it’s already a winner based on the quality of memes.

>> No.17152002
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You had 3 years.

>> No.17152017

$ave your dollary doo's lad and don't take advice from strangers on the internet if you keep losing money lmao

>> No.17152019

Until there is a working product, it's all speculation. Imagine you're standing on a boat. A small boat. On the ocean. Now put 30 cats on that boat. Those cats represent your fellow traders/ "investors"/ speculators. Now introduce some kind of volitility. Could be a wave, could be a distant helicopter, could be a lightning storm, could be the gentle lapping of the waves against the boat or the cracking open of an ice cold beer. How do the cats react? Is there any rhyme or reason to the apparent chaos they're feeling? Is there any genuinely reliable information we can learn from our fellow traders, the cats, apart from apparent serenity one minute and mindless panic the next? Of course not.

Crypto trading makes as much sense as those cats' reactions do on that little boat.

>> No.17152027

...Anonymous (ID: wOqoeVcZ)
Literally needing to get these(...)
02/09/20(Sun)20:26:45 No.17151837
73 KB
Fuck each of you. None of you knows how bad I have it and what I have been through. How much money biz has made me loose. Fuck this shit board. It cost me so much. What a fucking rotten place. That does not even get into all the other problems of things going on in my situation. And yes I know this is not a diary but I do not give a fuck I will say whatever the fuck I want so fuck you. There is not a chance in hell any on this board has the mental strength of me. You fuckers are crooked. This place is a fucking gambling den filled of morons and scam artists. I did not deserve any of this. But now that it happened I have learned so much. I am going to take this and use it to motivate myself to make more in the future. I am going to make it and it is no thanks to biz. I am going to fucking make it.

>> No.17152035

the shills can't even keep themselves from shilling in a thread about losing money because of shills

>> No.17152037

biz is a trial by fire. sorry you got burned. learn to tell a scammer from a human

>> No.17152087

All you had to do is buy btc and wait.

>> No.17152089

How did you lose money in a perma bull market? Did you buy Pajeet coins or something? All you had to do was buy BTC, ETH, or LINK lmao

>> No.17152090

Alright, see you tomorrow

>> No.17152092

If you knew better you’d do better, sheep fren.

>> No.17152095
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, 49080A1E-160F-4516-9CA5-FEDDF6953217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fly has the gun?????

>> No.17152186

Only if you stake IOTX for top10 delegates, then you won't cry like this anymore.

>> No.17152206
File: 501 KB, 1440x1025, Screenshot_20200209-001228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand your feelings anon. In some ways had i never gone into the stock market general threads Id probably have never lost thousands of dollars. If i didnt learn the knowledge of stock options i wouldve never done what I did. Nonetheless i unfortunately made the choice to make those trades and am stuck with the fact i lost nearly $10,000 plus an untold amount of time waking up early to watch the stock market, staring at stocks for hours.

Are you relaxed yet fren?

>> No.17152211

Fuck each of you. None of you knows how bad I have it and what I have been through. How much money biz has made me loose. Fuck this shit board. It cost me so much. What a fucking rotten place. That does not even get into all the other problems of things going on in my situation. And yes I know this is not a diary but I do not give a fuck I will say whatever the fuck I want so fuck you. There is not a chance in hell any on this board has the mental strength of me. You fuckers are crooked. This place is a fucking gambling den filled of morons and scam artists. I did not deserve any of this. But now that it happened I have learned so much. I am going to take this and use it to motivate myself to make more in the future. I am going to make it and it is no thanks to biz. I am going to fucking make it.

>> No.17152212
File: 104 KB, 748x716, 1528388900216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read this whole thing and you know what? Fuck you.

>> No.17152228

some people gave you good advice and some people gave you bad advice. you're the one who couldn't tell the difference.

>> No.17152230

Bro just tighten up your money

>> No.17152244

If you aren't a Christian I recommend you read the Holy Bible prefarably starting in the New Testament. Believe on Jesus Christ who came to save us from our sins. He died on the cross, the perfect sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins, and 3 days later He rose from the grave claiming victory over death and sin! All those who believe in Him will have eternal life. Salvation, it's better than all this world can offer you Anon.

>> No.17152260

Dornt woory my fren you carn buy new indian tokken on binance called wrx and will make you many dollars!

>> No.17152270
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>> No.17152290

back to plebbit

>> No.17152299


Carlos Matos is this you?!

>> No.17152442

>How much money biz has made me loose.

We all know that a pepe-ridden business-related anonymous imageboard is genuinely meant to have random losers getting rich overnight.