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17151603 No.17151603 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related.

Who is pumping this shit coin?

>> No.17151613

Its the battle between Ver and Craig. Whichever shitfork can maintain a higher price than the other will siphon SHA256 hashrate away from the other and “legitimize” their coin.

>> No.17151614

> op is gay and can't see over his small sized opinion
> litterally who

>> No.17151645

They've actually got a building in my city, and some cars with decals. And I'm in regional Australia.

Still won't buy though, seems shady

>> No.17151671

Hmm, one released a 200 million USD war chest for new projects and revoked their plan for the fucked up miner tax because they entire community has a say; the other keeps prolonging the inevitable and will lose his shirt paying off the kleiman estate.

>> No.17151713

this shill talking point is so tired
everyone understands hashrate is a function of price * block reward and literally nothing else

>> No.17151718

Thats what i’m fucking saying dumbass? They are increasing their coins prices to attract hashrate from other chains.

>> No.17151792

Going to sign up my local pizza place, and a few more coffee shops with the new super easy merchant app.
Bitcoin CASH

>> No.17151824

how do they increase that? are they magicians? or they drop their coins to buy back their coins... oh wait

>> No.17151830

Nobody uses this garbage. Much like BSV it's a shitfork ponzi sustained 95% by the creator and his small cabal of degenerate sycophants.

>> No.17151836

You are extremely dense. Higher price attracts more hashpower from other chains until equilibrium is reached again.

>> No.17151868

This. It’s really not that hard to understand. Bitcoin cash isn’t going anywhere and it works.

>> No.17151947

Ver pumped BCC to 0.5 BTC with thousands of bitcoin, you think he can’t pump a little volume to keep ahead of a literal scam?

>> No.17151959

thousands of bitcoin that they had because of... oh right, they sold ver to buy bitcoin and then they... oh wait

>> No.17151967

*autistic babbling*

>> No.17151984

every bubble pops... oh wait

>> No.17152005
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difference being, if BTC loses enough hashrate its game over for them. Their blocks get more congested, their fees get higher, which only exacerbates the problem and will drive people to change their BTC for more functional coins like BCH. My prediction is that if BCHBTC price reaches 0.5 for more than a day that the flippening is inevitable.

>> No.17152254

idk man maybe people just want low fees and dont want to have to run a full node or a LN watchtower

>> No.17152540

good coin, many developments.

>> No.17152560

roger ver said that he is mining btc and dumping it for bch

>> No.17152655

ver buys hashpower. bet he also has some tether printing scheme going on.

The coin is utter garbage, and he is doing some illegal shit to shill it.

pipebomb maker in the past, so why not keep up with the illegal, Ver, clown

>> No.17152767

>> T. I don't use crypto except for hodling on an exchange.

>> No.17153043

Why by bitcoin or bitcoin cash when you can buy bitcoin Diamond for under a dollar? bitcoin Diamond is best bitcoin (based af)

>> No.17153079


places that accept bitcoin diamond as payment: 0
thats why, retardo

>> No.17153084

idiot they are working on a mobile wallet, bitcoin diamond is going to surprise many, I wouldn't be surprised if it is supported by the founders of OG bitcoin, developers are anonymous, but they have solved all problems of bitcoin core and bitcoin cash

>> No.17153091


>> No.17153095

>> working on a mobile wallet

nigga they should have had a mobile wallet 2 years ago.

what a scam, its even worse than I thought, even big scam coins have mobile wallets now

>> No.17153111
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do you think that parroting these reddit-tier blockstream propaganda points works on biz? cope harder fgt

>> No.17153118

yeah but hash moves too fast between them so even if one temporarily grows above the other it doesn't mean shit.

>> No.17153119

whatever man, I am just sharing my view, we ll see who is right, I think the fundamentals are more sound than bitcoin core and bitcoin cash combined

>> No.17153122
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>he didnt listen

>> No.17153140

the only problem is there is not enough inflow of cash to crypto to pump 10000 alts and btc so if alts go up btc stalls and crashes and alts will crash 10 times harder. rinse and repeat until alt season delusions are given up then bitcoin can have a rally with alts lagging behind.

>> No.17153184

Only a retard would be BTC heavy in this run. BCH /BSV will outperform by orders of magnitude

>> No.17153256
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if they outperform btc there will be no bull run it's impossible because a 100 other shitcoins will have ideas ripple litecoin eth etc. that means for a 100x for the crypto marketcap you would need 10000 times more cash inflow into crypto than before.

not gonna happen. it will be just pumps and dumps rinse and repeat until the market is ready and alts are abandoned.

>> No.17153266

>if they outperform btc
They already outperform BTC retard. Whoever followed the poster in >>17153122 pic is up 5-10x

>> No.17153294

>They already outperform BTC
and i'm telling you not gonna last this is not it. btc will crash again and alts will get rekt harder than before. you will know the real bull is in when alts are left behind. and when they rise again you know btc topped.

>> No.17153505

In this bullrun, BTC is an alt

>> No.17154315

LN is retarded and so is anyone who thinks it's viable, unlike your mom's pregnancy with you

>> No.17154379

> Bch
Target price in this little bull run?

>> No.17154389

0.1 BTC

>> No.17154432

Most likely 0,06

>> No.17154449

rofl that's one of the most deluded bullshit i heard this decade. right up in the alley of eth flipping btc.
it's the only existing trustless secure instant electronic payment solution to date.

>> No.17154458

$50 BTC fees before EOY corecuck. Get the champaign ready

>> No.17154467
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>it's the only existing trustless secure instant electronic payment solution to date.

>> No.17154479

The miners the entire bch & bsv war is about miners butthurt that core fixed asicboost with asic.

BCH is about miners that want asicboost but an open chain and BSV is about glow in the darks that want closed mining with authorized pools to monopolize mining.

It's a massive shitshow, bch has the advantage tough because it's accepted by bitpay and everytime btc bottlenecks it gains users doing real transactions , not meme weather shit.

>> No.17154481

>uhhhhduhhhh target price?????

How to spot a drooling normie retard.

>> No.17154487

hardly segwit is now fully in play doubt we will see more than $5 in peak congestion periods.

>> No.17154495

also worth noting that it's for next block confirmation which loses lot of it's meaning with lightning adoption.

>> No.17154499

Nope at current segwit levels btc won't bottleneck until late 2021.

>> No.17154552

even that is questionable with dirt tx-es going to ln... exchanges adopting lighting is the very thing that can jumpstart the next adoption wave.

>> No.17154658

*More autistic babbling*

>> No.17154690

Did you come up with that opinion all by yourself?

>> No.17154715


What an absolutely ridiculous and laughable joke; fees will become exorbitant again if BTC ever nears its previous ATHs.

>> No.17154847
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the market will sort it all out in the end.
i'm not worried nothing goes straight up forever. harder it goes up harder it crashes no matter what we talking about. from any ath there will be a 80-90% correction.

so play it safe hodl bitcoin (much better odds) switch upon confirmation it has failed and getting overtaken.

>> No.17154883

lol shut up faggot. you type like a ESL currymouth

>> No.17154913

*oh wait*

>> No.17155195 [DELETED] 

>doubt we will see more than $5
5$ is apocalyptic. We will see $50 though

>lightning adoption
It would more than 100 for every human to create one (1) LN channel per person if all BTC blocks are filled entirely with LN onboarding TX. That alone should make you realize how retarded LN is but it wont since you're retarded.

>> No.17155215

>doubt we will see more than $5
5$ is apocalyptic for adoption. We will see $50 though

>lightning adoption
It would take more than 100 years for every human to create one (1) LN channel per person if all BTC blocks are filled entirely with LN onboarding TX and under the assumption they never close their channels (lol). That alone should make you realize how retarded LN is but it wont since you're retarded.

>> No.17155230

>5$ is apocalyptic
not really peak congestion doesn't last a day usually. and you can still send btc sub $1 just takes a little longer to confirm at those times. i never paid more than $1 for my tx-es and usually transfer a few thousand to a few grand worth. so still much cheaper than wire faster too.

also yes at any real adoption ln requires a block increase in itself. it's not that we have to fear any real adoption any time soon. bitcoin came at a time it was absolutely unneeded to the people who could buy it. the economy was doing great financial services worked great in the developed world with a few local outliers. no hyperinflation.

things will change eventually. real adoption is coming and $1million btc is coming. within a decade.

>> No.17155317

>it's not that we have to fear any real adoption any time soon.
Yes corecuck devs made sure of that in 2017. No company in their right mind will ever build on a chain that ostracizes businesses who increase on-chain tx. The ponzi-victim txs alone will be enough to send fees to $50+ once BTC nears ATH though.
Its unironically been over for BTC ever since the devs took a shit on all entrepreneurs by not going 2mb. You wont get it because you are a socialist.

What corecucks don't get is we aren't discussing with you anymore. We just talk to you because it's funny telling you the truth while knowing full well the price of your low throughput coin will soon reflect its irrelevancy and you will seethe in unimaginable agony.

>> No.17155344

fees have nothing to do with price.

>> No.17155363

Price will make hodlers move their coldstored coins and blocks will be full. Just like 2017 newfag.

>> No.17155366

real adoption will not be driven by speculation or daydreaming but necessity. idgaf about companies when people with money need bitcoin it will moon.

>> No.17155387

>we aren't discussing with you anymore
you never did you just broke consensus because you still to this date don't understand bitcoin cashie faggot.

like i said the market ill sort it all out. i don't have to convince you of shit.

>> No.17155414

>idgaf about companies
Thanks for confirming you are a poor wagecucking employee dreaming of socialism

>like i said the market ill sort it all out.
Yes the market will make sure the coin with the most utility with the most real businesses building on it will win

>> No.17155461

> when this
> when that
> you'll see!
Fuck, i think we've passed the tech-meme phase, and the flip bitcoin phase too

>> No.17155478

>Thanks for confirming you are a poor wagecucking employee dreaming of socialism
companies don't have any need for adopting any existing crypto. and will probably not. it's exactly the idiotic daydreaming i was talking about.

>Yes the market will make sure the coin with the most utility with the most real businesses building on it will win
not really the coin that people actually need will win the thing that gives them actual value not bullshit weather data they could get from anywhere. trustless permisisonless and secure. only bitcoin has these properties. and no the hashrate won't flip and you will die poor.

>> No.17155505

>you will die poor.
too late for that I'm in since 2012

enjoy this year anon

>> No.17155529

stop littering this fucking thread, can we please talk about actual developments of this coin, not useless OLD fud or fucking tech memes from 2017?

What's going to happen with the halving, for example?

Can some of you fat buddies answer, or totally autistic?

>> No.17155537
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Tick tock, no network effect. All the innovation is sapped out thanks to the hubris of the devs

>> No.17155538

>What's going to happen with the halving, for example?
BCH hash will reduce a bit and blocktimes will be fucky occasionally until BTC has its halving.
Price will go up of course

>> No.17155571

larping cuck
we are talking about the actual development
sv has nothing to offer that can't be done without it faster and cheaper
btc offers something that can't be done without tit.
0:1 for team core
it's not about the tech or the development. it translates freely and too easy to steal. bitcoin is about consensus just fucking understand this already.

>> No.17155610

I could post screens of my 7 figure portfolio but I won't and you will call me larp again lmao
stay poor and enjoy the 1% gains on your 0.5 BTC

>> No.17155620

Someone says that halving could reduce the number of miners, and bch can become vulnerable to a 51% attack

>> No.17155622

Bitcoin on the Cash app is the real Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.17155803

>I could post screens
that's not proof unless you are a craiglet
proof would be signature with a wallet address.

>> No.17155810

it always was since day 1.

>> No.17155847

don't be silly

>> No.17156149
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>bitcoin is about consensus just fucking understand this already.

I've made thousands of transactions with BSV and I receive and send dozens of micropayments a day across a bunch of different apps. Since I started typing this I got 2 cents from a like on Twetch.

The train has already left the station, people are using it and making money and theres pretty much nothing you can do about it besides seething and coping

>> No.17156767
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BCH share of sha256 hashrate has already more than doubled since January 1st. If it wasn't being 51% attacked then, there's no reason to believe it will suddenly be attacked now. And BCH miners have shown that they are willing to move hash away from BTC to defend BCH, even if it means mining at a loss.

I'm more interested to see what happens during the BTC halving, when they suddenly take a hashrate drop. That means blocks will be coming in some% slower than normal, and if the halving happens in the middle of a bull run BTC will already be experiencing insane congestion and it will only be made worse by this.

>> No.17157255
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Fixed image

>> No.17158316

>this shit coin
>the only coin that's actually being used for something unrelated to speculation

>> No.17158352

roger's link stack.

>> No.17158369

Roger doesn't hold LINK, even though I literally shilled it to him.
He's into ETH, Monero and Dash. Also still holds xx,xxx BTC and sells every airdrop he gets (hex included).

>> No.17158394

Literally kys Greg.

>> No.17158958

Idk but I know who is pumping your mum ;-]