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17142135 No.17142135 [Reply] [Original]

And my gf took 300. We are going to enter the blockchain and pump everyone's bags. If you want your coins to be included in my prayers, post below. See you on the other side, anon.

>> No.17142144
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do the needful sir

>> No.17142146

Please fuck and share your experience. I've always suspected it's amazing but never had the opportunity to try myself.

>> No.17142148

keep pumping DOGE please

>> No.17142158

Pump holochain to 41 sats please...

I need it, lord knows I need it

>> No.17142165

It’s 1045am unless you’re a europoor.... are you poor or just a savage taking lsd in the morning?

>> No.17142185

>taking lsd in the morning?

you're thinking of alcohol

>> No.17142189

Why wouldn't he take it in the morning? It lasts 12 hours

>> No.17142194

What I remember from the last time I did it was I could tell different colors sere different, but I couldn't figure out which specific color they were, everything was wavy, and I kept thinking about how depression is pointless and stupid and I should just enjoy my life.

>> No.17142195

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.17142217

I took 990ug. Total nightmare. I remember on lower doses that everything sensory was enhanced in a pleasant way.

>> No.17142225

I gave your mother furious ass to mouth last night and now my dick is very itchy

>> No.17142236

good you stupid faggot i hope your dick fall offs

>> No.17142298

Basic Attention Token needs your help, and any help it can get. Godspeed anon

>> No.17142305

I have. You don't feel like doing it and you dont have the attention span for doing it. You cant keep it up enough to do it.

>> No.17142317

do eeet

>> No.17142320

Pls do the needful and pump ETH sir thank you

>> No.17142344


>> No.17142512

it's pretty great but weird. I felt great but I also felt like I was about to go limp and like I was about to cum, simultaneously. my girl was so wet I seriously looked down to see if she got her period at one point lmao

>> No.17142710
File: 254 KB, 1459x1094, 438663C7-A682-44FF-BCF9-1203C951F6C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will see pic related beckoning to you when you peak

>> No.17142832

>tfw take acid and get subjected to all my problems and inadequecies for 10 hours straight

Its not like I'm being enlightened, I already know my shortcomings. I take drugs to escape for a while dammit

>> No.17142842


>> No.17142856

Say hello to everything you see

>> No.17142868

based and 42pilled

>> No.17142875

acid is so easy to control though. You just have to occupy yourself with something, even just watching a movie

mushrooms on the other hand will bitchslap you and tell you what you're doing wrong sometimes, and there's not a lot to do about it but listen

>> No.17142891

BRAP lol. good god do I need a windfall right now. pray good, acidbro.

>> No.17142962

weird. I was on a heafull of acid and my gf at the time whispered, "I'm gonna fuck you" in my ear and I came. totally limp. totally out of nowhere. thirty minutes later we fucked and I couldn't feel shit. lasted forever. was meh.

>> No.17143119


Yeah sex on acid is pretty weird, you can get spacey and distracted so easily. But let me share a protip with you anons. Sex when you’re *coming down* from acid fucking rules. Your body is just coming out if the trip and when your dick comes back online there’s like this urgent need to fuck. Plus you still have lots of visuals. Do it

>> No.17143126

did it work?

>> No.17143212

>and when your dick comes back online there’s like this urgent need to fuck
very true.

>> No.17143214

Lower, threshold doses are best for this. A nice buzz and, at least for me, a voracious appetite to please a woman.

>> No.17143280

don't know what's wrong with these limpdick anons itt because it's fucking awesome. you have to wait for the urge to strike, generally 5 or more hours in for me. i hope you can make it happen anon

>> No.17143360
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Watch these OP. Your welcome

>> No.17144269

Pump my ARPA bags

>> No.17144316

I fucked on mushrooms and didn’t really care for it.

>> No.17144349

Lets hope you didnt take that contaminated LSD thats going around atm anon, ive seen people vomit blood and have heart attacks.

One guy stabbed himself to try and tear off his cheek.

>> No.17145075
File: 37 KB, 960x960, 1514291884880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember faintly taking 300UG one time I was couch locked on my sofa and the visuals have gotten insanely real to the point I wasn't even in the physical realm anymore. I had voices talking in my head, I was strapped inside a jetplane and felt like I was flying at 1000kmh/h my face was tearing apart and my heartrate was near death pumping. I had moments where I snapped back to reality and had to calm myself down before it took me to the edge of the universe.

I cannot imagine more than that.

There was a scene where I was basically like a Microsoft Windows Error that kept popping up and I felt like I was stuck in a glitch

>> No.17145091

how do you guys even know/estimate your doses in terms of micrograms?

>> No.17145110

Thank you, anon. Sending thoughts and prayers of guidance while you're in the chain. I hope you have enough LINK to hop from chain to chain. Can you please pump my Fantom bags? They're getting heavy.

>> No.17145112

just take a single tab and you'll know.

wait 2 - 3 weeks for tolerance to fall and take a tab and a half
you'll have to discover your own comfort zone with this thing because it can take you by surprise.
One tab from my vendor is 100UG and my comfort zone before shit gets too real/intense to control and definitely need a babysitter is after 250UG.

>> No.17145247


>> No.17145288
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Pump stakenet.io to bejesus and back.
safe travels

>> No.17145355
File: 88 KB, 600x425, SaluteSir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Speed Anon

>> No.17145431

>yea ima take acid right before the time i normally fall asleep so i feel dead by the end of the trip for being awake so long

>> No.17145438

i dunno blinko i took ~200-250ug my first trip and had a whale of a time

>> No.17145458


>> No.17145616
File: 50 KB, 640x643, 1575488925216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Afternoon anon, I hope I'm not too late to provide armaments for your quest into the nether world. I presume that you’ve already been asked or had the intention of maintaining LINK’s moonening.
Instead I’ll instead ask of you to choose between providing what aid you can to either SENT or VIDT. I shall be posting a few images in the spirit of pic related to aid you in your endeavor should you be lurking the thread.

Good luck and good vibrations.

>> No.17145631

Xcm gogo

>> No.17145649
File: 376 KB, 1080x1350, 6152a97acca0809a93995440bcfa195b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can contact Ygdrassil and pump RUNE, I'll see you in Valhalla anon.

>> No.17145714

when i used to take lsd it would take all my concentration just to get hard. any distraction, an itch, a sneeze, an unexpected noise, would insta kill my boner. if you want to fuck on drugs dont take too much.

>> No.17145754
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Struggle onwards.

>> No.17145759

Windows Error? FUUUUUUU
I kept hearing toilets flush.

>> No.17145769

>first time I tripped drank and smoked weed
>went to a party. chugged a quarter of something, probably vodka.
>best night ever. couldn't sleep
>last time tripped. went to the deepest black hole I could find.
>my brain literally "bottlenecked" and lost control
>was paranoid for months
>read the west Penre papers, realized our bodies have amazing regenerative capabilities
most of biz likes to play dangerously, and that's ok, just keep in mind your opportunity cost

>> No.17145789
File: 2.08 MB, 1600x1053, 1577101350773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Observe the oligarchs and find the means to navigate reality >>17145649 accordingly and as you experience it.

>> No.17145891

redpill me on the west penre papers anon

>> No.17145976

you'd have to read it fren. if you do you will learn the actual mechanics of disinformation. the level of discernment is priceless