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17139175 No.17139175 [Reply] [Original]

I shoplift from Wal-Mart and other big corporations. I've probably stolen my yearly salary in stolen goods now. I love laughing at some wagecuck while I sneak out of Best Buy with a new laptop.

What are your tips anon?

>> No.17139182

Fasting. Eat only twice a day.

Eat all you want once you have made it.

>shameless plug buy ERD

>> No.17139188

is this supposed to be hot ? disgusting hoe

>> No.17139197

I eat once a day but i'm trying to lose like 10-15 lbs. I've lost 10 so far and I'll do 2 meals a day when i get to my goal

>> No.17139206

shut your talk hole

>> No.17139217

eating is for faggots. Get used to it.

>> No.17139340

Its pretty hot desu

>> No.17139363

For you OMADers, carnivore is by by far the most optimal. You get all your nutrients and aren't hungry all day. Cheers

As far as extra money is concerned OP is correct. I dont steal bc of karma but I spend at least $200 at fucking walmart a week, could be saving big money and its justified bc the jews steal from us anyway

Ways i save money is carnivore and being a trucker. I dont have to pay rent or pay for kids or a wife. Another way is investing in btc. This way in ten years I wont have to work.

>> No.17139422
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>> No.17139531

Word, doing carnivore and OMAD myself.

>> No.17139586

This, but you should do it as a lifestyle.

I'm a millionaire and used to work a highly productive life, often flying oversea business class for work. One thing I noticed was that in the lounge, even tho everything was free (free coke, juice, beer, whatever). If the people in the lounge would have been low-impulse working class people, they would've consumed all of these things (especially the free beer). But most fellow business men (80%) just stuck with the water.

Fasting is the same. Don't eat more than twice per day. Limit food in general, people eat way too much. And I've had my share of lobster and grass-fed wagyu beef, honestly I would never eat that unless paid 100% by the company.

>> No.17139598

>steal most of my food
>no phone just an old tablet someone gave me
>no car
>live with gf in a really small studio (and enjoy it)
>only drink water
>torrent everything including video games

I have a good pay and save most of it. When I have enough money I quit my job and travel cheap countries like east europe or usa.
31yo already took 6 years off since I'm 19.

>> No.17139613

>Bragging about American “””wagyu””” beef

If you actually had the real deal then you would be able to name it. Best I’ve had are 上州牛 and 村上牛

>> No.17139639

rich old bastards get to fuck this

>> No.17139645

are you me?

haha does your gf ever get mad at you for not working

mine is jealous,

i have 50k in crypto somehow because i only have been buying link.

we are vegan so im mainly cooking everyday good shi t

>> No.17139652

You are one embarrassing autistic neet, aren't you? Its called kobe for local in Japan, wagyu outside. Its nothing other than high iq marketing such that low iq neets like you fall for it.

>> No.17139666

>Good shit

Enjoy your malnutrition

>> No.17139678

I’m telling you there’s no such thing as wagyu outside Japan. There are probably less than a dozen restaurants in the while United States that serve the real deal. The overpriced shit everyone buys is from Texas like everything else.

Also “””wasabi””” isn’t actually wasabi

>> No.17139739

If you're consuming alot of red meat on carnivore you should also get some dairy and food high in copper like lamb and organ meat. IF you just eat red muscle meat only you'll get hemochromatosis. The only way to get rid of that is through bloodletting

>> No.17139779

Dont worry senpai, already eat organ meats and dairy.

>> No.17139796

>tfw will never be sexy kpop girl with millions lusting after you and thousands fapping to you
What's the point of making it