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File: 459 KB, 1080x1671, 1qoj0g7s1jf41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17138793 No.17138793 [Reply] [Original]

>loose skin, surgery face, fake tits, litearlly graveyard material
did he really /makeit/?

>> No.17138844

The guy is autistic

>> No.17138851

he's a manlet and bald

>> No.17138853

So why is Bezos so into him?

>> No.17138864

when did bezos take the tranny pill?

>> No.17138868


>> No.17138873

daily reminder there is no such thing as 'making it'
live to the fullest every day before you check out

>> No.17138887

This entire thing is a diversion so he can unlock and sell Amazon shares at the top of the market. His lockedup shares were released due to divorce and his real wife is selling those assets to literally ensure generational fucking wealth without tanking the company. That pig is an actress.

>> No.17138897

Does using your free time to talk shit about a literal billionaire make your shitty lives any better?

>> No.17138898

How do I live to the fullest at work

>> No.17138899

Women are opportunistic parasites.

>> No.17138907

Can the richest man in the world be a simp?

>> No.17138910


>> No.17138912

>How do I live to the fullest at work
be aware of your time
manage it in bits and pieces you can attend to in an orderly fashion
be aware of your time
get it done

>> No.17138926

I'm sorry Mr. Goldberg, I'll get right back to packaging these Amazon deliveries. Bezos is pure perfection and he has no flaws

>> No.17138927


>> No.17138935
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>> No.17138940
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>tfw no anchorwoman helicopter pilot gf

>> No.17138941


>> No.17138950
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She just brings him children to rape

>> No.17138957

Funny and it's true all nwo puppets get tranny wives

>> No.17139036

Disgusting. Imagine sucking this much cock

>> No.17139215

You’re not better than us you piece of shit

>> No.17139225

>black haired demon women wives

>> No.17139226

Fuck she's sooo ugly.

>> No.17139248

>never experienced a black haired succubus

>> No.17139280

I have one right now

>> No.17139353

Bezos is pretty sweet

Btw, just so you know, taking his money won't actually benefit you, it will just raise prices.

>> No.17139434

Yes of course. Likewise, a homeless man can be a pussy slayer

>> No.17139475

that look, i’ve seen it before

it’s the look of a simp

>> No.17139722

she mogs him lookswise to hell and back

Bezos is way below her, so he needs to make it up with millions.


But I heard he has a big dick, so Bezos is not 1/10, but more like 2/10

Good for him!

>> No.17139785

Organize for global communism

>> No.17139823

She looks like grichka's 2nd cousin

>> No.17139837


>> No.17139844

>billions cant buy u a qt
Lol, it is as though money is less valuable than good looks and personality, who would have thought!

>> No.17139852

That's because they take the subversion part of their loves even into the bedroom. As they subverse a former man into becoming nothing but a trophy wife the same way they subverse society into their decadent plaything.

>> No.17139920

You’d think a billionaire can pull better pussy than that

>> No.17139925

>a man who is a billionaire is automatically better than everyone
fuck off you greedy fag. money doesn’t mean shit except to provide for basic needs

>> No.17139990

time to short amazon. He lost his mind for this girl

>> No.17140002

>he's a manlet and bald
He literally felt for one tiny hope to be loved nad to have a girl who is realy sexual attracted by him...in my opinion she has faked very well her part and he believed.
His ex wife probably didn't love him anymore.. she felt in love because of his carreer..
you can have all the money in the world but if you are not hot you will never satisfy totally your women

>> No.17140082

This, why is biz full of bitter faggots these days

>> No.17140091

Both him and Musk retarded for women

>> No.17140143
File: 33 KB, 414x612, bezosmafia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess money can't buy taste.
He dumped this milf for that Bogged looking hoe.

>> No.17140157

To be a billionaire, you have to got yourself a tranny wife.

>> No.17140165

>giving a shit if your woman is satisfied

Top jej mate try again. It's up to her to satisfy you, not the other way around.

>> No.17140364

150 million .. imagine bezos lives until he is 120 years old - he could have a 3000$ escort every single day and he wouldnt even have spent half of that money.

>> No.17140788

Yes I'm jelousy if this turtle head motherfucker. The only thing I'm jelous of more than his turtley head is his taste in women and fashion.

>> No.17140794

only high iq post itt

>> No.17141224

Extremely high iq

>> No.17141251

he dresses and spends like he is the biggest cocaine shipper in north america

>> No.17141252

>never decoding the mystery of the woman's being
>never being able to satisfy her and have crave me
if this is was male satisfaction feels like, I'm not satisfied.

>> No.17141444
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your image quality! you poor thing.

>> No.17141469

That is a lot of risk

>> No.17141499

Yes. The internet isn't meant for soft skinned faggots like yourself. If people you don't know shit talking a public figure bothers you, turn off your computer or kys.

>> No.17141543

what the fuck does this mean

>> No.17141562

I don't care how rich a man is, that is some cuck shit

>> No.17141643

>being a billionaire and this is the best you can do

Jesus Christ.

>> No.17141660

Once a beta, always a beta. No amount of money will change that.

>> No.17141678

sche is an alibi.

>> No.17141689

you'll get fucked by alibaba, bezos. iknow you're shitposting and shilling link here!

>> No.17141697

Not subtle at all unless you're an absolute retard

>> No.17141718

>imagine giving up half your shit to date a goblino openly

>> No.17141744

She must have some nasty blackmail on him.

>> No.17141751

I think she looks hot and she got brains as well, will he get divorce-raped a second time?

>> No.17141759

kek, based

>> No.17141784

Maybe she's just super into 3 ways and orgies and shit and let's him do whatever he wants sexually.
They aren't married... Yet. I'd imagine if he did he would do a prenup. He didn't do it last time because he got married before he made it and his wife was a doctor and basically funded his NEET startup lifestyle until his little online bookstore blew way the fuck up.

>> No.17141819
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>> No.17141828

he can't do a prenup, then it's not real love.

>> No.17141835
File: 754 KB, 1920x1080, V1b26CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pays his Eastern Europe workers $5/h
>Buys $150bln house for a new partner

Wow, thanks billionaires. You're definitely making world a better place.

>> No.17141851

Are you German?

>> No.17141853

>not real love
Counter offer; unless she agrees to marry him without a future payout on the table how can he know for sure she loves him and not the potential payout?

>> No.17141874
File: 85 KB, 598x599, 1539047699844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool it jeff, it's just bantz m8

>> No.17141886

It's $150 mil not bil. Also Amazon is a corporation that runs on debt. It really isn't up to Bezos how much workers get paid it has more to do with how much of a payroll loan they can get and service the debt on whilst staying profitable. Shieet most of Bezos' net worth is based on the amount and relative value of Amazon stocks he holds and he probably just gets low interest loans against his Amazon position as his form of liquidity. Until the guy sells his Amazon position outright he's only was rich as long as Amazon is a stock market darling.

>> No.17141892
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eaterners couldn't be poor wageslaves if people like saint bezos wouldn't sacrifice them for profits. how dare to speek against him?

>> No.17141906


>> No.17141923
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>> No.17141938

finally, thank you

>> No.17141961

Doesn't $5 USD have like a fuck ton of purchasing power in Eastern Europe tho? Seems fair under the circumstances

>> No.17141965
File: 183 KB, 400x1000, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I envision myself in 5 years.

Come on, Link.

>> No.17141970

>surgically tightened vagine
>big fake tits
>can't get pregnant

not such a bad deal

>> No.17142055

Fake tits are vastly preferable to natural small tits.

>> No.17142074

She must really love sucking dick and getting fucked in the ass

>> No.17142118
File: 160 KB, 1200x799, English-aristocracy-blackadder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$150 MM
A pittance, lad.. A mere pittance.

Why, I myself plan on buying my lady $300 MM worth of roses for our Valentine's Day Brunch alone.

>> No.17142121

Wow based

>> No.17142137

This. One can't underestimate the value of regular sex with a woman who knows what she is doing.

>> No.17142153

This guy is scum. He is the human embodiment of everything keeping most people in the world down who don’t get born lucky enough to have opportunity presented to them. He has no problem spending $150MM on his girlfriends house, he is literally his own system of oppression for hundreds of thousands of people. If we don’t speak out against this kind of degenerate, who will? It’s not that he has money, it’s what he chooses to do with it that matters.

>in before he’s not lucky he’s a self made man

I’ll put aside my speech about how nothing in life is up to you and choice is an illusion. He literally admitted in an interview that when his company was having trouble keeping up with orders in the early days because packing boxes on floors was hard that he suggested he get everyone KNEEPADS, and his employee looked at him like he was retarded and suggested he get tables instead. So he got tables and they like tripled their productivity. Getting kneepads probably would have led to everyone quitting and his business going under. How many times do you think this actual ape was saved by the grace of right place, right time vs. having an actually good idea of his own?

These people don’t realize they’re at the mercy of the universe like everyone else and go about their days like they’re gods gift to earth. Fuck them, we should hang them all honestly.

>> No.17142162

Based rich fag. You'll make that florist a very happy man indeed, why I'm sure he'll get a collateral blow job as well from his lady just for landing the rose sale of the century!

>> No.17142232

I agree, eat the rich and spread the wealth. I say we hang a few.

>> No.17142269

If choice is an illusion, then you cannot blame Bezos for his actions, you're condemning an innocent man who was railroaded

>> No.17142319

You're the kind of filth that makes disasters anytime it's given any kind of power.
You're right to have this complex of inferiority, since you are, inferior.

>> No.17142376

Holy shit, Jeff is getting groomed into becoming a Bogdanoff.

Domp eet!

>> No.17142408

The true genius of Amazon was being able to build a network of suppliers and having them finance the whole operation.

Essentially Jeff put all the products on the internet that people might wanna buy. It was like the ultimate dropship.

>> No.17142462

Fuck off commie.

>> No.17142535

/ourguy/ confirmed

>> No.17142555

150m / 750000 amazon employees is 200 dollars each per person

150m / US population is like 50 cents per person

He spends about this much money in a year, maybe 50 million more.
This is basically NOTHING

Why do you commies care about his consumption rates?

>> No.17142568

Why are you even on this board if your fundamental misunderstanding of economics is driving you to irrational rage?
Why don't you just kill yourself?

>> No.17142579

so I can work longer hours and live in a much less efficient economy?

>> No.17142587
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>Fuck them, we should hang them all honestly.
good luck getting past Bezos' personal army

>> No.17142596

How much money in liquid cash does Jeff Bezos make a year?
I like to know because I like refuting leftist "arguments" against his wealth.

>> No.17142604
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>> No.17142614

>we should hang them all honestly.
lmao you seething leftist retards will never get your way

>> No.17142624

Nigger, junior developer makes 5 €/hr here. Paying an Amazon wagecuck that much is actually generous from him

>> No.17142980

If I give you a million dollars would you accept it you ugly negroe-orshipping cuck hypocrite?

>> No.17143021

she may want your money but not your genes
not like she'll have children now anyway

>> No.17143229

Idk I just know that's how the uber rich avoid paying the full tax on their """net worth""" since you can't be taxed on the stock position you hold just the ones you sell BUT banks will give you loans based on the value of your position and THAT isn't taxable and the interest rate charged is like one or two percent FAR below the 50% that the government would take if you simply sold your position to spend it as money. Basically stocks are more valuable than money in some instances.

>> No.17143317

why do leftists pretend bezos "net worth" could like feed all of africa or something for a thousand years?
why are they so fucking stupid?

why don't they understand that that money is not liquid?
why don't they understand that prices massively change the moment you went and spent that money and it would destroy economies?

>> No.17143432

It's like complicated man. I do believe in rich fags doing good social work but I also believe in hand ups not hand outs. I tend to not agree with too many people on the responsibility of the wealthy. Especially anyone who identifies as a "leftist" or "rightist"

>> No.17143544

It means that your IQ is not high enough to comprehend this post.

>> No.17143566

I bet Mackenzie was a dead fish in bed and this womans sex game is off the charts

>> No.17143602
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I don't get it

>> No.17143731

Honestly if you're at peak performance of anything you don't have time for frivolously chasing strange. You want a partner who just steadies your home life and let's you not worry about BS while you're free to autistically pursue that one thing in life you care about. You see the same thing with bodybuilders. The peak ones just marry women who will facilitate their autism.

>> No.17143913

She's perfect and he cheated on her only to shack it up with a other roastie. Hilarious.

>> No.17143920

The "Golden Age of Greece" marital life model

>> No.17143934

>I bet Mackenzie was a dead fish in bed and this womans sex game is off the charts

Considering she mothered multiple children for him I would say she did her job satisfactorily.

>> No.17143940

She must give incredible bjs. Not sure how you don’t run after you nut and look at that plastic surgery face

>> No.17143995

i cheated on my wife. and she found out, my wife is still with me, and i cheated on her again desu.

good girls stay

>> No.17143997

thats fucking genius

>> No.17144051

Check out what “Lou Pai” at Enron did. It is a very similar situation. Now I’m not saying Amazon is anywhere close operationally to Enron but Lou Pai saw the writing on the wall, divorced his wife and married a hooker to unlock his executive shares and SOLD THEM ALL right before Enron went bust. Totally avoided jail time as well. Bezos is an extremely intelligent individual and he knows that this market has been pumped to high hell from FED intervention, him and his ex-wife have stated many times they are on great terms, still friends, going to take care of their kids together, etc. This is one of the best plays Bezos could make to sell locked shares at the top of the market without spooking the market and become a dynasty for generations. He has just written his families legacy into stone through this move, a Bezos will never know want again.

>> No.17144078


Doesn’t matter what she looks like if she won’t do the kinky shit you want

>> No.17144371
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>> No.17144436
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He is a gammabux, worse than the betabux. There's people who unironically think he is a chad.

>> No.17144447

what is this simp word and why am I seeing it everywhere in the last 24 hrs? You zoomers move so quick these days.

>> No.17144449

Spotted bezos. One thread on bezos and you go this ballistic no wonder working for your company is worse than black slave conditions 200 years ago

>> No.17144464

Amazon isn't as far from Enron as you might think only small parts like it's media streaming even turn a profit and they took on a bunch of bad debt when they bought Whole Foods which is a clusterfuck and everyone in specialty foods was shocked and kind of snickering when he did that. He basically bought a Sears tier company at an apex price.

>> No.17144480

Omg the original and unfake trannyrooooooooooooo

>> No.17144503
File: 494 KB, 1440x1320, Screenshot_20200208-111739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does using your free time to talk shit on people who are talking about a literal shitty billionaire make your shitty life any better?

>> No.17144544

Not the best looking woman facially but she was way better than that butch bog looking lady

>> No.17144578

Her face is literally her best asset. Those dimples

>> No.17144584

>It really isn't up to Bezos how much workers get paid
Being this brainwashed

Unironically it isnt really up to businesses how much their workers get paid so make sure to tip well. I was being ironic.

>> No.17144644
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Thou hast made me laugh fellow chap.

>> No.17144779

the most boring game of the decade award.

>> No.17144870
File: 259 KB, 972x1200, AnticStore-Large-Ref-73895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll make that florist a very happy man indeed
What do you mean you don't have 1 trillion roses?!

Off with his head!

>> No.17144877

by knowing you are allowing Mr shekelsteinerberg to buy another ferrari from your labour

>> No.17144900
File: 1.99 MB, 2560x1440, 23982376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't like snowboarding?

>> No.17144941

Tfw u refactor "betabux" u still get "betabux"

>> No.17144962


>> No.17145047

How does a guy that rich have such bad taste? She's ugly as hell relative to his wealth, but the level of cope from poorfags ITT is still pretty hilarious.

>> No.17145065

there's the fake divorce theory.
if it's genuine and he's into her it's probably because of the TRT.

>> No.17145089


She reads him the headlines every morning covered in his seed. He loves to hear her read every article about amazon and how it’s taking over the world.

He had his kids with the smart white woman for breeding. Now he’s taking the Latina bimbo pill.

I wonder what work she’ll have done next.

>> No.17145102

I cant wait until she inevitably dumps him

>> No.17145166

Ah yes, I can imagine the hundreds of thousands of gulags and communes where people are forced to work 18 hours a day.

>> No.17145180


He could have at least gotten himself and azn qt gf

>> No.17145302

Corporations are different than private. They have a fiduciary responsibility to turn a profit. A private company is even worse though because your boss will lose everything if his company goes tits up.

>> No.17145807


It makes us realize that the meaningless pursuit of money instead of finding meaning, purpose and goals in life is pointless. Have kids, make a family, build a home, be part of a community.

>> No.17146287

>global communism
from white people according to their abilities, to brown people according to their needs

>> No.17146946

You worry about the wrong things anon. How good does she suck dick? Does she eat ass? How tight is her asshole? How warm is her pussy? Does she let me piss on her? Does she let me fuck her friends who she invites over every day?

>> No.17147058


>> No.17147519

A dude did the same thing during the Enron collapse

>> No.17147663

its sad. Very sad that 99% of 4chan user either don’t know this as a fact or pretended not to know. Why do you guys troll? Was this is not crystal clear?

>> No.17147759
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It's not like Bezos is on a sinking ship, he can live extremely comfortably and don't really need the extra money. Why would he dump his stock and risk losing control over what he has built so far? There's so much more to do. Amazon doesn't even have a proper foothold in China yet. There's still competition in India. Whole Foods have barely expanded outside the US. Bezos is even in the space race with Elon.

>> No.17148451
File: 273 KB, 1080x1417, lmao they're actually this fucking dumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are leftists so unbelievably dumb?

Why are they allowed to vote?

>> No.17148474

Maybe not 20,000 times harder but surely 20,000 times smarter

>> No.17148540

they think we can just take their money and solve world hunger, they don't understand purchasing power, liquidity or anything lmao