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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17129396 No.17129396 [Reply] [Original]

I mean think about it rationally. All you need to make it 3 successive 10x. 1000 into 10000 into 100000 into 1000000. Now you are here today on biz so you probably missed btc and eth. But you probably put 1000 into link when it was dirt cheap and already did a x20. And that's really just your first year of trying out investing. Just because you followed biz memes. Biz it turns out is actually the most legitimate financial advisor in the world. This means that all the next big opportunities will also be memed here early. All you need to do is to repeat this process a couple more times, find the next two links. And in 2 years you'll be a millionaire. It's really that easy.

>> No.17129441

Then why you sad frog?

>> No.17129448

I’m sitting on 40k in crypto, this bull run I am selling half at 500k and the rest at 500k again. I’ll have 750k and I’m putting 500 into real estate and keeping 200k for the next bottom in 2024-5. I’ll have 50k for misc travel, debts and business expenses.

>> No.17129459

Why don't you open a fund people can invest in and you take some fees?

>> No.17129543

Because I'm a lazy neet autist otherwise I wouldn't be here in the first place. I tried telling people about link a year ago but no one listened. Doesn't matter how solid my sales pitch was I'm a weirdo socially inept loser so no one takes me seriously.

>> No.17129743

that's the plan, hoping the next x10-100 to be things like UND, PNK, ARPA or UBT

>> No.17129757

Yes anon I know I need another 10x. Logarithmically we’re halfway there.

>t block 478, 25k stinkers

>> No.17129762
File: 97 KB, 667x1000, xotrw8xdg9e31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sitting on $60k worth of LINK currently. If it 10x, then I'll have $600k which is about €540k. €5k monthly income is the goal for a very comfy life in almost all of Europe. In Estonia €2k is already a lot. I have seen some established/trusted funds here offering 8-12% returns so basically if I put €540k in some funds and get 10% a year, I'll be getting €4.5k a month. However, if LINK will have staking offering at least 5% and the adoption is growing, then I'll just keep it in LINK.

I feel like I'm in a good position considering that I'm quite young as well(20).

>> No.17129796

A million is nothing is the problem. WSB is the best financial advisor.

>> No.17129810

I don’t think link can 10x. Too many of us would be too rich by then, I have $175k in it right now started w 12k.

>> No.17129948

so you think too many would have left ship by then, which would keep the price down?

>> No.17129955

Ok whats next?

>> No.17129967

PNK. On etherscan, you could even see some big LINK holders moving into it during the token sale.

>> No.17129986

post tx or get out

>> No.17129990

bitcoin isn't going 10x you moron

>> No.17130012

Their webpage seems like a carbon copy of chainlink's but with more pretty pictures. They are both oracle solutions. Whats the difference between PNK and LINK

>> No.17130042

>/biz/ told you to buy LINK

And REQ, SIA, DBC, OMG, NANO, DRGN, etc... Hard to make all thos 10x you're talking about if you're getting dumped on. But of course the real answer is DYOR

>> No.17130124

/biz/ told you to buy Raiblocks, Reddit told you to buy NANO. If you bought when it was first shilled on /biz/, you'd still be up now, or have made like 40x from buying on Bitgrail and selling at the right time.
I'd have to dig through things more, but here's one example:

And here's a big PNK holder that has a good amount of LINK

>> No.17130154

very nice, thank you for your work anon

>> No.17130226

Maybe it's just an iq thing. Link threads obviously had an unique energy, only comparable to eth and btc before it. High intuition autists know how to spot real opportunities VS pajeet scams. The same people who fell for dragon coin are the same falling for pnk right now. It's the difference between investing and gambling. My only advice is be patient, don't bet on flavor of the week coins hoping to get rich quick. The next logical guaranteed moon hasn't emerged yet. Link was the kind of asset that was guaranteed to succeed because of the legitimacy and importance of the oracle problem, the sheer scope of potential applications and the professionalism and connections of the team, combined with the organic obsessive behavior of the community. I'm not jumping on another train unless it has a similar potential and currently none do. But I have no doubt that if such an opportunity emerges again biz will smell it early.

>> No.17130359

>The next logical guaranteed moon hasn't emerged yet
Haven't you read what Icon has been doing past months? Today they made a MoU with Koreas biggest job portal.

>> No.17130390

I don’t own a single bitcoin.