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17127104 No.17127104 [Reply] [Original]

im 19, what do i have to do to get a fucking job

They only seem to hire boomers, pajeet international students, white thots and other people

What do i need to fake? What do i need to put? holy fuck

>> No.17127111

just buy chainlink

>> No.17127127



>> No.17127148

First step is to stop pretending we live in a meritocracy, next step is to make friends with people who have connections.

>> No.17127163

>literally walk into a movie theater and ask for a job
>tell me I’m hired
>start letting in hot hs female students in for free if they suck my dick
>free popcorn and drinks

You dumb Zoomers are worthless. I bet I could defeat a whole herd of you grass grazers

>> No.17127207

Nice advice retarded niggers. Fuck, too many retarded niggers on 4chan and reddit. I know what i need to do now pussyniggers

>> No.17127221

You are 19 and I'm sure you're pretty confident in yourself, but as an employer I can tell you for certain that 19 year olds are all terrible workers for at least 6 months and a lot of companies don't want to deal with that.

Maybe just fake some experience on your resume

>> No.17127229
File: 111 KB, 680x589, 39373667-710F-4372-A1D5-656751DBBA82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we live in a friend economy
im a 20 year old zoomer, in december when i was 19 i applied to a corporate tech support job that a) pays all of my high college town bills and leaves a decent amount left over for savings/investment, b) offers absurd internal mobility to the point where having this job and playing my cards right defeats the purpose of a degree in the long term, and c) would be completely inaccessible to my unexperienced ass
i got the job because my best friend (26 year old boomer) became good friends with the tech support managers and the roasties in HR
is it fair? fuck no. is it reality? yes.
its a god damn shame that your entire life you’ve been brainwashed into believing that a piece of paper divvied out by chosenites at the cost of 4 years of the best phase of your life and $100k+ debt is the only thing you need to make it in life. i truly do. my brothers fell into this trap and i almost did too. but you have something that broke boomers in your situation dont have: time.
if i were you, i would go to college, using whatever loans you can get your hands on, and spend a maximum of 2 years making as many friends as you can in the highest places you can find. find grad students in a field you’re interested in and offer to do bullshit grunt work for them for free. make friends with professors. TALK TO PEOPLE. join a frat if you absolutely must.
making it is not impossible. it’ll be risky, it’ll be scary, and your creativity and intelligence will be ran through an absolute gauntlet. but spend the next 5 years of your life prioritizing making connections above literally everything. this is the only feasible way out of the inter-generational scam that (((they))) have created
also put every spare penny you can squeeze out of yourself into unibright and kleros
i believe in you zoomerbro

>> No.17127245

>buy gold
>put It into a box
>let other people work harder and harder under massive inflation
>open the box a while later
>sell a bit of gold
>buy a lot more stuff that you could have bought before
>put the rest of the gold back in the box
Rinse and repeat.
Its sad, but what can you do?
Commies are gonna do commie stuff.
Nothing you can do about It.

>> No.17127252

>certain that 19 year olds are all terrible workers
dude all you need is an obedient fucking nigger who can work well with other obedident inbred niggers at the workplace and get the job done. im an obedient submissive sheep nigger(not sexual coomer nigger) that loves what to be told at the workplace so i can get paid nigggerrrndnsmsn niggenrniniendjnNNzzmznxbxnjxmxnsxh

>> No.17127265
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Finding a job is like dating. The skills required to ace an interview and to pull off a date are pretty much the same. You must show you're interested, but not be needy. Your attitude must imply you are interested in the job but if you don't get this one you'll easily get another one somewhere else. You must be comfortable with the other person. You must show that you have what it takes and that the job is no big deal and you can easily pull it off, or learn very rapidly how to.

Every time I got a job was because I talked with the manager and we got on well. There is no such thing as a "strictly professional relationship" with other people. We autists tend to believe so and suffer through life because of it. The truth is that if you are going to work with other people full time, 40 hours a week, they are going to see you and be around you more than they see their families and friends. Being able to be a pleasant and friendly person to be around with is a REQUIREMENT, no matter how good you are at the job or how important are your credentials. As a matter of fact it often takes precedence over it.

Getting a job is 90% about the confidence and knowing the right people, and 10% about your credentials. I'm jobless and can't find a job right now because the last one I had destroyed my confidence and I'm suffering imposter syndrome real hard.

>> No.17127274

yeah i know this. Which is how i got a factory job in the summer. I need to wait until may to get back to that place again but im losing my sanity, i do nothing all day
dont give me a fucking (you) dumb niggers

>> No.17127310

too many words to write "normie"

>> No.17127318

Take my advice and lie about a year of working for some business

>> No.17127328

either your resume isn't competitive or you aren't applying to enough jobs
sucks but that's just how it is

>> No.17127332

ok loser

>> No.17127369
File: 85 KB, 1080x1266, 1578664035862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put on a suit, walk in there, hand in your resumé, look the manager straight in the eye, give him a firm handshake and ask him for a job. And above all, just be yourself bro.
>pic related, it's me

>> No.17127417

if it was that easy, no one would be bitching about MUH JABBBBB

>> No.17127458


>think of a job you really really want and are the slightest tiniest bit qualified for
>post an ad on CL for that job for $7
>pick and choose from the best resumes that come in
>write your name on them and send them in
>wa-la, you gotta job

>> No.17127502

why didnt i think of this.
best advice i got in this whole thread
thank you brother

>> No.17127617


I was going to tell OP to just lie and keep lying until he gets the job but this is a good idea too.

>> No.17127629

I've unironically had a job since I was 16 it ain't that fucking hard

>> No.17127705

i dont give 2 shits or fucks if u had a job since you were 16. whats your networth now retarded bitch

>> No.17127724

who is this 4chan and why is he a genious!

>> No.17127764

This. I landed my job because a friend of a friend, not degree or qualifications. Still can't believe how many people fall for the get a degree meme (excluding highly technical careers)