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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17126637 No.17126637 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17126688
File: 19 KB, 417x734, images - 2020-02-07T172058.977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes on meth isnt he?

>> No.17126696


>> No.17126699
File: 76 KB, 800x299, psbattle2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man has the key to my future success or failure

>> No.17126703
File: 34 KB, 740x492, 1575629622403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doubted

>> No.17126704


>> No.17126705
File: 44 KB, 640x604, 1572277153853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This vit is getting licked

>> No.17126715


>> No.17126744

>tfw all my money is locked on an exchange and can't buy more eth
i want to kill myself

>> No.17126759


>> No.17126900

Anyone have screenshot of 2016 prophet?

>> No.17126965
File: 33 KB, 537x426, 1546816694548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17126996

$1000 EOY lets do this

>> No.17127006

i need 1000 EOM

>> No.17127038

>no capped supply
>transactions grind to a fucking halt with just one dapp
>after all these years not even one fucking useful dapp that would significantly contribute to human progress
>rube goldberg completely unproven architecture, literally just an idea with mugs buying off plan
>inherently centralising


>> No.17127103

>no capped supply
its capped
>transactions grind to a fucking halt with just one dapp
not with ETh2
>after all these years not even one fucking useful dapp that would significantly contribute to human progress
loads of Dapps
>rube goldberg completely unproven architecture, literally just an idea with mugs buying off plan
completely battle tested with more devs than any other crypto
>inherently centralising

>> No.17127129

so this is what an absolute retard looks like

shoo, btc maxi, go play with your soon tm lighting network, 3 tps and centralized development instead of an open source community lmao

>> No.17127390

>its capped

>Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum’s co-founder, originally estimated that the supply of ether would be around 97 million by the year 2025, up from 72 million ETH in 2016. However, that ten-year projection has already been surpassed by 10 million. More troubling is the statement made by Buterin claiming that the cryptocurrencywould not surpass 104 million (citing the year 5000 AD as a benchmark)--which again, has already been surpassed within several years of the project’s launch.

lol. Just lol.

>> No.17127586

Who cares about "muh fundamentals". Make hay while the sun shines, friend.

>> No.17127736


>> No.17127824

Thanketty thanks Money Skellerino

>> No.17127898

Do you guys think this is a short term pump related to hype/market manipulation, or do you think this is an actual bullrun leading up to the estimated Q3 staking and people are FOMOing in hard for their 32 tokens?

>> No.17128211

thank you money skeley

>> No.17128243

Wasn't shit shit like 130 bucks a couple weeks ago? What the fuck happened?

>> No.17128252

I sold.
Ethereum always dumps hard when bitcoin dumps.
Looking to rebuy at 200.

>> No.17128982

>feel moderately happy
>scroll down
>chainlink scam did +12%
>mood ruined

>> No.17129384


>> No.17129398

#TACHYON SDK Prioritize per data transmission type, e.g., prioritize low latency/low packet loss/high bandwidth...

>> No.17129597

>no capped supply
This shits funny. ChainLink has a billion market cap and Eth with 100mil is worse for some reason

>> No.17129621

What makes you think bitcoin is dumping? It’s been chilling in the mid/upper 9000’s for awhile now, showing absolutely no signs of dumping

>> No.17129645

i though it was going to dump when it got to -0.6%
oh well

>> No.17129714

When to sell bros :(

>> No.17129738
File: 57 KB, 662x600, 1541914769040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17129842

imo it's going to be a long term upstrend. If you look at last year when ETH went up, it was still nuetral vs. sats and never crossed the 200 daily ema. This time around we smashed through it and will be putting in a golden cross (55d ema crossing the 200 ema) in a week or two. This would suggest a lot more weight behind the move vs btc. Plus BTC is looking strong as fuck which will pull ETHUSD up with it. If you're in a long already hold at least until May.

>> No.17129863

eth 2.0 is in july, its going to continue to rise

>> No.17129942

#buyandHodl Tachyon Protocol you won't regret it.

>> No.17130055

Brutalik Viterlin, Vitalik's lesser known brother.