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File: 49 KB, 675x454, immortal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17122248 No.17122248 [Reply] [Original]

Immortality should be literally your number one priority in life. If you die it's over, you didn't make it and all your efforts were in vain. But if you manage to make enough money to buy the cure to aging, then you might have a shot at living long enough to be immortalized.
Why is no one talking about this?

>> No.17122269

dying is based

>> No.17122290

Immortality is the oldest meme in the book

>> No.17122300

>he doesn't believe in the immortal soul
>he doesn't understand man's journey toward god
>He thinks the material world is all that exists

Lmaoing @ you

>> No.17122303
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>Why yes I didn't listen to OP. What gave it away?

>> No.17122313

Physical immortality is a trap to steal your soul.
What if you fall in a hole and can't escape it?
You stay here for eternity?
try to figure out where you come from, then where you will go after.

>> No.17122314

I agree, and too wonder why no one talks about it. All we need is a solution to the slowing of mitosis and certain high level chemists are working on it daily

>> No.17122315

Is that you Nick?

>> No.17122329
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>> No.17122330

>what if you fall in a hole and can’t escape it?

What in the literal fuck anon. Sit down please

>> No.17122339

True immortality aka reconstruction or copying of the human brain is still very, very far away. Some of the zoomers here who make it might live to be 140 thanks to advanced anti-aging therapeutics and still never live long enough to see it happen.

Unless of course one of the major cryptos ends up remaking the world to such an extent that true immortality tech comes within reach. Maybe a more efficient market will lead to some key breakthroughs.

>> No.17122340

without death one cannot appreciate life

>> No.17122360

because you already have access to eternal life but this world has hidden that from you

>> No.17122397
File: 34 KB, 560x548, NMN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's NMN, I'm thinking about getting some to start my longevity therapy in my 20s.
I'm also drinking red wine and doing intermittent fasts to boost my youth gains.

>> No.17122407

Yeah well I sometimes fantasize about the technological breaktroughs of bioengineering so I could live as long as I please. Not dying for sickness, famine, old age etc.
But get killed if you get shot or a car hits you.
I'm so curious were we humans will go from here and I'd want to get a full experience of existence (be a part of a war just for the experience)
but life is quickly over as we know it.

Is there anything after death, or is your existence just over when the time is up? these are the mysteries of life and I'm still towards the idea tht there is just nothingness when you die, thats a relief also, but I'd wanna see the timeline atleast 3000 years into the future

>> No.17122421

yes thats why legacy, children, name is important

>> No.17122444

>living forever
>shitting in the street and eating trash

Nah, I’d rather be rich, but good thing I figured out both health and wealth.

>> No.17122451

low iq

high iq

>> No.17122453

Can you kikes be anymore obvious

>> No.17122455

We are immortal through the blood of our Children

>> No.17122478

Alcohol ages your brain, dumdum

>> No.17122494


>> No.17122497 [DELETED] 

in just 128 generations, you'll have on average



trace in your descendants DNA. that means that statistically you won't even impact a single gene by a long shot.

>> No.17122503

Right now the most promising paths to immortality involve death of the self, as per Derek Parfit's Teletransportation Paradox. I'd be more interested if it seemed feasible in my lifetime -- and given that it's not, I'll fall back on tragic philosophy, which dictates that the finite nature of life is that which grants meaning.

>> No.17122521

in just 128 generations, you'll have on average



trace in your descendants DNA. that means that statistically you won't even impact on a single gene, by a long shot.

>> No.17122529

>just 128 generations

another way of saying 'just a time period roughly equal to human history'

>> No.17122536

thought about it 10 years ago and end conclusion was >>17122269

>> No.17122543

Death doesn't give life meaning, that's just retarded. Everybody who's alive right now has a degree of meaning in their lives, and death has literally NOTHING to do with it.
We're meant to be alive, if we aren't alive, we aren't ourselves, simple as that.

>> No.17122545

>3,000 years is human history
but he was talking about immortality anyways. and you're not your genes, i just tried to illustrate how retarded that belief is from any possible point of view.

>> No.17122557

why would you live forever and see everything around you die, forever?

>> No.17122569

because dying is based?

that's also a shit argument sorry. but dying is based regardless.

>> No.17122577
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>> No.17122587

Stem Cells
Thank me later faggots

>> No.17122588

the first pyramid was built roughly 138 generations ago
pretty comfy

>> No.17122609

The chinks already have genetically engineered babies. Soon we'll have an army of based 200 IQ scientists to speed things up. Hopefully they don't throw us under the bus.

>> No.17122615

Immortality is like fighting losing your hair. You look stupid, you're going to lose no matter what you do. Just own it and keep going.

>> No.17122622

>be super intelligent human
>grant longer life to sub iq brainlett humans who focus on muh dick and goycial media and keep fucking everything up by voting jews into power
what do you think will happen?

>> No.17122640

what is a localized maximum
also why wouldn't they

>> No.17122698

immortality has been an obsession of the "eite" for decades from the ancient egyptians and their pyramids, the quest for the fountain of youth by europeans of old, and in the modern day we have people trying to use science to "cure" aging one way or another either through biotech or through merging with machines. every culture has people obsessed with immortality and i'd say its something on maslow's hierarchy of needs that only few people ever seriously pursue.

it would be cool if we hit the methusalan singularity in our lifetimes, a point where each year you live gives you more than 1 year of life expectancy back on to your life and a lot of smart people do think its a long shot but it might be possible. this is the first time in history that immortality might not just be a myth. there are people alive today who might live to be hundreds of years old or more. and what if you were to add 80-100 years to your lifespan through technology, who's to say that by the end of that 80-100 years the tech won't be so advanced that adding even more years isn't farfetched. its food for thought and it does sound crazy, i give it a low probability, but there are people working on this right now and i feel like humanity has a good track record of discovering and building wild shit.

>> No.17122700

I've doing NMN but such a poorfag my dose is only 100mg daily. And only age 24, so it's probably barely moving the needle on my NAD+ levels. Still, every bit helps.

Got some epitalon coming soon that I'm going to do a 20-day cycle of, too.

>> No.17122745
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>without death one cannot appreciate life

Imagine being so cucked and stockholm syndromed by death that you have to fix all your happy moments in reference to it to get any joy out of life. God damn.

>> No.17122780

dying and living are the same
everything is one thing
you are living simply a small aspect and angle of this thing; enjoy the experience, or don't
trying to survive would be like becoming an intelligent alien species that just watches among the universe
is that really the end goal you want, if you can even reach it?

extending life is one thing, immortality is another
you will kill yourself when you've spent enough time/survived long enough
imagine living a million years

>> No.17122803


Everything and everyone dies. There is no escaping it.

>> No.17122884
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Also checked

I believe this is wrong

>> No.17122892

I don't know. I'm not complaining about inequality in any regard, but the fact that extremely wealthy people choose to enjoy a tiny life of luxury instead of spending some small fraction of their worth on immortality is something that should be stopped.
I would support a political candidate who wanted to redirect humanities collective work output to technological advancement. Equality, culture, suffering, none of these concepts amount to anything meaningful if constrained to like likes of mortals.

>> No.17122928

And Mamoths still walked on the earth

>> No.17122962

Christcucks love to post these appeal to authority images to feel better about themselves, but really they're meaningless. For every smart person out there that agrees with you on these topics theres another that doesn't, the reason being everyone just post hoc rationalizes their beliefs on this issue. Naturally you'll never bring up the stances of those like Schrodinger who subscribes to a view similar to that of the Vedas, or those like Steven Weinberg who said "the more we learn about the universe, the more meaningless it appears."

>> No.17122994

I'm in an "aging/cancer" research lab as an undergrad (junior) that is focused on figuring out reversing one small aspect of aging (senescent/quiescent cells). My sole motivation for going into molecular biology was to do my best to figuring out immortality. I figured "If I want to live forever, I shouldn't wait around for someone else and hope for the best".

If I do figure out how to become immortal, there is no chance in hell I'm sharing it with the world.

>> No.17123041

>If I do figure out how to become immortal, there is no chance in hell I'm sharing it with the world.

fair enough, but in the meantime would you mind sharing the half-assed half-measures you're taking now to hopefully survive long enough to reach escape velocity?

Always interested in the regimen of an immortalist who actually works in the field and isn't just a joe rogan mushroom coffee brotard.

>> No.17123060

Kids are kind of like immortality. You're passing your code on, your memory will be within them forever.

Life simultaneously seems like it has less of a point if you live forever, and if you die. idk

>> No.17123334


You can't become immortal until you die.

>> No.17123452
File: 132 KB, 700x700, MementoMori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's wrong to try to delay death
Either it's a basic prerogative of life to endure and survive, and this is a valid guide for human behavior--or else it isn't.
If it is, then OP is correct.
If it isn't, then literally unironically kys immediately.

>> No.17123514

extending life is one thing, immortality is another
OP should unironically kill himself if he wants to truly be immortal

>> No.17123517

Immortality, if it were not absurd, would be the ultimate kind of procrastination, the deferring of the achievement of one's goals to infinity, the acme of weakness and of laziness (which are ultimately the same thing). Just look at the kind of people who yearn for it and you'll see. They require nothing less than aneternityto accomplish their goals, aninfiniteamount of time! — which is simply a sly way of saying that their goals will NEVER be accomplished lol. Euphoric futurism is almost as decadent as nostalgia for "the good old days", whilst the REAL game is always being played RIGHT NOW, and the purpose of the study of the past and modelling of the future is not to get lost in contemplation of them butto bring them to bear on the present, which, if you've been paying attention to what I've been saying to you, you'd realize is what I just did.

>> No.17123524
File: 399 KB, 831x799, 1561336521624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The heavens and the earth shall pass away, but my words will never pass away."
Here's a little secret, no matter what we do, we are destined to do this over and over again, every 60 billion years or so.
Feel like you been here before? That's because you fucking have. Have fun :)

>> No.17123578
File: 165 KB, 1215x888, 1580701302720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hello wagie, only more 2300 years until you pay your immortality loan debt

NEETs will spend the eternity with God while wagies will be left in the immortality cage

>> No.17123590

Sleep is my #1 priority always.
Don't drink alcohol more than the occasional social outing.
Don't go tanning/sunbathing.
If you can help it; don't live in cities.
Eat healthy and exercise daily. I lift weights. Alternative is to go on long walks daily (~2 hours).

I would say these are all exercises in futility. I don't see immortality happening in our lifetimes, let alone this millennia.if you actually look outside and think about the world, you'll realize we're still very primitive.

>> No.17123603

that’s not what I meant, it’s like saying light can exist without darkness. To appreciate good one must know evil, not fixate on it

>> No.17123612
File: 341 KB, 618x853, world_iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I want to continue in this Jew Demon nightmare?

>> No.17123665
File: 49 KB, 598x513, images asscar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you share immortality with me, I'll build a second badass massive robot Mecha for you (I get the only other one in existence) Can go on really safe tropical vacations in it.

>> No.17123792
File: 16 KB, 575x350, You-Died.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Provided we're not talking about fantasy genie-lamp immortality, or an out-of-control AI situation, there will always be the option of suicide.
Simply including an exit door to immortality (which any desirable solution would maintain) destroys all of the half-baked Stockholm Syndrome death worship in this thread, who are tilting at strawmen I-want-to-outlast-the-universe positions that no one actually holds.

OP is talking about
the pursuit of mortal liberation: the freedom to die when--and only when--one chooses. And given the potential gain of achieving such a state (and lost potential years of fruitful living if it is not achieved) OP is right that this should be, indeed, the highest priority for anyone alive today.

>> No.17123896

I’ve been talking about it for 20 years, glad you’re talking about it too. Took my Fisetin few days ago.

>> No.17123958

>Only the feeble resign themselves to final death and substitute some other desire for the longing for personal immortality. In the strong the zeal for perpetuity overrides the doubt of realizing it.

>- Miguel de Unamuno

>> No.17123978

I give it at least 300 years till humanity figures out immortality

>> No.17124022

>trusting anything a mexican says

Ok boomer

>> No.17124497

When you look up the history of the ancient astronauts you find out their king who lived first on earth lived 100000-300000 years.
There is a type III inter galactic civilization which have many bases in our own solar system and occasionally come to take some helium from the sun as fuel for their spaceships.
They have gravity control technology and some way of increasing by at least a few hundred years the life span of a human being.

The easiest way to reach immortality is to find a way to contact someone from this galactic civilization and obtain its citizenship.
Why does no one try to do this ?
I find threads sometime on 4chan discussing proof of ancient astronauts but nothing about attempts at contacting them.

>> No.17124524


I have children, I am immortal.

>> No.17124546

If there is a creator, than life is meant to be eternal.

Otherwise a creator would be robbing you by letting you exist only to let you cease to exist.

If there is no creator than we are all fucked

>> No.17124897
File: 153 KB, 200x200, 1cd1eecc9e26d43d6c175156856ef8c54f9e075b_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on what? Where did you get that number from?

Technology advanced more in the last 300 years then it had in the 3000 years before that.

Your 300 years of progress will happen in the next 30 (if the modern world doesn't end first).

>> No.17124924

Dying is like hitting the reset button, scared OP... ever played an RPG and re-rolled your main? What’s the big deal? Chill out brah.

>> No.17124941

I've got a pretty cool account though.

>> No.17125011

>Find salvation in Christ
>Live for ever

>> No.17125042
File: 495 KB, 900x900, 1567393179563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think our minds ever truly die. I think that the pattern of atoms which constitute my conscience will eventually form again, in an infinite time scale. Even if that means multiple universe contractions and big bangs. The universe is infinitely cyclical, and it's not statistically impossible for matter to eventually reorganize in such a way as to produce my being. Basically reincarnation but over unfathomable time scales.

>> No.17125108

I'm in my early 30s and I quite honestly can't wait to die.

>> No.17125158

Immortality is not the same as invincibility.

>> No.17125349
File: 247 KB, 900x578, 2013-06-19-Pork-Futures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copying a neural pattern is not immortality, this is the biggest cope of transhumanist cucks.
There is no escape from your flesh and it's wiser to try coming to terms with than wasting time agonizing on it.

The only hope of living longer is regenerative treatments.

>> No.17125352

>the more you have of a thing, the less value It has
Same thing here.
Infinite life?
You ll just be' able to coom by watching gladiators kill each others.

>> No.17125359

Alcohol has 0 benefits, the french paradox has been debunked since a while now.
t. doctor

>> No.17125538
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>he wants to live forever
>hear fears death more than not permanently leaving his mark on this world

Fucking LMAO you gotta be 18 to post here

>> No.17125711

>have two or more kids
>mission accomplished

you are your genes, op

>> No.17125778

It's not that simple. Life and your stream of consciousness aren't something that easy to define.
Consciousness is effectively a stream. To get to immortality, one would only need not to interrupt life while progressively transferring more and more memories to some storage chip while killing the related parts of your brain

>> No.17125806

There is a lot more in wine other than alchohol faggot

>> No.17125842

immortal = human history × children to work the farm and survive the winter until transhumanism and kids still won't matter because you'll be able to look up and recreate my golden personality right here after such a time.

>> No.17126093
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, A284032C-5B4D-47A3-A0C6-C8559BD7EC5C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re going to die, your friends are going to die, your family is going to die, everything you have is going to decay, your name will be forgotten, and there’s nothing you can do about it, faggot. You’re fucked and don’t have that much time left here. By the time you’re 25, you’ve perceptively lived half of your life already, and the decades start moving faster and faster.
>but computer chip me live on
I’m sure you totally believe that and aren’t just purposely deceiving yourself.

>> No.17126125

You should also be working on optimizing your nutrition.

>> No.17126191

>people that are resuscitated aren’t the same people
Retard, you’re going to fucking die.

>> No.17126207
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Wishful thinking, the universe is not going into another big bang, it's going to dissapate into a fine mist, eventually.


>> No.17126210


Yeah, I'll pass on his opinion.

>> No.17126254
File: 200 KB, 484x549, 27CD4E43-6C9D-41C9-8212-EE1AA0C863EC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pattern of atoms which constitute my conscience

>> No.17126392

I used to think the way you do. Thirty fucking years ago. Every day I wake up disappointed that I didn't die in my sleep.

>> No.17126441

>muh random pairing meme

Assortative mating. Also, open your eyes. At this point people from specific nations have specific looks. For example, full Jews are as related to each other as cousins.

>> No.17127097

Just make a new Universe, stupid.

>> No.17127559

Thats a type 2 civ

>> No.17127928

>wageslaving for eternity
Oh no no no hahahahahahahaha

>> No.17127965

Copying the brain doesn't make you immortal you massive brainlet. It just makes a copy of you that has all your memories and traits, you still die if your original brain dies. The guy you made just takes your place.

>> No.17128412
File: 97 KB, 787x787, 1577691652248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why the FUCK would i want to be immortal in this clown world? do you think it's gonna get any better???

>> No.17128416

You never step in the same river twice. Panta rhei. Your body and mind are constantly changing. What was, no longer is. What is, will no longer be. Part of you is always dying, a new part is always being born. Death is not absolute, nothing is absolute. There is existence after death just as there was existence before birth.

>> No.17129021
File: 162 KB, 992x1787, 777777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many fatalist cucks ITT. Sad.
If you are placing your trust in some higher entity you will NEVER make it and you will ALWAYS be a plaything to something or someone else.
If you are embracing the epic "nietzsche is based and i'm 12 pill" you need to get the fuck back to plebbit you fedora tipping autist. Materialist consoomers are rats.
The only god worth worshiping is the one within. Step on the heavens or perish while trying. Reject mortality and the hologram we live in. Devour the Demiurge.

>> No.17129585

So is being over 50 like being dead? It seems pretty comfy to me, if you have anything to bring you joy(kids, grandkids, teaching, art, writing). I might finish my MFA in my 30's/40's just to teach and have something to do in old age.

>> No.17129617

Why would anyone who isn't already rich want that?

>> No.17129893
File: 242 KB, 1101x885, image0-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolute continuity of consciousness is a requirement for survival
RIP anon every single time you fall asleep. Consciousness is an archipelago of moments that are stitched together by an illusion of continuity, you don't see the gaps just like you don't see the blindspots in your retina, but it doesn't mean they aren't there.

Imagine if a perfect 100% fidelity copy of you were created instantaneously every time you sleep, occupying the same space as you but with fresh atoms. Do you honestly think you would "blink out" into nothingness each night? In the morning an entity with your personality and memory that believes itself to be you would climb out of your bed, which is all you've ever really had each morning. You wouldn't notice anything. This could already be happening, how do you know it isn't? Can you prove it isn't?

Assuming that there's a "true self" that requires continuity and is forever stuck on your current body is a fear that's grounded in clinging, ignorance, and faulty metaphors.

You are your inner life. Your story is your inner life. Your inner life is the story itself, not the ink and paper the story is written on.

It's true that creating a digital copy would result in the awkward scenario of two of you existing. The human mind has never evolved any tools for dealing with this, because it never happens in nature. So instinct takes over and Others the copy of you: "it's not me, it's an imposter!" But as long as the copy is perfect fidelity with no flaws, then it is you, in every way that matters. You can either euthanize your body at that point, and experience the transition in the same way you wake up each morning (stitched by illusionary continuity), or else continue existing and take heart in knowing you have an immortal digital soul-brother. Bizarre and challenging scenario, to be sure, but it can (and will) be done by many once it becomes possible.

>> No.17130123
File: 243 KB, 680x709, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Imagine if a perfect 100% fidelity copy of you were created instantaneously every time you sleep, occupying the same space as you but with fresh atoms. Do you honestly think you would "blink out" into nothingness each night?

>> No.17130162

>permanently leaving his mark on this world
lmao imagine thinking this is your purpose in life. Must be exhausting chasing after peoples attention

>> No.17130239

Classical liberalism was a mistake.

>> No.17130242

My goal is at he very least radical life extension. I'm 18 years old already, basically on the verge of my deathbed. First going to college, studying what I love (pure math) with something more practical like CS/Stats/Finance. Save up money (I'll have no student loans) and invest in shit. I currently have 6k in the stock market, so a small portfolio. I am relatively frugal already, and this will carry over to maximize savings. Hopefully I can be a millionaire within a 2 decades. Ideally I'd like to donate to stuff like SENS as well.

>> No.17130288

>I read plebbit and now I get neechee

>> No.17130335 [DELETED] 

I agree with your sentiment. But I quickly looked up current efforts and challenges, and I saw that the technology is just not there yet. I've given up that it just won't happen in my lifetime.

>> No.17130361

I agree with your sentiment. But I quickly looked up current efforts and challenges, and I saw that the technology is just not there yet. I've given up on the possibility that it will happen in my lifetime.

>> No.17130404

I am already working on it
Thanks to sirgay and my 10k linkies I will be uploading my conscience in the ETH blockchain. I will feed on information provided by oracles which is going to be the only main mean of communication.

>> No.17130651

Valid point anon but the fact that people just post hoc rationalize their belief should tell you something important about the nature of those beliefs.
If fundamental beliefs have nothing to do with logical thought but rather with the nature of our existence, then where is modern atheism really coming from? The main development has been more knowledge and more control, which replaced some metaphors that simple people in general clung to, and that is why the majority of simple people has now extrapolated that replacement to everything. But the root cause for us making up something divine has not changed, and those who intuitively sense that deeper nature will not have changed their views, either. That's the reason that the simple people are finding new stuff to practice ritual on, such as climate change. The origin of religion as an idea is not a cope for death, for example the Saduccees believed in a God but no afterlife. Neither is it just a superficial explanation of things we cannot understand, because then there would be no distinction with normal explanations.
It is the expression of the presence of something deeper that unites us.

>> No.17131044


>> No.17131130

lol whoever made this chart have no idea how iq works

>> No.17131158
File: 112 KB, 466x497, bUgFdzJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17131220

that is retarded
>The universe is infinitely cyclical
no its not lol
>Multiple universe contractions
what the fuck are you talking about, by our current understanding the universe will die in a heat death because of the second Law.

>> No.17131259

lol grow up

>> No.17131881

Like Platonism for sociopaths and/or autists

>> No.17131957

But .. you died before and came here.

>> No.17132147


Imagine even thinking there's such as a permanent mark.

>My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
>Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

>> No.17132311
File: 5 KB, 1000x800, A641D288-C4C5-42AE-AD4E-C197AFEEB261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh jeez one of these
>illusion of continuity
So, you can’t write out this post, because its continuity is an illusion and has no meaning?
>you don’t see the gaps
Who doesn’t see the gaps? The illusion that doesn’t exist?
>can you prove that you exist and don’t die every night?
Continuity of consciousness is a presuppositional requirement for the ability to have knowledge at all. The subject (you) must predicate this to even say that you could die every night, so it’s self-defeating.
You could argue that a new soul is what enters your body every time you wake up or have lapses in perception, but this is both ad hoc and assumes an incommensurable mind-body dualism that leads to solipsism.
>Assuming a true self is for weinies not cool tuff guys like me
Then why do you keep assuming that you have a true self with every sentence you write, retard?
>Identical twins don’t exist
But they do.
>You can wake up again if you kill yourself
What the fuck are you talking about? WHO woke up again? You speak fucking nonsense.

I take trillions of jars of cum, shit, and piss. I then clone trillions of retards and train them all to exchange these jars in a way that perfectly mimics neurons. I put them on a planet and arrange them to perfectly mimic your nervous system and all the inputs and outputs. Is this YOU? No, it’s not, and I know that you know it’s not. You’re a fucking pathetic, lying pseud.

>> No.17132474

It's hard to tell without meeting them what they are capable of.
They may not be a full type 3 civilization but could be closer to it than to a type 2.

I find being stuck on this planet, unable to be in this much higher level civilization frustrating, when they leave so many traces everywhere in our solar system and even on earth of their activity and existence.
There must be a way to contact them.
They won't be able to ignore us indefinitely at the rate we currently develop.
Is there some kind of secret government agency or group somewhere in the world which kept the knowledge of these astronauts ?

>> No.17132481

i don't care about living forever, i'm not that vain
give me my years then let me rest

>> No.17132490

Zenon Network is unironcally the cure to death. It will be integrated with Neuralink.

>> No.17132509

>t. doctor
then you're not a very good one pajeet faggot

>> No.17132584

based die-er

>> No.17132591

Well clearly is not the cure for stupidity





>> No.17132593

Degenerate as fuck.

>> No.17132670
File: 370 KB, 490x750, 1581082821212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine spending thousands of dollars taking this for years. you take it every day. you never miss a dose. then one day you get smashed by a fucking truck. lmfao hows that immortality working out for you retards?

>> No.17133156
File: 1.94 MB, 2847x1412, 17c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only the strength of your argument matched your temper. Nice dubs though.

>> No.17133750
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, D74C10D9-5255-4E0C-A5B0-729A63B8AB8E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y u mad
How else am I supposed to respond to a delusional pseud that has no idea what he’s talking about and makes anything outside of a presuppositional critique impossible; congratulate him on his nonsense because I feel bad for him? No, you’re an adult and are capable of not being a hollow-brained faggot, but you choose to not grow. You choose to remain in tard-stasis for whatever reason and want to drag everyone else down with you.

Have enough humility to accept when you’re wrong. You’re arguing that you don’t exist and can’t say anything meaningful; literally defeated yourself. Why the fuck won’t you grow up? Why?

>> No.17134031

>t. boomer in his deathbed

>> No.17134382
File: 145 KB, 380x377, 7600f1ed025b626e516896a3f0be0d914dc966f95597ce858998969162f48174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you'd stop responding to whatever nettling phantasm of your imagination that has you so riled up, and read my actual post instead, you'd realize that my "y u mad" response was appropriate. When you're this assmad about god knows what, it's barely worth it to debate with you.

But here goes. You're saying that I'm contradicting myself by dismissing the idea of a subject while also assuming a subject. That's pretty damning, I guess. Or it would be if I'd ever said anything remotely like that. What seems to have kicked your puppy is that I used the word "consciousness", "continuity", and "illusion" in the same sentence.

I don't deny that subjects exist. What would that even mean? Of course someone is there behind my eyes, only a dunce would believe otherwise. And only a frothing aspie would accuse someone else of believing otherwise.

I do deny the greentext at the start of my post: "absolute continuity of consciousness is a requirement for survival". The premise I'm arguing against is that one single gap in the biochemical chain of causation causes some crucial ingredient of the self to vanish, even when every single other content of the brain's informational content is preserved. I don't buy that.

The only knowledge that anyone has of their identity as a conscious being, comes from either self-awareness in the present, or introspecting on memories. And as soon as we're talking about more than a short duration ago (outside working memory), then subjectively it makes no difference the causal factors of the memory, for the purpose of identity. That is my thesis.

A person with unbroken meat-continuity, or the person who was flash cloned with a brain copy, or the person who was uploaded(copied) into a perfect simulation, these three all have the same claim on identity, in all the ways that matter. That's what I believe. So long as someone exists with that kind of claim to my identity, I would consider "myself" to survive the death of the original meat.

>> No.17134436

so much aging and dying apologetics here. "death gives life meaning" "children is living on"

BULLSHIT and you guys have drank the gerontological cool-aid, aging is a disease like anyone other.

Hopefully, improvements in AI and nanorobotics in the next 10-15 years will allow us to have a much better grasp of the complex mess that are metabolic processes. We prob wont get biological immortality by then, but preventative medicine will likely reach a "longevity escape velocity" to allow you to reach the year where immortality will be available.

>> No.17134514

imagine being an atheist unironically

>> No.17135148

>nettling phantasm
>continuity isn’t a required aspect of experience
Yes, it is. You’re assuming it as you read this sentence and every time you claim that it is an ‘illusion.’ If it’s an illusion, your knowledge is impossible, because you can’t experience reality any other way than through a beginning-middle-end process, so you’re indirectly saying that you’re an illusion. It is a nonsense contradiction. You can’t assume a ‘subject’ without continuity, because you are partially continuity.
>Nobody believes subjects don’t exists
Bullshit. A third or more of university philosophers are eliminative materialists. You don’t know what you’re talking about, because you’re somebody that make ‘consciousness’ contingent on material, which is a very, very stupid place to be that almost nobody takes serious.
>You can copy memories and structure, so they all have the same identity
What you’re doing here is assuming universals (same binary, computational structure means same identity) and that ‘consciousness’ is not transcendental (contingent on the body and nothing else), which is hylomorphism while denying the mind. This is a contradiction, because the mind must be transcendental to even have any form of hylomorphism. What are you even saying?

>> No.17135164

This is underrated and hilarious