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1711948 No.1711948 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1711954

>hurr durr thursday was just an anomly guys it was mexico and china being idiots xdddddd now da price is gonna recover
>bitcoin is going to the moon after this guys its rlly stable now plain sailing from here lmao xdddddddd

Fucking coiners, will you ever learn?

>> No.1711986

yes time for sweet revenge on the coin shills that shrieked about last chance to get in and you have been told... where are they? they always disappear like roacches when it's falling.

>> No.1711993

coiners are literal insects, parasites that emerge and disappear when convenient

>> No.1712001


Fucking nocoiners this is your last chance to get a ticket to the moon


>> No.1712005

By moon are you referring to below $400 within a week?

>> No.1712010

You are already missing out on 300$ gains per bitcoin as of right now when it reaches its latest high again


>> No.1712013

$840 and falling
>$840 and falling

>> No.1712020

Most coiners where in at half that like myself.

Fucking nocoiners when will they learn? Still 100% profit in less than a year even with these loses.

>> No.1712022

>tfw i bought abou 80 BTC in mid 2015 where the price was about 250 $

>tfw i spent it all on drugs

>tfw the last time i checked was at the end of dezember 2016

I have never felt that much regret in my life

>> No.1712024

That's why drugs are bad, kids

>> No.1712027

>spending 20k in a volatile pseudocurrency with constant value fluctuations due to lack of a regulatory body

There's a thin line between bravery and stupidity

>> No.1712029

when your life flashes before your eyes at the moment of death do you think you'll remember digital numbers or the real experiences you enjoyed?

I already know the answer.

>> No.1712030

hello there scum!

>> No.1712031

Sorry meant to type 18 not 80

>> No.1712034

Yeah, digital numbers

>> No.1712036

Already rising again

Nocoiners btfo once again

>> No.1712037

It's just getting pathetic now, just stop

>> No.1712038

People who buy bitcoins have very little understanding of economics. It's equivalent to selling bonds to China or letting them control the manufacturing process. China can literally destroy USA or BTC overnight if they feel like it. A bunch of get rich quick morons have no powers against the most powerful economy in the world.

>> No.1712046
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nocoiners: its not too late!

>> No.1712051

>just buy guys
t. multi milionair wale

>> No.1712052


>> No.1712057

anyone else buying bitcoins for the community experience. I love these threads where we all panic together and then make fun of nocoiners when shit goes well.

>> No.1712058

i buy because im not a short term panic fag

>> No.1712059

>Tfw you bought 30.1 coins a month ago
>Tfw you would them all a few days ago for $1013

You gotta know when to coin, and when to nocoin, time and a place.

>> No.1712060


>> No.1712061

i decided i will increase my bitcoin holdings this year to 1% of my wealth. but i'm gonna wait and see where the price falls. there is no rush.

>> No.1712069

also here is my bet: i think it will ball between $400 and $700
so far my predictions were pretty good, altho not sure technically btc reached gold parity but it came close enough.

>> No.1712077


I'm thinking it goes on a major bull trend after the upper 600's

>> No.1712078

could be depending on the geopolitical situation.
btc is moved by fear of loss and in a lesser extent greed. i think most of the btc buys are defensive.

>> No.1712087

>it was mexico and china being idiots xdddddd
That's literally what happened, yes.

>now da price is gonna recover
Logically, it should since the Mexican and Chinese currencies are already going back to their normal shitty levels.
But yesterday probably rattled a bunch of people, so who knows.

>> No.1712090

We're in bear trap phase. Idiots think the bullrun was 1200.

I guess they have never looked at a graph once in their life.

It will hit 580 then spike back up again.

>> No.1712094


Yep. It's gonna drop hard short term, but will be 2k by the end of the year, earlier if any one of the multiple speed bumps on the road (Europe debt, China debt, whatever) hits.

I wouldn't short it now, but I'd wait for the smoke to clear then go fucking hard in again.

>> No.1712095

I'd rather gamble 1k on 10 penny pharma companies. Then invest in buttcoins

>> No.1712101

damn it I panicked briefly and just gave coinbase $300. fuck.

>> No.1712105
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>btc pulls back from the insane gains it got during christmas/new year's
>still massive gains for anyone that bought before that

I guess coiners gotta celebrate whatever they can get.

>> No.1712112

>babbies first dip

All I see is a cheaper ticket to the moon and another opportunity to get in while I still can ,when Bitcoin is at 10k we will still be having the same arguments and no-coiners still won't listen

>> No.1712116

Bubble and stock crashes are this year.

>> No.1712121


>> No.1712184

Bitcoin IS a meme currency. Stop worrying about speculation and litterally MEME it into having more value. Or is everyone on this board so out of touch they can't even meme.

>> No.1712187

All im saying is that is if it falls, its because you let nocoiner shills spook speculators into letting it fall.




>> No.1712216

It's not and never was.

Bitcoin is an innovative technology, when it came out there was nothing like it.

It's also a real asset traded by real people (chinks are people too) with more money than you'll ever dream of having. And as those people realise that yesterday's surge in their national currency was a fluke, they'll move their riches right back to bitcoin.

>> No.1712227

Fucking shit coin should have sold at 1100

>> No.1712235

1m by 2020

>> No.1712343

lel no shit. what kind of rise did you expect? never take advice from losers on the internet

>> No.1712358

>tfw bought the bitfinex dip
Not even mad, still profiting.

>> No.1712369

you will probably get mad then you will start crying tomorrow it will be 700 and some.

>> No.1712418

>$1100 man I missed the rally
>$900 man this ship is going down
some people never learn

china is fucked, the PBOC is in full panic mode trying to save the yuan by all means but this is not going to happen

riding this ship for 3 years via dollar cost averaging got me a 100% ROI while sleeping

buy now or suicide later

>> No.1712439

I plan on buying this weekend, I don't want to kill myself and see it go down to $700, should i wait or buy now

>> No.1712452

Seeing as the Yuan is strengthening and btc is still going down I'd wait a bit

>> No.1712455


wouldn't the BTC go up if the Yuan gets stabilized, though?

>> No.1712456

only the people who hold Bitcoin can "destroy" Bitcoin. the people who hold Bitcoin have no reason to destroy Bitcoin.

>> No.1712457

>the Yuan is strengthening
lol no it definitely isn't

It was artificially strengthened yesterday, and spent all day today simply turning to shit again, with more to come tomorrow.
Which was very much to be expected.

>> No.1712458

I'm waiting.
The trend has been fluctuations and slight drops and rises during the day, then free fall at around 3:00 am (China's late afternoon) . I'm not buying again until this trend breaks

>> No.1712488

>that feel when I bought at 900

Should I end myself

>> No.1712494


Will this effect the chinese market?

>> No.1712496

it's at 906

>> No.1712502

alright thanks! when do you think you will buy?

>> No.1712510

a small amount every day

>> No.1712513

>getting jewed by the taxes

>> No.1712514

lol, taxation is theft

>> No.1712520

>implying you don't pay a tax when you buy BTC from any website

>> No.1712521

I'm waiting for more of a bottom. Who the fuck knows when that's going to be though but it's not feeling sturdy where it is now. I'd say it's still got a ways to drop though

>> No.1712523

>not buying it from your friend

>> No.1712526

We pay fees. Caused by exchanges paying taxes and keeping themselves operational. So indirectly yea, unless you're off one of the exchanges. No sales tax when I bought my 1000$ worth of crack on alphabay though

>> No.1712528
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>> No.1712530

>having friends

>> No.1712532

>buying worthless shit off alphabay
>not buying technology for cheap as balls price

>> No.1712535

Close your position faggot. Buy in again when They're cheap

>> No.1712539
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White christmas fags, the snow has melted it's time to see the foundation. You know, it's a bubble within a cryptobubble okay? kek

>> No.1712555


A percentage fee or tax doesn't change whether I buy a bitcoin for $1000 or 10x $100

You get jewed every day you hold USD (or any other fiat currency for that matter) instead of gold, silver or bitcoin

>> No.1712611







>> No.1712751
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>Libertardian currency is collapsing because of unresolved collective action problem.

:*) merry reality motherfuckers

>> No.1712756

>Libertardian currency is dipping because of currency manipulation


>> No.1712794
File: 11 KB, 309x224, 2017-01-06-195308_309x224_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> below 850 €
will i regret it ?

>> No.1712844


>Btc drops to 9,000USD
>Coiners absolutely btfo

>> No.1713137

>real experience
spotted the roastie

>> No.1713154

You bitcoin junkies are crazy. You talk about "price" but you never mention "value"
What made BTC valuable in the first place was Silk Road. You could buy drugs anonymously with BTC. When Silk Road shut down the price of bitcoin plunged.
Right now, the reason bitcoin was so high is wealthy Chinese were using BTC to evade capital controls, but now the People's Bank of China is clamping down, the bitcoin price is falling.
The "value" of bitcoin is it allows people to do illegal things. Once that is taken away the value is gone. The Chinese government could ass-rape bitcoin in the next few days.

>> No.1713166

The value of bitcoin lies in the fact that it can't be controlled by banks, corporations, or politicians.

It can be influenced by them, but that influence recedes as bitcoin grows.

>> No.1713181

It' an attribute not the value

What will you fags do when the FED starts its own Blockchain?

Or other countries?

Bitcoin is nothing but a prototype.

>> No.1713189

Value is relative. Nobody will want bitcoins if another like investment does relatively better. Bitcoins are not immune to economic fundamentals. Praying for bitcoin to increase in value to $10,000s per coin is like praying for the end of the world. It's never going to happen.

>> No.1713209

No, you're wrong.
This is not "value".
The value right now is wealthy Chinese know the yuan will be devalued and they want to get their wealth out of China. BTC can do this and that's the value.
The moment the Chinese.gov stops this (which they've started doing), BTC will lose it's value massively.

>> No.1713213

Banks are already using blockchains for their back-end.

And as long as bitcoin stays technically sound through updates like segwit, there's no reason for shitcoins to take off.

Nothing does what crypto does.
Hence its attraction in any place where governments are fucking over their populace.

>says that's not value
>explains how the Chinese see the value of it

>> No.1713218
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Bluepills: the preferred choice of coiners everywhere.

>> No.1713224


>> No.1713227
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> Credit card limit
> $10 loss

>> No.1713234
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w-wi-will my 106 ounces of silver and multi-gram bars of gold save me, Anon?

>> No.1713238


>> No.1713239

Coiners talk about "price" thinking they're talking about "value". They're two different things.
The current "value" is BTC offers a great opportunity to wealthy Chinese but has started to hurt the Chinese government. Once the PBOC decide to close Chinese BTC exchanges, or hit them with huge taxes, or simply make it illegal.

>> No.1713242

What will you fags do when the FED starts its own Blockchain?

That goes against the whole point of bitcoin,we dont need goverment issued currency that can be manipulated,tracked,seized,blocked ect

>Nobody will want bitcoins if another like investment does relatively better

Bitcoins potential isnt just about investing to get rich ,people need bitcoin they just dont know it yet.

I dont think you fags understand what bitcoin is and why its important.

>> No.1713243


>> No.1713246


>fiat currency with protections from governments

>he believes the government """helps""" the economy

>> No.1713253

>BTC offers a great opportunity to wealthy Chinese

It offers a great opportunity to the entire world,this isnt just about the chinese and a few billon dollars going through bitcoin isnt hurting china at all.

>> No.1713255

>Bitcoins potential isnt just about investing to get rich
This isn't "investing", it's "speculating". Completely different things.

>> No.1713262

It's seriously hurting the Chinese and there's a liquidity squeeze right now. Over the last few days the PBOC raised it's overnight deposit rate to 105% to crush Yuan short-sellers.
Now they're making noises about Bitcoin exchanges within China hurting the economy. If the Chinese gov shuts those exchanges down BTC will drop to $500 or less.

>> No.1713277

>It's seriously hurting the Chinese

No it's not ,the money flowing out of china through bitcoin is so small it's insignificant ,china has bigger fish to fry.

Banning it would hurt Bitcoin big time but it wouldn't stop it.

>> No.1713300
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Agreed. This is a paradigm shift, posing a threat to speculators and careless hold forever EXIT boys

>> No.1713331

Government can and does help the economy and faciliates it. You can argue how much influence is too much or to little but private institutions aren't building infrastructure (roads, dams, public transportation, things that facilitate the flow of economy) out of the kindness of their own heart but through government contracts.

Theirs things that private institutions aren't going to do that are critical to our nation (for example drainage and sewers) because their isn't profit in it. So either the goverment steps up to do it or pays someone else to handle it. So either way we will have to pay it goverment or not. Those workers then spend that money to help facilitate the economy.

You're being intellectually dishonest.

>> No.1713339
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>when you cant even afford 1 bitcoin

>> No.1713340


At least there's a chance the value goes up. With fiat you are GUARANTEED nothing but a slow steady decline in the currency's value.

Also I'm still 10%+ in the black so suck it.

>> No.1713346


Why would the government create a currency they can't manipulate?

>> No.1713363

Buy Enron, guys. Last chance to buy the dip. We're going to the moon, toot toot.

>> No.1713374

I'm gonna get me some of those shares in Lehman Brothers, too. That's going to the moon with Bitcoin.

>> No.1713388

>I dont think you fags understand what bitcoin is and why its important.
You don't even have a tenuous grasp of basic economics and yet you insult me. Let me break it down for you, child.

Nobody gives a shit about the fancy features of bitcoins. That's secondary to the main fact: People want to make money or preserve capital. Bitcoins could make wine from water but nobody will give a shit if holding it doesn't make any money. It's basic economics that Bitcoins MUST become worthless if holding it has an opportunity cost. It's like buying a risk free bond at 5% yield when you can buy a risk free one at 10% yield. The shittier deal MUST be cheaper.

>> No.1713393

You realize that ACTUAL currencies (USD, CAD, GBP, etc.) rise in value just as much as they fall in value, right? Tell me you learned and understood the basics behind currencies before trying to trade one with the highest level of volatility?

You fucking NEETs will always be chasing pipe dreams, broke in your mother's basement.

>> No.1713404

Weren't you dumb asses saying this shit a year ago whenever BTC was worth ~$300? What's the difference between bitcoin speculation and the rest of the speculation that runs rampant on this board?

I come down from /sci/ every now and then to observe the shit slinging that goes on between all of you penniless neanderthals.

However, I have always noticed that no-coiners are some of the only ones who spew this dribble. This board is infested with this stupid crab mentality, but many of you don't care to realize that you're, more than likely, bound to lose most of your investment capital from gambling.

Nothing separates you from that of a cryptocurrency "trader". You're both just as dumb.

>> No.1713405

You niggers will always be broke, I invest all of my capital with LTCM. Hedge fund master race reporting in.

>> No.1713420


>Government can and does help the economy

It can, but it sure as fuck doesn't when you look at the aggregate.

>and faciliates it

People exchanging goods and services "faciliate" the economy.

Looks like the inertia of Big Daddy Government being around for decades has caused this osmosis-induced belief that the Government can and should be necessarily involved in every god damn way every fuckin where. Most people alive now have never known a world where this wasn't so, so why should it change now?

>> No.1713429

Post proof of your claims or shut the fuck up. GSEs have facilitated and encouraged trade in markets which otherwise would have dried up years ago due to lack of liquidity and incentives.

Stop trying to be a rebellious teenager, you just look stupid.

>> No.1713433


>> No.1713462

I disagree ,Bitcoin wasn't designed to make people rich that's just a side effect for early adopters of a brand new currency with a capped supply.

The reason why Bitcoin is so important is that you are in full control of your money ,nobody can seize your assets or stop you from sending/receiving money,wikileaks for example had their bank accounts frozen but continue to receive Bitcoin donations.

I could pay you to do a job for me and it would be a tax free payment,it's like digital cash.

Somewhere like India which has just removed most cash from circulation would have benefited greatly by using Bitcoin instead.

Your thinking of it like a company's stock instead of understanding the potential of this new technology ,it's the biggest thing since the internet.

>> No.1713503


You're the one with the claims, son. Burden of proof. Or has your high school not instructed you in debate yet?

Government intervention to counter destructive government intervention which was designed to counter destructive government intervention is not a testament to the virtues of government intervention.

>> No.1713526

Wait till the Chinese see that H&S pattern...

>> No.1713548

Sexy bar, better airtight that bitch tho if you don't want it to cloud

>> No.1713568
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The value is $50k per bitcoin. The market hasn't even touched bitcoin yet. It's already been established as the go to safety net for any nation whose currency is shaky.

People may use it as an investment because it's still volatile and that's all great, but never forget that bitcoin is designed to be a currency and that it what it is ultimately moving toward. When it does get to that point where it is a more stable currency, the value will be tremendous due to deflation. It absolutely has to hit a ridiculously high price before there can be any such thing as a bubble burst. We can easily see a trillion dollar market cap in the future.

>> No.1713572

>investing money you need to live
Why are nocoiners so poor?

>> No.1713581


Look at your responses to what that other poster said. You stated, "it can, but it doesn't" without any examples or proof of your claims. Also, in response to the second part of that statement (where the other poster said "and facilitates it") you stated that "people exchanging goods and services facilitate the economy." You didn't provide any proof or examples of your point of view, you just stated your opinion as if it were commonly accepted fact.

And for future reference (so you don't look like an 'sperg), the burden of proof is held by the person who makes a claim against the already stated claim (or generally accepted opinion on the subject matter). Are you 15?

>> No.1713583

>What will you fags do when the FED starts its own Blockchain?
Why would they use blockchain technology for a centralized currency? That's retarded.

>> No.1713603

>you are in full control of your money ,nobody can seize your assets or stop you from sending/receiving money
is this what retards actually believe tho?

>> No.1713614

Apparently they own the entire internet kill switch now.

They are running in fear now.

I can't wait for the dead cat "see I told you it was awesome" bounce this time.

If it even happens...

>> No.1713620 [DELETED] 
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Nothing is certain in this world except death and taxes.

>> No.1713625


Catch a falling knife goy! You could be an instant winner!

>> No.1713672
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>> No.1713676

Good for you

I hear RP is great at

>> No.1713682
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Not yet over completely. Expect a bounce

>> No.1714308

Not until the panic retards get eaten

>> No.1714770

These are still early days. Right now a lot of people are only turning to bitcoin when things are actually turning to shit (see China, Venezuela, India, pretty soon the EU, ...).

As time goes by, even people in relatively stable areas will start using bitcoin more and more, since it's in many ways a far superior store of value than gold or stocks.

One obstacle right now is the perceived volatility in the short term, which is mostly due to the still relatively low adoption rate and market cap. Volatility isn't even bad at all in the mid-to-long term, since the last downtrend and uptrend both took about 16 months each.

>> No.1714827

>ACTUAL currencies (USD, CAD, GBP, etc.) rise in value just as much as they fall in value

This is probably the dumbest post ever on /biz/.

Google "inflation".

I sincerely hope you were trolling.

>> No.1714840

Its your fault for listening to /biz/ and /pol