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17107573 No.17107573 [Reply] [Original]

Which community has the dumbest community out of every project? I give my vote to VIDT and XRP

>> No.17107582
File: 854 KB, 1440x2693, 20200206_013249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for typo guys.

>> No.17107589

BSV, is this even a question

>> No.17107605

Chainlink. They know the ADL is watching and still tweet things like this.

>> No.17107624
File: 828 KB, 1440x2704, 20200122_135217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAG and VIDT. VIDT has way more juicy content though.

>> No.17107635

cope. rent free

>> No.17107645

There is no community more dumb than $DAG

Mainnet delayed again. They can't get it to work. Get ready for the exit scam.

>> No.17107662


their average IQ most be close to 70

>> No.17107664

Reading the snx discord will make you retarded

>> No.17107671

LOL. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this is just 4d pilpul to brand chain link as a nazi coin and scare of the norm is investors.

Not sure how much Jews care about a bunch of incel Nazi’s making it. It’s the white people that are capable of having families that Jews are afraid of

>> No.17107717

Wow so they were not lying when they said that VIDT holders are mainly payday loan takers, thieves, truckers and retards who hold shit like nano (lmao). >>17107573

>> No.17107752

CURIO by far.

>> No.17107754
File: 638 KB, 1200x1392, swingVidter_die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it weird and both encouraging that for such a tiny fucking community on that Vidt Trader channel there are people here who comb through it daily so they can use its content for fud purposes.

I am a lurker and joined the channel back in June 2019, never wrote more than 20 comments but read it lurking regularly. It is a good sign that this teeny channel generates such momentum from swinging biz bros.

Vidt is truly a hidden gem that is only coveted by a handful of anons compared to the other coins shilled here. So if you want to literally get in and join the movement to riches there are plenty of seats to sit in.

When this thing 10x's this year, slowly over the course of 10 months and then 3x's in a massive pump near the end of the year, it will truly be sweeter to re-read pathetic fud threads like this one from a swingVidter trying to get cheaper coins to buy.

>> No.17107758

Hex holders have the lowest IQ. Not up for debate sorry boys.

>> No.17107764

CURIO easily.

>> No.17107774

>Vidt is truly a hidden gem that is only coveted by a handful of anons compared to the other coins shilled here.
>only coveted by a handful of anons
Well that's because it got pump and dumped, Gerald. You're not supposed to hold after the dump.

>> No.17107800

June 2019? Lol

>T.top of pump bagholder

>> No.17107803
File: 782 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20200206-015124_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This exactly what I mean anons.. fucking brainlet.

>> No.17107848
File: 79 KB, 708x633, Liar_SwingVidter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ITT brainlet swingVidters hoping to get back in at 5 cents

We believe all you fudders anons.......we really do, sirs. You are trying to save us from losing money.

Thank you sirs! Thank you.

>> No.17107892

Gtfo with your shills this is not VIDT thread.

RSR community.

>> No.17107948


>> No.17108216

DAG only has content Satsgang posts which is shill trash and misinformation. I dont think DAG actually has a community anymore, they have been exposed as an actual real scam
The people doing the scamming are actually their own admins which as crazy as it sounds are the infamous Satsgang scumbags plaguing biz with millions of shitcoin threads a month.
This is the 2nd time their community disbanded, the first time is when their former CEO got caught day trading investor funds and lost millions. The new/current CEO Ben covered it up and got caught too. This token would already have closed its doors but the pump and dump group isnt done dumping their tokens yet. Looks like they started today its crashing hard