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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1710735 No.1710735 [Reply] [Original]

I am new to this board.

Please give me a summary of what:

a) An above average successful 35 year old /biz/ user would hold
b) An average 35 year old /biz/ user would hold

In a share account
/ emergency fund
/ assets /
whether or not he would be enslaved in a mortgage
/ value of house.
/ value of annual salary

Thank you.

>> No.1710750 [DELETED] 
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advice plz

>> No.1710760

There aren't many people on this board that are over 35, IMHO.

Maybe do a straw poll if you want some answers.

>> No.1710776

Don't post NSFW pics on a SFW board, hows that for advice?

>> No.1710784

Sorry I didnt realize that is was a SFW board.

>> No.1710813
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So guys... advice? I would love your opinion as different as it is to anyone elses, thanks!

>> No.1710831

Almost everyone on /biz/ are wage cucks that want to get rich with crypto and people that were banned from /g/ fir crypto begging.

>> No.1710841

oh.... ugh.... that doesnt mean there isnt a standard amount saved that someone on /biz/ would aspire to have at a certain age?

>> No.1710842


Fuck off we don't do argument from authority here.

>> No.1710851

what does argument from authority mean?

>> No.1710879
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yeah I'm 39.
I've no idea about the average /biz/ user. there's so much shit and autism floating around here, who knows what is true.

I'm moderately successful, nothing jaw-dropping, I know far richer people than me.

I am a half millionaire, and I made it all from bitcoin. Nothing else.

Sold half my BTC at the last peak 3 years ago for gold and silver, just to diversify. Back buying BTC again now tho.

I'm a programmer, SQL mainly, trying to get into data science so I'm learning MDX and R. I make $75k, but I'll do better than that this year.

No house, mortgage is debt-slavery. I've spent years traveling Asia and the Pacific, I'm free of all debt, so I can do this kind of thing. Real estate is a terrible bubble, a bubble that's gone on so long most people now think this is normal. I'm old enough to remember it is not normal for a house to be x4 or x8 or even x10 the average guys yearly wage. It's a bubble based on low interest rates which are price fixed by central banks. A fetish around housing developed, stupid TV programmes about it, everyone flipping, "RE never goes down!!". A house is a depreciating asset, the same as a car or a suit. It is not an asset if you live in it yourself. It's a liability.

>> No.1710949

oh cool how many btc did you have at your best? Did you mine them? thanks for sharing your story.

I earn less than you, but dont you think 75k is a little low for earning at your age? Maybe it isnt , I am a programmer too.

Thanks for your time

>> No.1711026
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yeah 75k is way low. But I just has 2.5 years out to travel Asia. I didn't work, and I got rusty and lazy. After my current contract ends in 6 months I'll be back in the game again.

I bought into bitcoin in late 2012 when it was about US$10 - $20 I think (I'm not a US anon). Already it was too late to mine it, even then. I just bought. At one point I had over 450. I'll never get back to that amount now, but I had to sell a good amount when it went over $1000 last time. My ROI was over x20, and even though I believed in bitcoin (I still do) you must take some money of the table when you make that much.