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File: 721 KB, 1920x1080, sniff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17103986 No.17103986[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are asian gf a good investment. I'm done with white women.

>> No.17104001


The problem is finding a true Asian one and not an Asian looking one raised in the west which are just as awful as white women

>> No.17104008

I’m interested what this webm is about

I’m an applefag phoneposter so I am not able to open webms

>> No.17104009

short white
long corona pussy

>> No.17104486
File: 22 KB, 563x390, 1579921014232-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17104650

> cope harder

Is this in a 1890's railroad building encampment? Cause I don't think I've ever seen an Asian girl that looks like that.

Ironically as well, you rarely see a white girl that has those epic proportions either, lol. Nice try.

>> No.17104695

Unironically yes
Married with SEA beautiful waifu

>> No.17104730

that's a shame because it's kinda hard to explain, but very sexually arousing

>> No.17104849

Look up “bottle cap challenge”. This is an Asian pole dancer completing it with her ass cheek while spinning on the pole.

>> No.17104926
File: 1.58 MB, 544x960, pickup.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its easy Anon

>> No.17104992

this is gonna sound insecure and bla bla bla.
but his shoulders show he is roiding hard.

>> No.17105020

also he does zero leg or trap work

>> No.17105027

i don't know shit about roids but it just looks off. i was going to comment on it as well.

>> No.17105032

i understand not wanting white women but mixed kids? ew

>> No.17105044

His lats are comically overdeveloped. His shoulders look like shit desu as well as the rest of his body.

His delts aren't that capped at all. Cannonball roid delts are usually much more pronounced, along with his traps but he could be on gear. Seems like all he does for workouts are weighted pullups and chin ups 5 times a week.

>> No.17105047

is there really no way to view webms in browser on iphone? i recently switched and it's the one thing that really fucking bugs me.

>> No.17105065

What the FUCK body type is that

>> No.17105067

Why does this matter when you come in from behind, pick up the woman, and you are so far above sea level that she cant even see your legs?
By the time shes back on terra ferma she is already in love no matter how stilky your legs are in comparison to your torso.

>> No.17105091
File: 314 KB, 1023x1331, 1562788557673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes if you can afford it

>> No.17105095

he looks like a major fag. terrible physique. i'd rather have "dadbod" than look like some fake & gay robot. extremely unnatural. the clothing choice just makes it even worse.

>> No.17105106


>> No.17105519

the very best investment

>> No.17105584

Download VLC, set your browsers dowloads to open in VLC rather than “files”. Done.

>> No.17105600
File: 565 KB, 694x417, 1580863351851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also gets mogged by this tigerino. (I hate predators, bears and hyenas especially, but have to admit this looks cool).

>> No.17105617

oh and orcas

>> No.17105857


cope and seethe, neckbeard fatasses

>> No.17106283

Made the upgrade 5 years ago, wish I had done it sooner. She cooks, cleans, works 9-5, and helps run a side business we started. Also blowies on demand.

>> No.17106442

>skipping below neck day for this

>> No.17106470

Chicken legs and undersized shirt makes him look like a fag

>> No.17106478

God this is one of the few areas where i actually envy americans, they have easy access to cute asians

being a europoor is hell if you got the yellow fever, there's barely any, and they are more than often the south-eastern ugly pugmy variety that is working au pair or some tourist brought home with him