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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17100721 No.17100721 [Reply] [Original]

Was it really that easy? Are the bank + government partnerships just desperation to throw money at control that they will never get?

I have a fever, but I've come up with some vast conspiracy theories. George Soros doesn't want this to moon, because control of riches would truly be lost. What can be done to stop them though, at this point?

I know a million dollars isn't a lot of money in the ICO world, but in 2 weeks, during these uncertain times, it certainly was impressive. Who did the 1,000 ETH tx's? Why didn't they do it publicly so we know who to thank?


>> No.17100772
File: 747 KB, 750x1500, vitalik-kleros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17100949

This aint even the half of it, too.

>> No.17100968

tho i fear another 6 months until we start to truly moon, it's a no brainer. always been about patience.

>> No.17101271

Won't be that long until uptrend begins.

>> No.17101287

Smart money. Follow the link wallets.

>> No.17101370

bamped. crucial tool in the construction of a new world online, free from the shackles of state control and big capital.

I don't care about material riches, this is of much greater scale.

>> No.17101392

LINK and PNK are the patient man's holds. Only those with solid resolve and confidence will make it.

>> No.17101418

Glad I got a smol bag at the recent sale and also glad that recent sale sold out. Been nice watching it crawl upwards steadily. May sell some 5-15x from here, may not.

>> No.17101437

Except that pnk will be outperforming link when normies will fomo at 10 cents.

>> No.17101603

This. I hold LINK too but we are talking market caps that vary by a magnitude. PNK is the underdog here and I wouldn't be surprised to see it 100x while LINK 10xs.

We are free now. Some of us just don't know it yet.

>> No.17101621

i sold another 20% of my Link for kleros. I know, I know....BTFO. but i don't think so.

>> No.17101637

What exchange do you all use?
I think I'm going to start playing the crypto game.
The market seems to be following 2017. The only thing I have is coinbase but it seems like coinbase is for braindead retards

>> No.17101671

>0 volume
>nobody waiting to buy
>literally everyone waiting to sell

I’m sure this will end well, anon. Literally a game of hot potato whoever sells first wins (assuming they don’t have more than $5-10k worth) and everyone else gets bags forever.

>> No.17101692

b-b-but it's up 500%, no way this is a pnd akin to SENT and many others, biz would never!
>checks volume
l-l-looks like it's gonna go up majorly guise

>> No.17101715

You can exchange eth for pnk on bitfinex.

>> No.17101872

good work you described every crypto EVER! want a cookie?

buy my bags at $1, pleb.

>> No.17101894

It's your first day, isn't it? Stay poor.

>> No.17101929

I cannot comprehend this level of illiteracy and lack of interest in what this is actually about.

Kleros has granted us a power to freely resolve any kind of problem in direct financial transactions, even created a way to create our own businesses around it and prosper - all of this is already here.

There is no FUD that will tear these foundations, they are lain deep in the earth.

>> No.17102053

Similar FUD to Link threads.

Iron hands peoples, PNK is still up for fucking ICO holders and they haven't sold yet.

It's gonna be fine.

>> No.17102066

what’s your sell target?

>> No.17102116

one should stay safe from digital data theft & privacy on internet & the best antibiotic to this problem is decentralised internet service which is going to be future many new organization like tachyon protocol are coming with unique solutions, along with change in crypto currency we should also work on decentralized internet!!!! How cooool or would be.

>> No.17102159

Everyone here just wants to make money. Little do they know...the answer is right in front of them. And it comes in the corporeal form of an icosahedron yet embodies the illusive financial liberation we have been looking for.

>> No.17102668

$1 for half.

>> No.17102902

it will make you rich if you have the backbone to hold through the upcoming dip

>> No.17103071



>> No.17103099

How high will this thing go?

>> No.17103362

What makes you think it will dip? I'm not trying to be a smart-ass, unironical question.

>> No.17103425

Next month also this https://ethcc.io/ and speakers.. https://ethcc.io/speakers.html

>> No.17103428

Their CEO keeps speaking at Ivy League universities.

This week they were at Oxford and Harvard



> Meeting with Colin Rule, the architect of Ebay's dispute resolution system.

If this doesn't go to $1, I'll neck.

>> No.17103730

is there actually anyone left to fall for this shit? how much money have you guys made on this venture so far?

>> No.17104088

None since I haven't sold any of my 700k PNK yet. Feeling up and comfy on my paper profits though.

>> No.17104495

30% up too I'm also so comfy
Next bull run will be powered by Brad and Chad's parental money
It's not going to dip. No one would sell at a loss for no reason and there is absolutely no sell pressure since team tokens aren't needed for funding at all. (French Gov and Investment bank gave them cash)

>> No.17104554

$1 is conservative for what they have planned. If you hold PNK, you will make it.

>> No.17104696

Holy shit you fat cunt, you bought during the last token sell?

>> No.17104775

I bought an ETH worth but this thing will not moon until they do all their token sales. If it were to 10x and they would make another token sale, then it would tank the price. Long term OK hold, but it will not move for the next two or more years for sure.

>> No.17104834
File: 59 KB, 1280x873, 23F3E219-07A9-4815-AC48-7F2B397B20BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kills the PNK

>> No.17104892

Still waiting fud fudders to tell me why link whales switched to pnk

>> No.17104928

Lol anon....it's done...the token sales are done...no more pressure. Now, we fucking launch. Give it a month or so.

>> No.17104971
File: 33 KB, 1185x1109, 727E3758-6565-49B6-B383-2ED980BAE0AF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you not know what you are investing in you idiot? Pic is literally from their secondary token sale FAQ. https://www.google.com/amp/blog.kleros.io/kleros-token-sale-frequently-asked-questions/amp/

>> No.17105135

Ah shit you got me whatever though Kleros is still based af 2017 vibes all over

>> No.17105194

Yeah same here, but the launch is scheduled very far into the future. It’s literally just a stablecoin until then.

>> No.17105988

A stablecoin that gains 30% in value over a month? Sign me up.

>> No.17106045

>it’s literally just a stablecoin
You're literally a retard for thinking that

>> No.17106677

Lmao no go ahead and look at the ytd chart

>> No.17106804
File: 307 KB, 824x1033, YTDKNK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*the collective sound of biz cooming*

>> No.17107109

what's /biz/ selling price fellow pinkies?

>> No.17107442

depends on the state of smart contract adoption by legacy institutions by the time it hits $1

>> No.17107549

1$ sell 50%
10$ sell 50%

>> No.17107716

Us resident? Use uniswap.

>> No.17107737


>> No.17108094
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>> No.17108169
File: 35 KB, 330x233, furry speaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There appears to be a slight furry problem. Some real cuties too, though.

>> No.17108260
File: 574 KB, 1371x2269, Screenshot_20200206-013421_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sees Pic related
>fucking 2 btc volume dead shitcoin
>the future of Finance

Hahahahahahahahah, oh god the absolute delusion of Pinkies.

>> No.17108317

How do you expect high volume but low market cap? Why are y'all so retarded

>> No.17108321

>Imagine not knowing about Dildoswap.

>> No.17108367

>STILL doesn’t understand uniswap

>> No.17108381

He still, does not, somehow, doesn't, retard, know.

>> No.17108419

what figure do you think it will reach?