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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17100285 No.17100285 [Reply] [Original]

tick tock corekeks

>> No.17100300

there is literally no bigger date than was 4th february genesis fork, we should pray for some non-organic pump at least

>> No.17100326

>random future date
>tick tock corecucks
>nothing happens

>random future date
>tick tock corecucks
>nothing happens

>random future date
>tick tock corecucks
>nothing happens

>random future date
>tick tock corecucks
>nothing happens

>random future date
>tick tock corecucks
>nothing happens

>random future date
>tick tock corecucks
>nothing happens

>random future date
>tick tock corecucks
>nothing happens

>random future date
>tick tock corecucks
>nothing happens

>random future date
>tick tock corecucks
>nothing happens

>random future date
>tick tock corecucks
>nothing happens

>random future date
>tick tock corecucks
>nothing happens

>> No.17100331


Some people unironically believe this? What a joke. There was nothing that big about the Genesis upgrade, and it had been highly anticipated.

The real doomsday clock for BTC is the halvening; some corecucks still think there will be a huge price increase at that time, not realizing that this time around it will be extremely apparent that Satoshi's original vision of having miners compensated primarily by a huge volume of small transaction fees is the only thing that will work as the block reward gradually vanishes.

>> No.17100337

31st of octobruery, that's when we'll moon

>> No.17100341

>this random future date was actually NOTHING!
>BUT the next random future date is gonna change EVERYTHING!

>> No.17100357

nobody can know what happens for sure, we ll see soon

>> No.17100396


Exactly. Not sure why you feel the need to use the word random, the update had to be scheduled sometime, and the halvenings are regular occurrences.

But yes, as you say, the Genesis upgrade had been anticipated for half a year, and all it did was to remove the default blocksize limit and restore opcodes which should never have been removed. What about this would have a sudden effect on the market? Nothing, obviously.

On the other hand, the next halvening will obviously have a gigantic impact on miners, who have spent millions in equipment and manpower to profit. As it approached, miners will abandon BTC in larger and larger numbers, since BTC still relies almost exclusively on the block reward for miner compensation, whereas Satoshi's original vision was that they would be compensated by a huge volume of small fee transactions.

>In a few decades when the reward gets too small, the transaction fee will become the main compensation for [mining] nodes. I'm sure that in 20 years there will either be very large transaction volume or no volume.
>—Satoshi Nakamoto

>> No.17100410
File: 67 KB, 780x353, mufg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes sirs 4th largest bank sirs anti usury sirs

>> No.17100453

but mining is still profitable after the halvening, maybe in 4 years if there is no technological breakthrough

>> No.17100470


Mining BTC compared to BCH and BSV is already barely profitable; after the halvening, if the prices remain equal, it will be extremely unprofitable to mine BTC. This being the fact will cause miners to abandon mining BTC en masse as it approaches, which will in turn cause the BTC price to plummet, further exacerbating this effect. Eventually BTC will revert to its real value of $0, unless someone keeps mining it for fun, then maybe it will still be worth a few dollars.

>> No.17100489

>>In a few decades
can't wait for the next random date you set after nothing happens yet again

>> No.17100497

>Worshiping an Australian shitposter.
How fucking dumb are you guys?

>> No.17100517


That was a direct quote by Satoshi Nakamoto, not me. His point was that miners will be increasingly relying on transaction fees to stay profitable with every halving, and since mining BTC is already barely profitable compared to BSV, which is embodying exactly what Satoshi was referring to in that quote, the upcoming halving will be fatal for BTC. While there is an exact date for it, it's impossible to predict exactly when miners will start leaving BTC en masse, but it will certainly be long before it actually happens.

>> No.17100560

>January 1st
>January 21st
>February 4th
>February 29th
Lol, you pajeets are so pathetic.

>> No.17100574

There's no point trying to explain something obvious to whomever does not want to understand. "They" want a date, a key with signature, without realising that "they" are posting green wojaks for a 2% up while everything else is pumping around them. "They" 'll fomo in when we are past $1k

>> No.17100576

>but it will certainly be long before it actually happens.
so miners will leave before halvening?

>> No.17100667

Honestly posting bsv/shatoshi threads should result in permaban

>> No.17100674

stop worrying about dates and enjoy the process
build something you lazy faggots

>> No.17100682


>> No.17100707
File: 7 KB, 232x217, 1573399427909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one coping here, retard. You hold a literally fake and literally gay shitcoin.

>> No.17100971

last gen mining equipment plus cheap power is profitable even after halvening.

some miners will quit but that doesnt matter

>> No.17101336


En masse as the halving approaches, yes. Miners go where the money is to be made, having invested millions in operations which desperately need to be profitable; when BTC halves, any miners who haven't left already due to seeing what's coming will be mining at a massive deficit compared to chains which have followed Satoshi's original vision of compensating miners with a large volume of small transaction fees.

>> No.17101507

February 30
tick tock corekeks this date changes EVERYTHING

>> No.17101582

you're actually braindead
if miners are leaving before the halvening
whoever is left mining will be a lot more profitable, and whatever shitcoin the leavers decided to mine, is a lot less profitable since they joined.

if 50% of miners leave BEFORE the halvening (not that they would) anyone left mining won't even feel the halvening since they'll be making 2x more
you fail to grasp the concept that mining rewards aren't constant, they're changing, a blockchain doesn't all of a sudden decide to give everyone more revenue, if there's more miners, each miners makes less, if there's less miners, each miner makes more.