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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17097207 No.17097207 [Reply] [Original]

I lost $5000 on the fucking VIDT pump and dump scam. I can't cope, bros. It was 10% of my portfolio a.k.a. life savings. I have a young family for fuck's sake. I feel like total shit.

>> No.17097221

stop chasing pump and dumps like a ducking retard

>> No.17097225

When did this happen?

>> No.17097226

I did. I'm totally done with that shit. I went all in link and am only gonna check it once per week.

>> No.17097237

Bought this shit for 28 cents months ago . Market dumped near 12 cents the other day. $5000 USD in realized losses. Absolutely crippling to my portfolio and my family's future. Stay away from this fucking satsgang shitstain pump and dump scam. Trust me. I was the one making more VIDT shill threads than anyone. I dumped that shit and bought LINK, and I wish I did it way fucking sooner. Unbelievable.

>> No.17097244

I bought VIDT less than a month ago and already at 25% loss. Fuck my life. Never listening to shills ever again.

>> No.17097251

>I went all in link and am only gonna check it once per week.
Anon I....

>> No.17097254

not possible

>> No.17097258

Sell now man. I held and held until I lose about 2K in LINK I could have had. Fuck this scam. I'd be down to do a class action lawsuits against them if they ever open their Dutch stock exchange scam . Fuck those assholes.

>> No.17097264

$1000 EOY

>> No.17097280

Just don’t fucking sell your linkies low too, okay?

>> No.17097299

Dont worry op. Youll be able to trade them for shares in their company and make your money back.Very slowly though.

>> No.17097316

I'm never selling my linkies. They actually hold their value and go up in sats long term, not bleed and bleed like garbage VIDT.

Market sold that shit . I hate v-id

>> No.17097333

Bruh it hasn't been worth more than 20 cents since August 2019.

>It's not a pump and dump, it's a pump and slowly bleed to death

t. VIDT bagholder

>> No.17097357

That's when I bought bro. I've been holding this steaming bag if shit since August 2019. I bought on IDEX pre kyc. I even held through the 6 cent lows. I'm finally free now. It was a harsh fucking lesson.

>> No.17097374

How do i get in this satsgang group?

>> No.17097387

Lol I know that's what I'm wondering too. Where are these alleged pump n dump shill groups . I'm down

Checked harsh reality pill.

>> No.17097391

>I have a young family for fuck's sake.
>I went all in link

anon I...

>> No.17097402

A harsh lesson indeed. Been hodling since 36 cents.
Split your remaining investments between KNC and BSV and you'll be fine.

Take it from a guy who lost all his money on a pump and dump shitcoin.

>> No.17097403

Your fault for falling for it. Fuck you for continuing to encourage these street shitters to keep spamming this board

>> No.17097424
File: 863 KB, 1408x2505, 20200204_031935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you OP?

>> No.17097450

Yeah I actually have some bsv, so I'm not "all in" link. Have the sui stack tho. Bsv, link, maybe eth are all u need. I can smell out the scams like a bloodhound now. I know you know the feel.

>> No.17097454

No Im not on discord.

>> No.17097466


>> No.17097600
File: 1.51 MB, 1259x1698, vidt.bags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times will biz get dumped on by VIDT. I wonder how many are still holding from the 50 cent run