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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17096970 No.17096970 [Reply] [Original]

frens, everyone on this board is sick. We all came here to make it, as bros, against the system, but look at how we've turned on each other. Just scroll through this board and look at all these dogshit posts with pajeets trying to dump their bags on each other. We are all materialists and money-fetishists.This isn't what it was all about. Remember the old days on /mu/ and /fa/ and /fit/ and /pol/? /v/, /a/, /sci/, /g/, dozens of others I've neglected to mention. We didn't care about money, we were just trying to be creative and fucking live; learn new things.

Ever since I've found this board 3 years ago I've been consumed with this sick idea that having lots of money is going to make me happy deep down. Not to mention this delusion of thinking that this massive altcoin bullrun will happen again and I'll have a second chance at making $3,000,000 from a $3,000 investment. I know I'm not the only one. It's time to let go, we didn't make it.


>> No.17096974
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To all my doomers out there, we need to change before its too late. 4chan is not even the problem in our lives, /biz/ is. We need to ignite a mass exodus of /biz/ back into other boards and rediscover new hobbies that are creative and not just MUH LAMBO BUY BUY CONSOOM CONSOOM. Its gotta get better frens, we cant be doomers forever. This has to be just one mass metaphysical phase on the road to maturity in our generations collective consciousness. We couldn't possibly stay this sad and fucked up forever. I'm taking the first step and leaving this wretched board. I'm not leaving 4chan, I'm just going back to other boards. And I'm not selling anything, I just don't want to waste my life thinking about it ffs. I'll check back in 3 years and I'll either have nothing or a gorillion fucking dollars. Either way I don't give a fuck anymore. See you faggots around on /s/.

*congratulations to all the frens who made it over the years, you know you are the scarce minority*

>> No.17097001


>> No.17097039
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>> No.17097046

Wake up anon good job sending love