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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 192 KB, 841x750, bat JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17093392 No.17093392 [Reply] [Original]

>It will never moon edition

how low do we go now?

>> No.17093439
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>> No.17093512
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>> No.17093685

Accumulate this while you still can. Publisher ads, and tab page ads are extremely close. The self service ad dashboard is also on its way. Pretty sure they are about to add an uphold widget that lets you buy a monthly subscription of tokens in the browser with a credit card also. Just throw in paywall access and a vpn service and the supply is going to become bone dry with all the new users being added.

>> No.17093751

At least we are maintaining that bit of pump but I’m about to sell my stack and just accumulate via browser only. This shit doesn’t do fuck all and the only reason I really check out these threads are for charts, news, and the braps.

>> No.17093783
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>> No.17093884


Same. Thinking of converting mine to link or tezos

>> No.17093910

it all went downhill with china and their soups

>> No.17093955

Where were you when you realized the attention span of the average person is only worth about $0.20?

>> No.17093983

Lock your BAT stack in Maker CDP for DAI and reinvest it. BAT holds it's value and as long as your reinvestment goes up 8% APR over the year youll pull out ahead.

>> No.17094004

It is such a small amount it is almost worth letting google make trillions on my data.

>> No.17094112

Imagine thinking/biz/ has patience.

>> No.17094222

Was thinking of Tezos as well. That African tweet from link as well as all their other shitcoin scam partnerships with no actual ones promised like Google is having me think it’s dying a slow death.

Not a bad idea. I’ll look into it and might put a bit in there

>> No.17094239

True. I have seen a few posters talking about packing up their bags just as we are getting started. Brave/BAT is breaking into mainstream society. People are not making a big enough deal about 12m users and 400k publishers.

>> No.17094717

This is the problem. Idiots jump from ship to ship too much. Oh well, others need to fail for us to succeed, patience will prosper.

>> No.17094792

An business that needs to pay its users wont prosper much

>> No.17095147

XTZ practically does the same thing with staking and the faucet.

>> No.17095488

You mean like a bank?

>> No.17095769

Brave isn't pay it's users, Brave's advertisers pay it's users. It's money that would be going to Google otherwise, instead it creates a crop of users who are opting in and provide more than a 'click'

>> No.17095911

honest question, why would I buy something that is literally given away for free

>> No.17096054

Because you are early and there are only 1.5 Billion BAT ever which will be divided among 12 Million Brave users and growing. You can earn a few USD of BAT per month, which is around 10-20 tokens now. but give it a few years you'll be lucky to earn 0.1-0.2 BAT per month.

>> No.17096176
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because price go up

>> No.17096480

the price will stay still low until it doesn't, buy now while it's cheap

>> No.17096559

I've started getting Best Buy ads in the last few days

>> No.17096590

I don't know why they cant figure it out. Its simple math. If Brave pulls in $40B worth of ads in the future and theres less than 1.5B coins spread between millions of users should the price go down, stay the same or rise from where its currently located?

>> No.17096593

best buy, amazon and shartmart. normie coworkers talking about it. very bullish, pls buy sirs

>> No.17096616
File: 207 KB, 442x458, 1564384504995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this stupid fuckin pajeet browser not show me any ads??? i want some neetbucks for fucks sake, but i dont get any ads, not on my win7 machine, not on my linux machine (and yes i got rewards enabled, even 5 per hour, and yes, my country was supported from the beginning)

>> No.17096673
File: 1.09 MB, 380x216, mou laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first ad that has caused me to buy something. Also getting Ledger ads now, probably going to buy one of those soon

because you live in Benis, Pajeetstan and you only browse weird asian pornography websites

>> No.17096703
File: 40 KB, 640x640, 1530113112944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any real advice or are you bat shills literally all street shitters?

>> No.17096716

why dont you email support you kook?

>> No.17096722

What's your region? are you using a vpn?

>> No.17096757

i noticed when i browsed privately i dkdnt get any ads for some reason. are you using private only?

>> No.17096761
File: 421 KB, 596x695, dahyun_smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just this moment i got my first add and therefore my first 2 cents
thank you, sirs!

>> No.17096870
File: 57 KB, 387x709, add.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They add up. Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.

>> No.17097583

Where’s the braps REEEEEEEE

>> No.17097707

I feel like I've been holding 25k BAT for 4 years.

>> No.17098377
File: 139 KB, 1080x1080, 1505267927563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no braps here lad

>> No.17098985

I'd certainly go low on <3 jennie <3 if you know what I mean anons?

>> No.17098996

checked, based and sniffpilled

>> No.17100022

Because you are an undercover street shitter. I am from a 2'nd world country and still receive ads. Fuck off, Pajeet trying to act like a real person.

>> No.17100075

Your country is so shit, advertisers just aren't interested in showing you their ads.