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17090440 No.17090440 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, 26
>study Computer Science
>Fail higher maths class twice
>Only one chance left
>Gonna fail this propaply as well next semester

I will soon get kicked out of university, becuase I am too retarded to fucking pass this math class. I am in general a retard. I also lost 5000$ in Crypto.
My parents are dissapointed as fuck when they find out I get kicked out. I am a major dissapointment to them and to society.
26, without a degree and without anything to show for. It is over.
How the fuck do I kill myself properly. Because I damn sure would fuck this up as well.
And don´t tell me "don´t do it anon"
I thought about this for months already.
There is nothing to live for as a 90 IQ brainlet. I damn sure won´t spend my life as a cashier.
Sidenote: I can´t buy a gun

>> No.17090458

What class?

t. MS in Math

>> No.17090479

killing yourself is easy its literally the easiest thing in the world. if you fuck it up you should really kill yourself but unironically also dont kill yourself if you are white otherwise i dont give a fuck

>> No.17090510

I cant code and I have a software engineering masters

Its possible dude. Just grind the memorisable stuff, pick a thesis more theory focused and do past papers/email TAs for help, academia is a lonely life and if someone reaches to them for help they'll latch onto whatever morsel of human contact they can get

>> No.17090517

The one which focuses on derivatives and integrals? Just watch the pajeets on youtube solve random equations for hours until you get the idea, 50% in that class should be quite doable if you get the basics.

>> No.17090523
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Seek tutor.
Talk to instructor.
Petition school.
Focus 80% on just the one class.
Pay qt 3.14 STEMballina to do your hw and make you dinner.
Use Wolfram.
Use Paul's math forum.
Email Satoshi.
You can do it fren.

>> No.17090539

How many threads is this in one day now OP?

>> No.17090616

don't kys anon.
adopt a drug abuse problem.
after living in the street for a while, you'll be fixed and NA will give you reason to live if you don't OD like a hillbillie Albama nigger

>> No.17090662

Anon just pass your class. Get off /biz/ and get your ass in a library

>> No.17090667

is computer science something that you like? what do you like? try to build your life around that and fuck everybody and everything else

>> No.17090697

>What class?

>if you are white
I am

>I cant code
For some reason I never had difficulties with programming. My math tutor even told me that more people fail programming classes than maths. But for some reason I can´t pass math

>The one which focuses on derivatives and integrals?

>> No.17090717

OP solve this 2(2x2):2 = A 4 B 6 C 8

>> No.17090722

>is computer science something that you like?
Yes. I wouldn´t want to study anything else. The only other thing I am interested in are languages (Currently learning Russian). But this doesn´t pay the bill and is not really a skill, because everybody who grew up in an multi linguistic household is better off than me

>> No.17090737


>> No.17090776

that is correct! you are a master mathician! If I were you I'd start teaching English in some other country (currently not China but plenty of other countries) then do a parttime computer science education on the side.

>> No.17090783

CS majors take analysis? The one with manifolds and cauchy series and lebegue numbers and point-set top.?
See what you wanna do is sit down everyday and rewrite 3 proofs you've done. As you are writing after every step ask yourself "why?" and once you convince yourself the why ask yourself "so what?" This will help your proof and logic skills.
In a nutshell:
>Rewrite notes all day everyday
>Ask why when you are going through proofs
>Ask no what when you figure out the why
Analysis hurts anon, but you will be able to derive nearly all of sing-var calc if you push through.

>> No.17090792


>> No.17090808

>no what
*So what

>> No.17090824

he said higher math not 3rd grade meme level questions

>> No.17090875

>The one with manifolds and cauchy series and lebegue numbers and point-set top.?
Exactly those.
Linear Algebra wasn´t a problem. But this shit is fucking me up.
Also good advice I guess.
What I have done so far was:
Trying to solve stuff on my own. Didn´t work out, try again. If it still didn´t work out, then I looked up how the tutor did it.
I understand it afterwards and it makes sense to me. But getting there on my own propaply only works 40% to 50% of the time.
Then I go into the exam, get nervous and fuck it even more up. las time I had terrible diarrhea because I was so fucking vervous

>> No.17090938

Yeah, if you really can't understand the "why" behind proofs the next best thing is to just write it out dozens and dozens of times so that when you get to the test it's almost like muscle memory. GL anon don't give up.

>> No.17091017


>> No.17091058

kek this

>> No.17091281
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>Computer Science
I always thought, people who study it, know how to program at least and how code works.
It is very strange to see people take on things they don't have passion for, etc.
I always thought renewable energy is the future and 11 years ago i took on it at uni. Later I just found myself lied to by incorrect studies names, all I did in uni was stupid civil engineering for 1.5 years, imagine there was still 2.5 left (but anon after two years basic stuff ends and then you go to your directional studies) I just blew it, after first year I thought out the plan to end my miserable studies. I just quit. Left that stupid place with arrogant teachers and their post-soviet attitudes. Yes, it costed me a bunch, I mean my parents. it was their entire year wage, and what? I'm electrician after quick studies in college, some stuff was transferred from uni onto college as completed, it made my time there even easier.
Need to assemble some cyclone system cabinet? I can do it.
Need to connect power cables? I can do it.
Need to make joints up to 110kV? I'm allowed to do it.
Need a consultation about solar panels, wind? costs? when how and where? I can do it for you.
Home fittings? like 2x2, even kids can do it under supervision.
Something is about to go boom, we don't know what happened!! - I can find it for you and fix it.
Breaker went caboom in wind tower? Yep, i can climb and change it for you.
All I do in my free time is fitting houses, because it just doubles my wage.
Op, be a retard and just end your miserable uni life, choose trade and live like a normal human being, stop thinking about status. You will end up emptying rich man's pockets with your trade. You will get a skill how much is your time worth.
Also plumbers probably can relate, those bastard make more than me. Air-water pumps are on the trend, those bastards don't have time to sleep fitting them. It's a gold mine these days.
>Relocate yourself, faggot, you there just for status.

>> No.17091493

I’ll tell you the easiest and most painless way to kill yourself.

Live for 50 more years, find a job, get a good wife, have children. And die of old age. Guaranteed death 100%.

>> No.17091513

what if he gets sick along the road to getting old? you put in so much effort, then a sickness comes along and you die anyway

>> No.17091519

If you get there properly only 50% of the time then you’re not ready for the test. WHY ARE YOU DOING TESTS WHEN YOURE NOT READY OP?

>> No.17091563

he just did my test and he passed, I say OP is pranking us, he already proven to be a master mathician, only few people in the world know solution to my test! This comes from world record high math competition and was the toughest question to answer, can't get any higher math than that!